NewsOctober 3, 2021 11:14 AM ET6,096 views

Syracuse hardcore New Year's Day matinee lineup takes shape

Syracuse New Years Day matinee

The Syracuse hardcore community will kick off 2022 with another New Year's Day matinee. The event will take place on January 1, 2022 at the Vineyard Wescott, with doors set to open at 2pm.

The full line-up will be revealed on November 14, with the following acts confirmed thus far:

Death Threat
One Step Closer
The Answer
Stand Alone
The Thrill

Proof of vaccination or a negative test will be required for entry.


Post Comment

evil_hero 10/3/2021 9:07:37 AM

going to be a super spreader event either way

evil_hero 10/3/2021 9:07:59 AM

big J down on south st is selling vax cards for $5

anonymous 10/3/2021 9:41:41 AM

^ will be there standing motionless in the back, checking his phone every 35 seconds.

anonymous 10/3/2021 11:54:24 AM

Wait till all the idiots with fake vax cards get snitched on and arrested.

anonymous 10/3/2021 12:26:12 PM

What a shitty start to the new year.

anonymous 10/3/2021 1:17:10 PM

anonymous 50 minutes ago What a shitty start to the new year.

anonymous 10/3/2021 2:35:39 PM

Hxc is deAd. Hipster core lives.

anonymous 10/3/2021 2:58:52 PM

Put out a Death Threat EP with the recent Last Dayz reunion line-up. What's the hold up?

evil_hero 10/3/2021 3:54:44 PM

anonymous 3 hours ago Wait till all the idiots with fake vax cards get snitched on and arrested. haha

evil_hero 10/3/2021 3:55:02 PM

big J is keepin' a list...

anonymous 10/3/2021 4:52:07 PM

This New Year's Day show is even weaker than last year's. LOL @ Death Threat as the headliner & named after a Linkin Park song wannabe pop punk sellout One Step Closer supporting. DT didn't even headline a Syracuse NYD show or Syracuse show period in their "heyday" (1998-2004.) SMH @ Stand Alone playing this show & just about every hardcore show in Syracuse cuz a member or two puts on all the shows in the city. I mean yeah your shows but putting your band on every show or 90% of them is weak as sh it - give other local/area bands a chance. You're not getting bigger by doing that. No Earth Crisis or The Path Of Resistance again, no real Syracuse NYD show. EC too good to play it or something? Done once for all? At least TPOR hasn't been a gigging band for years & never really played out much so they get a pass.

anonymous 10/3/2021 5:03:38 PM

Uh oh Regulate's playing - all women stay away from this show. Regulate's drummer might attack one or several of you then make a public statement about how he doesn't think what he did "constitutes as rape." Oh wait he did that & suffered no consequences, he & his shit band only got rewarded with more shows, fests & tours.

anonymous 10/3/2021 5:48:01 PM

flying in from new mexico for this, can't wait

anonymous 10/3/2021 5:50:05 PM

^ Sure you are lol.

anonymous 10/3/2021 6:15:03 PM

^^Actually saving money for a Greyhound ticket from Rochester.

anonymous 10/3/2021 7:31:16 PM

Etid will be added because this will sell 45 tickets

anonymous 10/3/2021 7:44:41 PM

Saving money for a Greyhound ticket to Rochester sure right LOL. How many lawns a walk from your bedroom at your parents house do you have to mow for that? 😂😂😂

anonymous 10/3/2021 8:11:56 PM


anonymous 10/3/2021 8:22:19 PM

anonymous 3 hours ago Uh oh Regulate's playing - all women stay away from this show. Regulate's drummer might attack one or several of you then make a public statement about how he doesn't think what he did "constitutes as rape." Oh wait he did that & suffered no consequences, he & his shit band only got rewarded with more shows, fests & tours. ^ He was hooking up with a girl, tried to get a BJ, she said no. Give it a rest, that shit barely worked on tumblr a decade ago when it happened.

anonymous 10/3/2021 9:07:07 PM

CB4 > C-4 any day of the week

anonymous 10/3/2021 9:46:03 PM

I hope they add Attack Attack

anonymous 10/4/2021 5:11:22 AM

Are (were) Ed Gein from Syracuse? I thought they would be on this.

anonymous 10/4/2021 5:12:35 AM

This should be at DENNYS

anonymous 10/4/2021 5:47:15 AM

Is Dhalsim's Dream going to be on this?

anonymous 10/4/2021 5:59:52 AM

Denny's is not Sewercuses hang out, Cosmo's on Marshall Street is\was where it's at.

anonymous 10/4/2021 6:02:29 AM

Are (were) Ed Gein from Syracuse? I thought they would be on this. <\\\\they called it a day. they are now known as *Shadow Snakes* featuring the vocalist of Breather Resist.

anonymous 10/4/2021 6:38:25 AM

I hope this fails miserably

anonymous 10/4/2021 6:58:55 AM

^ it is a hardcore show with barely any bands that will draw-you would expect anything else? note to any edge lord I might have pissed off with my previous statement-if you're putting on a show in hardcore utilizing the funds you saved up from your weekly allowance from doing your "chores" at mommy & daddy's house. You're officially in the wrong field, if you hope to profit off of.

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:05:24 AM

Are (were) Ed Gein from Syracuse? I thought they would be on this. <\\\\they called it a day. they are now known as *Shadow Snakes* featuring the vocalist of Breather Resist ^ Oh right. Breather Resist is a name I haven't heard in a long time. I remember trying hard to convince myself back in the day that Young Widows were just as good as Breather R and National Acrobat. In reality I thought they were garbage. What did you think of Y.Widows? I vaguely remember the singer from Breather R starting a band called Pusher (or something like that)

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:01:20 AM

Uh oh Regulate's playing - all women stay away from this show. Regulate's drummer might attack one or several of you then make a public statement about how he doesn't think what he did "constitutes as rape." Oh wait he did that & suffered no consequences, he & his shit band only got rewarded with more shows, fests & tours.<\\\\\\ accusations at individuals like this, are so f*cking yesteryear. give it a rest -for F#CKS SAKE. if police reports were not filed it NEVER happened, EDGE LORD. signed,The Skeleton In YOUR Closet.

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:03:49 AM

these comments only serve to tear down the cohesive bond shared within hardcore.

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:46:35 AM

Book ricktalifes horse

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:46:58 AM

No rick ta life No cares

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:47:40 AM

Book the shattered realm tribute band. Not one original member 😂😂😂😂❤️

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:48:49 AM

Can we get a Sadball or wisdom in a cockring. How about fury of nerds or eddy leeway's crackheaded leeway edition.

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:49:52 AM

Needs more Comin correct.

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:52:02 AM

Dt is the band with the retarded fsu drummer right. The drunk retard who owns that dirty needles tattoo shop. That's been fined over n over for being gross n dirty Tattoo pimple popper

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:53:15 AM

Get rick ta life's. Distro. I need some bootleg. Etown concrete demos.

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:55:52 AM

Johnny and the con mags 2021

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:56:52 AM

f*ck the scene. Show us the green. Youth of today 2021/22

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:58:45 AM

this show will be full of date rapists - fact

anonymous 10/4/2021 8:59:08 AM

Book ricktalifes horse

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:00:30 AM

No Cj. On guitar for death threat. I refuse to support dt

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:03:23 AM

is this everyone last show before becoming a barber?

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:08:44 AM

killer comments section going on here-the times square ball drop consists of your mouths being Times Square get ready to gag on some noob teens ball sack as it recedes from your Cock Holster. Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:14:11 AM

band called DEATH THREAT playing a show drawing MAYBE 50 people in a church basement venue that requires negative test or vaccination because of the DEATH THREAT of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. lmao at the irony

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:19:28 AM

can anyone go into explicit detail on what the drummer of regulate did and why he should be cancelled?

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:22:29 AM

Looks like a fresh crop of sheet rock professionals.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:36:23 AM

He was hooking up with a girl, tried to get a BJ, she said no. Give it a rest, that shit barely worked on tumblr a decade ago when it happened. >> Oh it worked & ended one band over it (Countdown now called Ekulu) & your boy who you wish YOU could give a BJ to admitted to sexually assaulting a girl here: He's lucky she didn't press charges & shoutout to the Regulate fan/friend/both who says if it wasn't reported it didn't happen - BS & you are a loser. This is the mentality of your typical Regulate fan. Btw you just admitted he forced himself on a girl, idiot. Where's Emma from Dying Wish on this? Silent. Afraid her band will be blacklisted by the hardcore scene which is all she & her shit band will have when their fifteen minutes of fame & not even are up.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:43:06 AM

can anyone go into explicit detail on what the drummer of regulate did and why he should be cancelled? >> He sexually assaulted a girl, admitted he did that in a public statement on a website (link in the previous comment), and not only suffered no consequences for it, but has played shows, fests & tours regularly ever since. Because hardcore is full of enablers, di ckriders, social climbers, as skissers, scumbags & people who do the same thing this lowlife did & probably still does. He'll say he's changed for the better based on what? What has he done? Not forced himself on any more women? Which he should not get a medal for cuz you don't force yourself on a woman to say you won't anymore. The hardcore scene from Joe Hardcore to the United Blood Fest to promoters from Boston to Florida including these Syracuse Scumbags have given this fu ckface a pass. He even drums for No Pressure with the dude from The Story So Far.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:48:19 AM

In fact this fu cker plays for by my count five bands total: Regulate, No Pressure, Reaction, Trail Of Lies (who I think are done cuz they're not on this Syracuse show or they'd have been in the initial lineup announcemnt) & Blind Justice (last band posted nudes of a girl without her permission.) Six bands if you throw in Krust but I think they're toast, too. He really does just Regulate, No Pressure (for the $$$) & Reaction (even though he's an edgebreaker) nowadays.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:52:04 AM

Lmao dude even in that chicks over dramatic tumblr "statement" nothing even legally or morally close to rape happened. She came to the van with him to hook up, they made out, he tried to take it further, she got uncomfortable said no, and it stopped. Then a bunch of nerds like you convinced her that's actually "rape" and have been crying for 10 years since. Call the cops if you're so pressed about it. Or better yet, drop your badge number since you wanna be a cop so bad.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:57:29 AM

can anyone go into explicit detail on what the drummer of regulate did and why he should be cancelled? >> Btw it's not about him being "cancelled" it's about him being held accountable for his actions & quite frankly being kicked off exactly ONE show for what he did (Back To School Jam 2016) is not a cancellation or holding him accountable, it's a slap on the wrist. Why just that show? Where was Regulate's statement on what he himself admitted to doing publicly? Nowhere cuz they're his boy & he's their boy & who else is gonna drum for these losers I guess is what they figured? This scumbag shouldn't been thrown out of Regulate & banned not cancelled from the hardcore scene years ago in 2016, but here he is a half-decade later still playing shows, fests & tours as if nothing happened. That's wack!

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:04:19 AM

Lmao dude even in that chicks over dramatic tumblr "statement" nothing even legally or morally close to rape happened. She came to the van with him to hook up, they made out, he tried to take it further, she got uncomfortable said no, and it stopped. Then a bunch of nerds like you convinced her that's actually "rape" and have been crying for 10 years since. Call the cops if you're so pressed about it. Or better yet, drop your badge number since you wanna be a cop so bad.>> Bullshit or he would've said what you said in his official statement. It's not about being a "cop" you're not using that ACAB bullsh it here, Dickrider. Bottom line is he got away with it. And you have no clue what that woman did. But keep hoping he fu cks you bro. You're from Long Island right?

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:09:42 AM

Call the cops if you're so pressed about it. Or better yet, drop your badge number since you wanna be a cop so bad. >>> His victim should report him, shame on her for not reporting him cuz who knows what he's done since he attacked her? Maybe nothing, maybe something to another woman. I mean why not do it again if you not only got away with it but admitted to it then suffered zero consequences besides being booted off a long gone fest? You'd be the first one to call the cops if your loved one was sexually assaulted & spare me you'd kill him cuz if you did that's life in prison or execution for you, dumba ss. Besides you don't have the anger for it, none of you do, you're ALL paper/pixel/hunt and peck gangsters.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:35:33 AM

Vax cards required and NO Earth Crisis? This isn't Syracuse Hardcore.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:36:00 AM

His victim should report him, shame on her for not reporting him cuz who knows what he's done since he attacked her? Maybe nothing, maybe something to another woman. I mean why not do it again if you not only got away with it but admitted to it then suffered zero consequences besides being booted off a long gone fest? You'd be the first one to call the cops if your loved one was sexually assaulted & spare me you'd kill him cuz if you did that's life in prison or execution for you, dumbass. Besides you don't have the anger for it, none of you do, you're ALL paper/pixel/hunt and peck gangsters. you sound identical to a gardener-you should putcha two lips on my organ.F#CK HARDCORE & F#CK SEWERCUSE,NY realists don't support little kids & their psuedo money grabbing schemes. It's going to flop kids, be forewarned.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:42:05 AM

Gonna be a lot of posers in attendance for this shit show.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:10:43 AM

Weird how there's never any police involved, not even a report, it's just some unverified bullshit on FB. Weird how every time any sort of authorities get involved (Oberst, Decapitated, Radke, Sykes, Even Manson) it totally falls apart. Weird that's how all these moral panics go. It's almost like people lie all the time about everything and social media shouldn't be used as a courtroom. You left it to the court of public opinion, and you lost, because it was bullshit when it started. Die mad that you couldn't ruin somebodies life without a trial, you f*cking hall monitor nerd.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:16:13 AM

Weird how there's never any police involved, not even a report, it's just some unverified bullshit on FB. >> Weird how bands drop off shows, fests & tours & break up over it, they're such bullshit accusations you idiot LOL. << Weird how every time any sort of authorities get involved (Oberst, Decapitated, Radke, Sykes, Even Manson) it totally falls apart.>> So let's find this girl & see if she'll press charges. << Weird that's how all these moral panics go. It's almost like people lie all the time about everything and social media shouldn't be used as a courtroom. >> Weird how you automatically assume accusations are bullshit. It's almost as if if you're a dickrider with no skin in the game. <<You left it to the court of public opinion, and you lost, because it was bullshit when it started. Die mad that you couldn't ruin somebodies life without a trial, you f*cking hall monitor nerd.>> Keep crying over the truth, nerd, we can take this off Lambgoat if you want.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:19:04 AM

^^^ Seriously post your Gmail here, I'll post mine here, write you from it so you know it's me & we'll see who's a "hall monitor nerd" in person. I think it's gonna be you bro.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:30:59 AM

You first, Cop

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:39:47 AM

And of course I assume statements made without any evidence or independent verification are false, especially those that are hostile to the very concept of providing them. That's the basis of any rational society. If I wanted to be preached at about I have to believe something without evidence, I'd go to church, which I'm sure you're fine with, since all of you dorks are always kids trying to hide you got into this shot through UnderOath anyway. Bands breakup, get kicked off fests over this stuff because the handful of you self appointed internet hall monitor nerds have made it all but impossible for anyone to do anything once a post is made, you're the ones calling peoples work to get them fired, crying under every post and the spineless people who run these shows, labels, and hardcore constantly capitulate to you babies.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:44:30 AM

You first, Cop >> 'Thought so. Pussy. Keyboard warrior. Comments gangster. You called me names you'd never call me to my face if I said what I said to yours or at a show or anywhere I fuc kin feel like saying it, so YOU post your Gmail first. End what you began clown. I'm not a cop. LOL @ you using that as an excuse not to post your Gmail or do you think I'm gonna get you through it? Hahahaha pussy.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:51:08 AM

And of course I assume statements made without any evidence or independent verification are false, especially those that are hostile to the very concept of providing them. That's the basis of any rational society. If I wanted to be preached at about I have to believe something without evidence, I'd go to church, which I'm sure you're fine with, since all of you dorks are always kids trying to hide you got into this shot through UnderOath anyway. >> Accusations can be & sometimes are true. In most cases, specifically in hardcore/metalcore the perpetrators admit to it or just go away so there aren't worse repercussions. That's what Regulate drummer boy did by making a public statement admitting to it, dork. But keep kissing ass, ass. Again he's lucky she didn't go to the police is all, he knows it, I know it, you know it & are too stupid & proud to admit that.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:53:16 AM

Hey man, you're the one who started having an anonymous meltdown in the comment section because people are out living their lives and not listening to you cry about your "won't somebody think of the children" Helen Lovejoy shit. If you're such a tough guy and stand behind it, why not take it up with them with your real name attached? Or better yet, show up at a show or do something about it? But you won't, because you're even more of a pussy than the cops, at least they sometimes catch people and put their asses on the line. You just cry on the internet about people not following your insane moral panic rules and then try to puff out your chest when someone tells you to f*ck off.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:54:50 AM

^^ take this shit to a private chatroom or something

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:00:32 PM

Hey man, you're the one who started having an anonymous meltdown in the comment section because people are out living their lives and not listening to you cry about your "won't somebody think of the children" Helen Lovejoy shit. If you're such a tough guy and stand behind it, why not take it up with them with your real name attached? Or better yet, show up at a show or do something about it? But you won't, because you're even more of a pussy than the cops, at least they sometimes catch people and put their asses on the line. You just cry on the internet about people not following your insane moral panic rules and then try to puff out your chest when someone tells you to f*ck off.>> Says the dude who won't give his real name or even a Gmail he could create in half a minute. Pussy. I pulled your card & the only person having a total meltdown is you with your longwinded defense made for brownie points, brown noser. How do you post with all that shit in your nostrils?

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:04:27 PM

It's an anonymous forum, what brownie points are there to win you f*cking retard? Go back to reddit

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:08:19 PM

Bands break up, get kicked off fests etc., drop off cuz they admit they did what they're accused of. Some don't - Regulate is one of them. And many bands including ones with a female member Year Of The Knife, Dying Wish & Code Orange are fine with that for all their safe space in hardcore bullshit. They all live up male show/fest/tour promoter-booker ass.

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:14:48 PM

It's an anonymous forum, what brownie points are there to win you f*cking retard? Go back to reddit >>> It doesn't have to be anonymous, pussy from Long Island where you must be from cuz you won't say or even give a fake location you're that shook. I don't go on Reddit to go back to it - nice self-projection cuz you're as retard pussy from r/Hardcore as they come.

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:18:42 PM

wow people really think the drama in their hardcore circles is so important. same shit goes on in the sweaty stinky super smash bros community. you're all losers LOL. you're all f*cking LOSERS with tattoos. f*ck all of you his "cancellation" or accountability will mean 30 people don't associate with him. go for it! he's shit and you're shit

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:19:46 PM

^^^ Too busy writing songs for his other band "Z9"cuz Joe forgot how to write lyrics. Richie literally put Wisdom In Chains on hold cuz he had all this new music written Joe couldn't put words to LOL. Hang it up.

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:25:10 PM

wow people really think the drama in their hardcore circles is so important. same shit goes on in the sweaty stinky super smash bros community. you're all losers LOL. you're all f*cking LOSERS with tattoos. f*ck all of you his "cancellation" or accountability will mean 30 people don't associate with him. go for it! he's shit and you're shit >> You're a no sides taking little sh it who needs to STFU & look in the mirror. I'm not shit for calling out a sexual assaulter so you run your lazy "everyone sucks" bullsh it somewhere else. His being banned from shows/hardcore means Regulate & the other 4-5 bands he plays with either has to replace him or break up after they kick him out or he leaves to prevent getting kicked out. One less predatory scumbag.

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:26:58 PM

i'm 100% on your side

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:42:13 PM

band called DEATH THREAT playing a show drawing MAYBE 50 people in a church basement venue that requires negative test or vaccination because of the DEATH THREAT of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. lmao at the irony ..... smh

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:42:50 PM

I'll fight any one of you there

anonymous 10/4/2021 12:48:36 PM

I hope everyone here charters a van to the show together, and it flips on the journey there.

anonymous 10/4/2021 1:27:55 PM

Lol hardcore is the gayest shit ever, love all the fat middle aged failures with bad tattoos getting riled up at each other over bands nobody cares about

anonymous 10/4/2021 2:15:20 PM

Big pimpin spendin cheeeeese

anonymous 10/4/2021 2:21:45 PM

lol at 2 dudes getting in heated arguments over this

anonymous 10/4/2021 2:25:52 PM

Syracuse? More like share-my-shoes! Right?

anonymous 10/4/2021 2:42:49 PM

Know and will happily flip on any NYHC chuds with fake vaxx cards. Will delight in watching you and your family suffer.

anonymous 10/4/2021 3:07:48 PM

"Where….in the world is…" Earth Crisis?

anonymous 10/4/2021 3:44:55 PM

How is Death Threat a headliner on this for any other reason than being old/from the 90s? They banking on the fat old leftover original Hellfest era meatheads coming out? Doubt anyone from Connecticut is gonna travel all the way up there to see them when they could see them anytime in CT & are they even a thing there anymore? It's almost 2022. This band stopped being a real band like 15 years ago or more. This is hands down the weakest Syracuse NYD show ever. It has only two Syracuse bands on it so far & they're the promoter's band/s so it's self-serving.

anonymous 10/4/2021 6:55:35 PM

where's the "blank blank here guy"

anonymous 10/4/2021 6:58:18 PM

Just wanna say that this is only half of the line-up, with the rest to be announced. I drum for Stand Alone and live in Buffalo, but have always had love and respect for Syracuse. I play each show because I get asked to. There have been shows I turned down for the group in the area for sake of giving the spotlight to another artist. How Lukas builds the NYD show is entirely up to him at this point. If there were more bands that were active in the scene, you best believe he would've hit them first before asking if we would play. Do I think he has friend bias at times? Of course, but then I remember who is truly active in 315, and it ain't any of you bozo f*cks who post anonymously on Lambgoat. You think we didn't think of asking EC? There's more to be announced so stick tight and stay tuned. Or don't, choice truly is yours. By show of hands, how many of you were at Crown of Thornz?

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:00:55 PM

Do any of these f*ckers ever ooze out of the and scream horse cock or donkey dick?

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:01:23 PM

^^^^ whoever this bimbo is he said "stick tight" does that mean the almighty back broke TERROR will be apart of this 2022 New Year's Day gig

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:03:53 PM

why isn't heartshitter playing?

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:07:06 PM

I like squid game can't f*ckin believe it ended up being squidward in the end

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:26:29 PM

death threat here more like it's a death threat to attend Imma get covid and cough on all you retards

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:28:01 PM

I have Johnson & Johnson, which is barely a vaccine, and I've already got covid from Parker Cannon himself, can I still attend?

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:31:07 PM

^ yes I'll GL u

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:41:38 PM

Is this one of the last gulch shows? I don't wanna have to go to FYA to buy merch to flip.

anonymous 10/4/2021 7:44:06 PM

i made so much money from flipping gulch Merch I hope they play so I can make even more money

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:16:02 PM

Hey Stand Alone Drummer, I check CuseHardcore on Twitter. Of the 4-5 shows Lukas has put on this year your band Stand Alone was on THREE of them including Crown Of Thornz & NYD (third one Dare), so you're a liar. You haven't turned down shows, you've played almost every single fuc king one of them (like pre-pandemic) & it's total bullsh it. Like your other band Final Declaration plays every fuc king hardcore show in Buffalo which is also total bullsh it. You & your bands are self-promoting show hogs. You the only bands in Syracuse & Buffalo? No, I'm not in a band but what if I was? Hogs. Stop putting your bands on every show shit's weak & annoying. Even Earth Crisis, Another Victim, The Promise etc. or their friends who did all the shows in Syracuse back in the day didn't do that.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:23:24 PM

^ Btw where's the support for Rochester, Utica, Hamilton & Toronto ON, Erie & Pittsburgh PA & Cleveland huh? Oh I forgot the only hardcore is your bands, sorry pssshhhhh. Try looking for & reaching out to bands like past promoters, asshole (Lukas.) Or do you wanna keep it at Stand Alone, Final Declaration & I forgot "The Thrill" WTF that shi t is? f*cking clique.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:29:29 PM

I love how you come out and say Lukas books shows out of a "friend bias" so getting shows in Syracuse is all about who you know/blow/are down with/go down on, thanks! What a joke.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:44:32 PM

Yo western & central NY bands be sure to befriend Lukas before you send him your music to try to play Syracuse. That way you're more likely to get a show cuz the Stand Alone drummer said you're more likely to get a show from Lukas if you're his boy. Lukas hooks up his friends first cuz they come first even though he claims to call it "Syracuse Hardcore" when it's not, it's his clique.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:49:48 PM

The only "bozo" on here is you, you neckbearded receding hairlined fatso. Like you or your bandmates in either shitty band you play would ever fu ck up anyone if you found out out who they were. Bwahahaha. Fake toughguys.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:50:53 PM

All of those rust belt shitholes you just dropped (excluding Toronto) have maybe 2-3 good bands. No one wants to go to any of those trash ass towns.

anonymous 10/4/2021 9:52:08 PM

I misspoke. They have 0 good bands excluding Toronto's. My apologies.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:01:10 PM

^^^ Oh look everyone a Syracuse gay (most likely a friend who rides Lukas dick) running his keyboard mouth shit talking other scenes. Kinda difficult to say who sucks where when your sucker friend only books the same three shitty bands between his city & Buffalo. You must be from either city cuz you kiss Toronto ass. Gotta snag that opening slot on No Warning! Asslickers.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:06:39 PM

Pittsburgh > Buffalo not even close. Your only band of note formed in 1990 & hasn't been a real band for literally two decades (Snapcase broke up in 2001 after their indie rock sellout attempt final album released that year flopped.) Scott Vogel wanted the fu ck out of Buffalo.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:09:01 PM

Okay mr jaded old head "gay is a diss" man I want you to name me a single band from Rochester NY or any of those other dumps that could generate an ounce of interest.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:09:03 PM

^^^ Truth. He formed Terror in Cali did the band from there 2002-21. He's back in Buffalo now.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:17:46 PM

Scott's back in Buffalo oh word...why??? LOL

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:23:31 PM

who, who and whom? is playing this f*ck story lmao

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:24:25 PM

Book your own fest in Erie, or Utica (lol) or any of those other dumps if you're so pressed about it. Lukas is literally pretty much a kid and he's doing this shit pretty much on his own. Must be pretty easy then, right?

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:54:03 PM

^^^^^ Hey Moron (what you are) it's not about fests don't happen elsewhere near Syracuse or bands not getting shows where they're from. Lukas calls his shows "Syracuse Hardcore" but he books only his band & his friends' bands, comprende? He's a cliquey little shit & guess what clueless? 85-90% of hardcore show promoters put on shows alone. Keep bashing other cities/scenes to deflect that your own scene sucks ass.

anonymous 10/4/2021 10:59:52 PM

Hardcore show in Syracuse would be... Syracuse Hardcore, no?

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:03:27 PM

Who the f*ck is he going to book for these random one-off shows? Is your shitty local band from Erie going to drive to Syracuse to play a show for less than gas money because they want a local opener? The Syracuse bands exist for the same reason that the NYD show exists, because people decided to make them happen. Shut up about how your sad little city doesn't have a band worth throwing on a show and do something to change it, or find something better to do with your time.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:18:09 PM

Hey Stupidass, I got news for you: Syracuse Hardcore is dead. It's exactly one band Stand Alone who blows & gets shows there only cuz they're the only band & they're down with Lukas, that's it. Syracuse is soooooo strong the 2021 NYD headliner was a reunion band from Toronto & this year's headliner is a reunion third tier late 90s-early 00s band from Connecticut. What's your fixation on Erie? Someone beat you up there or something? Erie is only 3-3.5 hours from Syracuse via Buffalo so hey why not have a band from there play Syracuse? That's actually how it used to & still should be done you clueless jackass. No one's making shit happen in Syracuse. It's a clique thus bullshit. Lukas is the promoter by default & he does a lousy job. Zero attempt to make it a regional destination. He books Crown Of Thornz some shit one word hype band from Cali, a Wilkes Barre PA band & wait for it...Stand Alone Again (what they should rename themselves.)

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:22:18 PM

Plenty of bands worth booking if that jagoff Lukas only reached out to them instead of booking 90s-early 00s reunions & one foot in hardcore one foot soon to be both feet in metalcore garbage like Year Of The Knife. He's a closeminded sucker.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:25:57 PM

Please hit me with that link to your fest when it's booked.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:35:44 PM

^^^ Who the f*ck are you? You don't book shows either you assist. Fuc k the fest not talking about that really. Talking about suckers turning hardcore shows into out of town bands-promoter's pals' bands only bullshit - what Lukas is booking. He ain't gonna fuc k you bro.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:38:01 PM

^^^ Assist...haha...remove the ist - that's you Mr.DIY who does jack shit but kiss Lukas's butt.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:40:22 PM

Other than kissing Lukas's glorious backside, I can promise you I contribute far more of value to this stupid music subculture than you

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:43:03 PM

Welcome to the reality that people prefer to work and collaborate with their friends. I don't know why it's so offensive to you that when someone is booking an event, the first people that would come to mind is someone they have a favorable opinion of that may be a few hours away instead of some unknown stranger's band that they've never heard of.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:44:18 PM

Anyone think JNCOs, beaded necklaces, headbands & goatees are gonna make a comeback? Is Karl Earth Crisis REALLY vegan anymore? He doesn't look like he misses a meal. Nothing but brown rice or whole grain pasta or something? I bet he eats cheese pizza & is just vegetarian now.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:47:50 PM

You contribute to what you consider a "stupid subculture", that makes sense. If it was that (it's not) that would make you the dumbest shit alive. You contribute jack...fuc king...cow sh it.

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:54:44 PM

I promise you that you know my bands and would probably ask me to sign your ticket stub and punish me about raw denim, or f*cking new balances or some shit until I was ready to saw through my own jugular with my finger nails

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:55:14 PM

Right cuz unknown stranger's bands weren't & aren't 110% all hardcore bands & artists in general. Hardcore was always ALWAYS about booking the known & familiar LOL you fuc k ing clueless idiot. It's 1990-91. Earth Crisis forms. They send a demo to Tony Victory. He says "Who the f*ck is this band from Syracuse? Never heard them. Don't know them either." & tosses the demo in the garbage. Yeah - that was hardcore. You chump

anonymous 10/4/2021 11:59:03 PM

You aren't in any bands & I don't keep ticket stubs, collect autographs, or give a fu ck about sneaker brands or "raw denim" WTF that is.

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:12:45 AM

Hey guys I'm in a band that's never played a show and I've never made any effort to make a single friendship with anyone in the area but can I play this fest that you've worked exhaustively on for several months? Back in 1990 this was normal and that's my only point of reference because I can't name a single band formed in this millennium. Also I'm from Erie, where we somehow managed to make even wegmans disgusting.

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:22:54 AM

^^^ Ok you DEFINITELY got beat up by someone from Erie hahaha. I'm talking bands who have played shows you disingenuous idiot. Newsflash: you didn't, still don't & shouldn't have to be friends with the promoter to get a show. Tell that to your idol Lukas you dickrider.

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:28:39 AM

Guys Lukas has a monopoly on hardcore what can we do?

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:40:02 AM

^^^ More disingenuous nonsense. Guys Lukas only knows what's on record labels & hyped, who existed before 2000 & bands his friends play in what can we do?

anonymous 10/5/2021 5:15:19 AM

"Damn I'm upset my band didn't get asked to play Lemme call the drummer of stand alone fat, my bandcamp link only hit 20 listens and it's been out for a year and I haven't gone to a single show in the state of New York since terror formed, Lemme say this dude is balding and has a neck beard because I'M balding and I have a neck beard. I wish I had friends."

anonymous 10/5/2021 6:15:18 AM

Needs more ricktalife. Please book his horse

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:10:53 AM

^^^ Post before Rick Ta Life was finally mentioned - I was disappointed that he wasn't LOL. I'm not in a band, balding, or neckbearded, that's the Stand Alone Again drummer, dumbass. Lukas can stick you on every bill, Stand Alone Again, but you'll never blow up. You are classic promoter dickriders, what else?

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:17:03 AM

is "Crown of Thornz" a real band name or an AOL screenname

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:18:01 AM

a lot of promoters who book hardcore shows whine about no one coming out… wonder why^^^^^ LOL

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:24:37 AM

^^^^ You're saying Lukas whines about turnout? Cuz I'm not a promoter, dipshit. And yes, Crown Of Thornz is a real name of a real band.

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:36:35 AM

Look Everybody, a black member of Stand Alone Again's other band Final Declaration having #BlackTransLivesMatter (not BLM) & #StopAsianHate in his bio but tweeting an ethnic slur against Italians. You see, it's not cool to demonize black & Asian people but it's perfectly alright to stereotype ethnic groups to this Erkel-looking hypocrite.

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:52:25 AM

Mr. Cuomo, I don't feel so good…. ITS A ME MARIO IM AN ITALIAN ICON, Italian Lives Matter!!!!

anonymous 10/5/2021 8:02:06 AM

^^^^ You're saying Lukas whines about turnout? Cuz I'm not a promoter, dipshit. no. I don't know who Lukas is and don't care lmao

anonymous 10/5/2021 8:03:40 AM

I love referring to someone by their race because to you that's their only signifying characteristic. You have such little wit you literally scanned you're entire Rolodex of knowledge and called Mark "Erkel"(spelled wrong I might add) because it's the only black character in pop culture you can think of that wears glasses. And what's with calling it "Stand Alone Again" AS IF THERE ARENT MULTIPLE BANDS NAMED DEATH THREAT. YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IT IS MOTHER f*ckER.

anonymous 10/5/2021 8:06:34 AM

God you idiots would love the jerk booth. Haters can eat shit. Lukas and the gang do well by Syracuse.

anonymous 10/5/2021 8:07:04 AM

Yeah f*ck Final Declaration MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN TRUMP 2021 what about her emails BUILD THAT WALL

anonymous 10/5/2021 9:35:34 AM

I hope Mark "the black guy" literally kills you because I know that you don't have it in you to let your squeaky little voice crack a single syllable around him

anonymous 10/5/2021 9:41:05 AM

Earth Crisis refuses to go get vaccinated because it was tested on animals, during their short trails

anonymous 10/5/2021 9:46:06 AM

Sunny here. Just chiming in to remind everyone that it's okay to be different. If you want to go against the grain and be a piece of shit rapist it's okay, your friends will cover for you, but just pledge to my patreon. YOU control what gets released

anonymous 10/5/2021 9:52:34 AM

I hope Mark "the black guy" literally kills you because I know that you don't have it in you to let your squeaky little voice crack a single syllable around him>>> Yeah you hope cuz you're a pussy who can't do it himself. He isn't literally killing me or anyone else. He threatening my life through you or something? Don't write a check you can't cash Mark.

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:03:12 AM

Actually numbnut I referred to his race because he's a black man (not a racial slur) who decries racism, bigotry & violence from both in his bio (#BlackTransLivesMatter & #StopAsianHate) yet hurls an ethnic slur & promotes an ethnic stereotype Trump supporters hurl at Cuomo, that's what up. And since you want to talk about signifying he signified Cuomo as being a Mario because all Italian guys are named Mario like all Latino guys are named Jose right? Wrong. So he's a hypocrite as well as a bigot. Keep crying that I called him out & trying to turn it into me being the racist when I'm not. If you're black you don't say shit about Italians & vice versa. And I would be the first one to split a bottle over someone's head if I saw Mark (or any black person) getting jumped by a bunch of white guys because he's black (not a racial slur now right???) so you can STFD & STFU.

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:10:31 AM

You have such little wit you literally scanned you're entire Rolodex of knowledge and called Mark "Erkel"(spelled wrong I might add) because it's the only black character in pop culture you can think of that wears glasses. And what's with calling it "Stand Alone Again" AS IF THERE ARENT MULTIPLE BANDS NAMED DEATH THREAT. YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IT IS MOTHER f*ckER. >> Look at you so tough typing IN CAPS and calling me a motherf*cker in them - the only thing you can/will do & what you'd never do to my face unless you wanted my fist in yours. What are you babbling on about Death Threat? I call them Stand Alone Again because these motherfuc kers are on 90% if not all Syracuse hardcore shows & it's weak, stupid & comes off like they & the promoter don't want to help or support any other Syracuse/area bands which exist. Lukas books Stand Alone Again way too much. It is hilarous that you think I'm getting on them for using a recycled name thus acknowledging that it could be 1 or thinking it is

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:16:23 AM

Dude just shut up. I'm sure you have a twitter follower that would be interested in listening to your incoherent ramblings about whatever it is you're on about here - reverse racism (???), idk, but youre grasping at straws and embarrassing yourself

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:19:43 AM

You have such little wit you literally scanned you're entire Rolodex of knowledge and called Mark "Erkel"(spelled wrong I might add) because it's the only black character in pop culture you can think of that wears glasses.>>> Nah it's the only one YOU can think of & it's hilarious. Erkel, Urkel same fuc kin thing, same f*ck in sap like Mark is. Hurl an ethnic slur about Italians or anyone else to my face Mark - you won't & never will cuz you're a fake toughguy who has his hipster like you minions do it for him here saying you're gonna kill me when you won't. Sucker. I called him Erkel cuz he looks like Erkel, no racial connotation & yeah I'm misspelling it when I know it's Urkel, go cry some more. Calling Cuomo "Mario" is an ethnic slur and juuusst what Trump supporters call him. You know those people who think Mark is a nxxxxx (like Trump thinks he's one.) And here's a BLACK MAN (again not a racial slur) using what Trump supporters use on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:25:33 AM

Dude just shut up. I'm sure you have a twitter follower that would be interested in listening to your incoherent ramblings about whatever it is you're on about here - reverse racism (???), idk, but youre grasping at straws and embarrassing yourself >> Dude why don't you make me shut up? What I said (no "ramblings") was/is quite clear: Mark is a hypocrite & yes a reverse bigot since you want to type "reverse racism." So you're saying reverse racism is ok, got it, thanks. Fu ck off. Thing is, dumbass, I was talking about ETHNIC SLURS, not a black man being racist towards a white man. But keep trying & failing to spin this as me being racist. You & Mark (coward who can't come on here or all places LOL) are asshurt that I called out a black man for being a bigot. Cuz black man can't be bigots, too, right? Tell that to all the Asian Americans attacked by black men cuz they're Asian. Yeah we talkin real talk here right???

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:25:58 AM

What ever happened to xDISCIPLEx?

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:27:19 AM

bro just take a pill and go play outside. I still dont understand why youre caping up for white people over an "ethnic slur," like really? you're clearly suffering from some sort of brain injury, or maybe thats just what being italian is possibly

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:27:57 AM

reverse racism isn't real you f*cking mutant

anonymous 10/5/2021 10:40:22 AM


anonymous 10/5/2021 10:53:05 AM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA one of Mark's friends is crying that he's on Lambgoat when I didn't mention his name one of you asskissing dickriding friends of his did. Mark: "Man we really need more brothers on Facebook fr" ( What? More black men to be called out for hurling ethnic slurs on Twitter (only to cry about it through their asskissing friends in Lambgoat comments) cuz they think they can be racist, too, and that's good when it's not? I'm all for it. Keep crying pussy.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:05:28 AM

Let me get this straight: You don't play in a band, you're NOT bald(sure), and you're upset that stand alone plays shows without supporting the scene? You just used a racial slur to call out mark for using an "ethnic slur," because Italians are so marginalized and have been enslaved, right? They called Italians mario whil they forced them to pick basil, right? And you think I'm not tough and won't do anything While you remain anonymous on a blog? Best troll of all time.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:11:03 AM

Zomags is hot and Haylen is a sweetheart

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:15:33 AM

Look at this clown a ss backpedalling "I never heard Cuomo called Mario" yet he TWEETED it. Just didn't think he'd get caught. Know what's comical? You playing dumb like you don't know Trumpers call Cuomo "Mario." Playing dumb pussy. Here's Mr.Ultrawoke BlackTransLivesMatter & StopAsianHate thinking Cuomo's resignation gives him an invitation to hurl ethic slurs at Italians when it's not.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:20:25 AM

hey retard did you know what Cuomo's father is named?

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:21:03 AM

We got ourselves a Mark Franklin Stan here, folks.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:23:14 AM

Mark Franklin here, go bills also lemme say f*ck Fumo and f*ck whoever talks shit about me on this thread you f*cking pussies

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:24:03 AM

Karl From the almighty Earth Crisis here, listen I sold out and cheese pizza is good but I really like spending most of my days at wegmans I love wegmans

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:24:42 AM

the ghost of ____ here has risen its game over for you retards

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:24:53 AM

He's pulling the "I can't be racist I'm black card now." Running to Twitter but not on here. #BlackLivesMatter #StopAsianHate #EndEthnicSlurs #CallOutTheWokeWhoTalkBigotedShit

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:25:16 AM

This meatball crusader in here thinks we have too many brothers in the scene and is trying to get the gabagool-uminati to excommunicate Mark

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:34:18 AM

<<hey retard did you know what Cuomo's father is named?>> Hey moron Mario is an ethnic slur used by Trump supporters against Cuomo, too. Right, they & you know his father's name was Mario. So they're using his dead father's name as an ethnic slur. And you're cool with it. Scumbag. Pussy. Hey Mark Franklin keep crying that you got called out on Twitter & through your friends posting shit on Lambgoat.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:35:29 AM

Mark Franklin here, go bills also lemme say f*ck Fumo and f*ck whoever talks shit about me on this thread you f*cking pussies >> Typed by his bandmate or friend.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:37:44 AM

Meatball Crusader here, why won't you write me back, Mark? I've been writing you for weeks and you won't hit me back. Please, notice me. I'm a Bills fan too. Let's go to Olive Garden next week during the game and get lost in a pile of infinite breadsticks, and in each others eyes

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:47:22 AM

^^^^^^ Out come the bigots. Who are fans with a band who says Black Trans Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate. Love the hypocrisy. Love that you'd never say this to my face and I'm not Italian stupid but I can be if you wanna meet up to say it to my face toughguy.

anonymous 10/5/2021 11:52:24 AM

What's wrong with working in a garage? The place where cars owned by dipshits like you are fixed so dipshits like you can drive to work, Sonic or God knows where else.

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:03:19 PM

^^ Backed! Funny AH but true!!! My pops works in a garage. Makes more than most of the people he fixes cars for. I'm dying yo. But the dude never said Italian Lives Matter c'mon. He's reppin his set.

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:32:21 PM

Speaking of meatballs….. why hasn't anyone brought up the singer of exhibition Brett

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:37:08 PM

Harry is NOT a rapist HE'S ITALIAN

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:41:18 PM

Is Sunny rape5six also Italian?

anonymous 10/5/2021 12:57:53 PM

You know what I love about Lambgoat anonymous comments? The people chriping about them on Twitter with their "so many anonymous toughguys", "so many keyboard warriors" when absolutely NONE of them have been in a fight to beat up someone for shit-talking in their entire 5'6" tops 150 pounds tops lives. They won't admit it but they love it. It's actually a crowning achievement in their pathetic lives to be "roasted" on Lambgoat. No doubt to deflect the real pain they feel knowing that they're idiot bullshit artists and many Lambgoat commenters (save the ones rambling on about Trump, freedom, the vax, SJWs) can detect bullshit a mile away. These newfound quasi-politicals think they're above everyone when they're just like everyone else, just as ignorant and crass. They put BLM in their Twitter or Instagram bio and think they can be bigoted cuz "BLM."

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:03:55 PM

this what you sound like

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:15:33 PM

I will ensure this show is shutdown due to anti-vax BS.

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:23:45 PM

^^^ Didn't watch it. Sad and funny that you're so asshurt over what I write you scrambled to find whatever it is cuz you're a little bitch. Get a life.

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:24:59 PM

Don't care + YAB + ratio

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:25:55 PM

All these meatball crusaders and Mark Franklin haters probably haven't been to a show since the last time earth crisis was relevant

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:33:46 PM

^^ Funny coming from a you. You & the shit you listen to aren't relevant, you ape "the last time Earth Crisis was relevant", badly. Thing is Earth Crisis 2021 soon 2022 (not even a current/active band) will still be bigger, more imporant and relevant than whatever sh it band you play in or flail your arms to like a muppet.

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:42:14 PM

No one outside of upstate gives a shit about watching a bunch of 50 years wheeze their way around a stage singing songs from 30 years ago

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:49:27 PM

^^^ Hey moron Earth Crisis/Snapcase/Strife sold out Town Ballroom in Buffalo & Underground Arts in Philadelphia before the shows got cancelled cuz of covid. That would sell out Boston, NYC, Chicago (the cities/scenes that matter.) 50 year olds wheezing yeah sure, jealous bitter young bitch. Where will you be at 50? Oh wait, I know "a normal life away from..." You're there already nerd. Hardcore is not for you.

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:51:35 PM

I would certainly my hope that by age 50 I'm not clinging onto something from 30 years ago desperate to preserve my legacy to a bunch of strangers that could be my grandchildren.

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:52:34 PM

Wow, a 4 band package of legacy bands sold out a 500 cap venue, we should probably get the Guinness book of records on the phone

anonymous 10/5/2021 1:54:39 PM

The boomer roadshow didn't get canceled because of covid. It got canceled because the retarded old mutants chose to not get vaccinated

anonymous 10/5/2021 2:45:32 PM

This is the worst comments section in world history.

anonymous 10/5/2021 2:50:08 PM

Wow, a 4 band package of legacy bands sold out a 500 cap venue, we should probably get the Guinness book of records on the phone >> Town Ballroom is at least 1000 capacity, Underground Arts 650 you fuc kin moron. Any 4 sh it bands who formed after 2015 you're into wouldn't even half fill Mohawk Place (smallest Buffalo live music room) at the height of their popularity - now go scramble for two locals & two out of town bands who could sell out Mohawk clown. But it's cool you acknowledged they're legacy bands. And it's three bands not four dumba ss. Only a total fu cking idiot like you would say they sold out 500 cap rooms like it's an insult LOL you fuc king loser. Your/your friend's shit band would give their left or right nut to draw even 200 paid a night for the rest of its stupid existence.

anonymous 10/5/2021 2:54:46 PM

The boomer roadshow didn't get canceled because of covid. It got canceled because the retarded old mutants chose to not get vaccinated >> Bul lshit cuz those clubs would've asked for compliance before booking in the shows. Boomer roadshow? Those bands are Generation X. Get your ageism correct jacka ss.

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:04:09 PM

This is the worst comments section in world history. >> So don't read or post on it dipsh it. You love it. It's one part trainwreck one part painful truth in this case for these Stand Alone-Final Declaration losers.

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:07:56 PM

If you've been a band for nearly 30 years and CANT fill a 500 cap room then you probably should have hung it up long ago. Regardless. All of those bands suck and I'd rather watch The Thrill over any band filled with a bunch of old men clinging onto a youth subculture

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:12:35 PM

These two shit bands and their pathetic asskissing friends who can't dance for shit think ethnic slurs are cool when they're not. It's all good. You'll always have the safety and anonymity of Lambgoat and Twitter to spare you a fu ckin beating in the real world. You're the only pussies on here. Bands like this are always "anonymous blah blah" but they aren't tough, they can't fight, and even if they could they think it'll be just them no fight back.

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:16:18 PM

You sound like someone who's entire existence depends on hardcore, which is honestly sad that you've allowed your life to become so one dimensional that your entire identity depends on something as insignificant as youth music subculture

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:21:14 PM

If you've been a band for nearly 30 years and CANT fill a 500 cap room then you probably should have hung it up long ago. Regardless. All of those bands suck and I'd rather watch The Thrill over any band filled with a bunch of old men clinging onto a youth subculture >> The Thrill thus you would not exist without Earth Crisis you whiny disrespectul little sh it. So you're from Syracuse or around there. Oh so you must've been at the show Lukas from The Thrill put on there this past Friday right? Crown Of Thornz etc. Guess who came to the show? Karl from Earth Crisis. Did you come up to him then call him a 50 year old wheezy irrelevant boomer hasbeen who can't sell out a 500 cap room (when his band was the headliner on sold out 650 & 1000 cap room shows dipsh it)? Of course not & you most definitely wouldn't have said that to him with his friend Danny Diablo aka Lord Ezec standing next to him unless you wanted to learn to walk again for the next six months.

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:24:02 PM

You sound like someone who's entire existence depends on hardcore, which is honestly sad that you've allowed your life to become so one dimensional that your entire identity depends on something as insignificant as youth music subculture >> And yet here you are posting in Lambgoat comments for what reason? Oh wait, I know - everything you wrote above. ABOUT YOU. Cuz you self-project at every turn. You're a sad bitter manchild/boyman who needs to find another subculture to bash.

anonymous 10/5/2021 3:59:57 PM

Wait for the cops to show up.

anonymous 10/5/2021 4:19:32 PM

You guys need to get a room, turn down the lights, open a bottle of sparkling grape juice and feed each other some frozen strawberries.

anonymous 10/5/2021 4:50:43 PM

Lol calling this a subculture like some historian tourist

anonymous 10/5/2021 5:10:14 PM

^^^ How could this Thrill fan stop? He is a tourist.

anonymous 10/5/2021 5:11:24 PM

Btw I was mocking his use of the word "subculture."

anonymous 10/5/2021 5:50:30 PM

The thrill sucks but I'd still rather watch them over any band of people old enough to be grandparents.

anonymous 10/5/2021 6:38:24 PM

lol f*ck you dude the thrill rocks when u dont got some fat bitch in your ear telling you they suck

anonymous 10/5/2021 7:38:24 PM

I don't even have to listen to any of these bands to know they're all terrible & so is the entire hardcore scene. I always come to these types of threads for a laugh & it pays off every time. I hope all of you meet up one day & do the world a favor & kill yourselves by the hands of each other. Keep it scummy

anonymous 10/5/2021 8:11:15 PM

Y'all see that video of the rat eating a pizza?

anonymous 10/5/2021 9:05:35 PM

People old enough to be wouldn't exist in your shit wannabe 80s 90s I'll say 00-03 scene without em...and it eats you up. So jealous but no reason to be if you had a heart Tin Man style but you don't. Keep cosplaying whatever year in the 80s you weren't alive on or year in the 90s you were sperm to a toddler on kid. 27 year old who was a teenager 2008-12 bitch LOL.

anonymous 10/6/2021 2:20:52 AM

I don't even have to listen to any of these bands to know they're all terrible & so is the entire hardcore scene. I always come to these types of threads for a laugh & it pays off every time. I hope all of you meet up one day & do the world a favor & kill yourselves by the hands of each other. Keep it scummy All these scenes have always been crap, whether it was 90's So Cal punk like Pennywise, or early 00's hardcore like American Nightmare, Converge, et al. Music "scenes" are literally for females, as they devolve into bickering about dress codes, ages, and friends. This is why these bands and events attract emotionally ruptured beta males.

anonymous 10/6/2021 4:56:07 AM

What kind of music are the alpha's into? I need some new boyfriends…my old ones have erectile dysfunction and wear MAGA merch for attention.

anonymous 10/6/2021 6:39:48 AM

Zomags here I'll be at this with a spray tan and my sex pest boyfriend Haylen

Crowdedlives 10/6/2021 6:40:59 AM

Using "alpha" and "beta" as adjectives to describe and dehumanize people is indicative of a toxic, and gross personality. That caveman ass trash has no place in a civilized society.

anonymous 10/6/2021 6:50:20 AM

Uh oh Regulate's playing - all women stay away from this show. Regulate's drummer might attack one or several of you then make a public statement about how he doesn't think what he did "constitutes as rape." Oh wait he did that & suffered no consequences, he & his shit band only got rewarded with more shows, fests & tours.<\\\\\\ accusations at individuals like this, are so f*cking yesteryear. give it a rest -for F#CKS SAKE. if police reports were not filed it NEVER happened, EDGE LORD. signed,The Skeleton In YOUR Closet.

anonymous 10/6/2021 10:49:02 AM

^^^^ Oh it happened he just didn't get caught. He was lucky she didn't report it. Regulate will never blow up. I mean they've been around for almost a decade as they formed in 2012 & they STILL can't play a sold out headlining show @ Saint Vitus Bar in NYC or Amityville Music Hall in Amityville NY on Long Island where they're from not NYC - they're LIHC not NYHC. They're a sh it band of sh it humans.

anonymous 10/6/2021 11:01:15 AM

Mark from Final Declaration is a bigot who thinks an ethnic slur Trump supporters use is funny when it's not and pussy who can't fight. He's also the classic case of an ultra-fake woke black person who posts Black Lives Matter, is racist towards white people, thinks that's good when it's not, then accuses you of being racist when you call him out for doing exactly what white people do to him: discriminate. Of course he'll say he plays in a band with three white guys, they're his friends, he has white friends...just like the white guy who says he has black friends blah blah blah. See a black man can never EVER be racist or bigoted to these far left wackos. I mean all those attacks on elderly Asian women by black men, they weren't motivated by race oh no (they were.) That's something the ultra-fake woke BLM crowd will never, ever confront or address. Spencer Chamberlain tweeted "ethnic slurs LOL" cuz they don't exist right? You POS. All good you & Final Declaration

anonymous 10/6/2021 12:29:45 PM

Please seek help

anonymous 10/6/2021 12:53:25 PM

What kind of music are the alpha's into? I need some new boyfriends…my old ones have erectile dysfunction and wear MAGA merch for attention. ** None. If you're over the age of 25 and you're getting excited talking about bands and music, chances are you're low skilled and infantilised. Nothing more sad than watching and listening to adult males getting enthused about bands and music. At least children have the excuse of being children when they get giddy over Pokemon.

anonymous 10/6/2021 2:23:05 PM

"Nothing has ever been accomplished in any walk of life without enthusiasm, without motivation, and without perseverance" Jim Valvano I will continue to be enthusiastic, motivated and persevere in my attempt to find new "alpha" boyfriends. Thank u Jimmy! I'm not listening to ^ guy unless he's alpha. Are u alpha?

anonymous 10/6/2021 2:47:39 PM

This thread is so f*cking stupid. We've got people saying it's childish to be interested in music, on a… website devoted to music? And someone accusing the Underoath dude of tweeting racial slurs? The f*ck?

anonymous 10/7/2021 5:26:20 AM

Mark Franklin here, anyone coming from NYC for this? I'll be there for Cold Cave, staying at the red roof inn (did you know they allow pets? Crazy right. I should bring my car.) and was hoping someone could lift me? If not it's okay. I may stop for a rapid test on the way home too. Just a low income man trying to see my favorite band, then see a bunch of YT ppl in Syracuse

anonymous 10/7/2021 9:41:02 AM

LOL @ this weak ass thin ass lineup. Death Threat as a headliner in 2022 LMAO. The announcement of more bands has to be the full weak undercard cuz you can't embarrass Death Threat. Anyone bigger than DT is basically saying "we had to get someone who can draw more than them." TBD smacks of the promoter scrambling to book bands who'll draw cuz this sh it announced won't.

anonymous 10/7/2021 11:42:10 AM

Needs more rick ta life and his horse

anonymous 10/8/2021 6:47:36 PM

Mark has "M" word pass no funny

anonymous 10/8/2021 10:25:42 PM

yo who hit the buried alive gig?

anonymous 10/8/2021 10:26:21 PM

Exhibition should play during the "dinner break"

anonymous 10/9/2021 2:16:32 AM

^^^ Yeah it'd prevent their fat singer from becoming fatter.

anonymous 10/9/2021 7:19:33 AM

Tom Dom is the Lambgoat Killer

anonymous 10/9/2021 6:53:57 PM

^^^ Nah.

anonymous 10/11/2021 6:45:44 PM

yo honestly why does Lukas look like that?

anonymous 10/19/2021 6:34:18 AM


anonymous 10/20/2021 4:06:44 AM


anonymous 10/21/2021 6:51:06 AM


anonymous 10/22/2021 6:28:34 AM


anonymous 10/25/2021 11:47:30 AM

Angels of Edge should co headline

anonymous 10/29/2021 10:52:17 AM

Yet ANOTHER Syracuse show with Stand Alone Again because there's no other hardcore bands in Syracuse right? This time with Final Declaration the Buffalo version of Stand Alone as they play every fuc king hardcore show in Buffalo. No surprise as their drummer drums for Stand Alone Again. F uckin' clique bullshit. All this tells me is how dead Syracuse & Buffalo hardcore is.

anonymous 10/31/2021 5:35:13 AM

^^^^ U mad bro???? Packed house for a metal gig the night of Halloween. Multiple buffalo bands on the bill, you were at home eating Twix and trying to stream Halloween Kills on your Rocky but couldn't afford the $5 peacock subscription. Final Dec Again haven't played Buffalo in 4 months, multiple shows between the sets, but yeah they on every show bro. Lambgoat loser here too afraid to say anything in person so imma just troll online off my moms internet bill

anonymous 10/31/2021 7:05:25 AM

Stand Alone Again Vax Cards Erie PA NYD Syracuse Buffalo scene shows rochester final declaration Italians mark lukas lambgoat regulate Tom dom dead hardcore punk metalcore death metal earth crisis path of resistance good bad dinner break the thrill Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

anonymous 10/31/2021 7:07:58 AM

Really funny how people always say there are other Syracuse bands that should play but never list any that exist.

anonymous 11/14/2021 12:54:23 PM

U mad bro???? Packed house for a metal gig the night of Halloween. Multiple buffalo bands on the bill, you were at home eating Twix and trying to stream Halloween Kills on your Rocky but couldn't afford the $5 peacock subscription. Final Dec Again haven't played Buffalo in 4 months, multiple shows between the sets, but yeah they on every show bro. Lambgoat loser here too afraid to say anything in person so imma just troll online off my moms internet bill>>> Only dude who's mad is you bro. Packed house BWAHAHA Metal gig BWAHAHA bul lsh it. Fuc k Twix, Halloween Kills & Peacock. I would slap the sh it outta you in the real world - post your email toughguy - we can arrange. Final Declaration is garbage no one outside of Buffalo cares about to like. Again pull up so I can snack you silly.

anonymous 11/14/2021 12:57:23 PM

Really funny how people always say there are other Syracuse bands that should play but never list any that exist.>> It's not my job to show Lukas Reed there are Syracuse bands he & his pals don't play in, a sswipe.

anonymous 11/15/2021 9:04:31 AM

It's not my job to show Lukas Reed there are Syracuse bands he & his pals don't play in, a sswipe.>> Then name some maybe?

anonymous 12/7/2021 12:11:51 PM

Italians rise up

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