Uh oh Regulate's playing - all women stay away from this show.
Regulate's drummer might attack one or several of you then make a public statement about how he doesn't think what he did "constitutes as rape."
Oh wait he did that & suffered no consequences, he & his shit band only got rewarded with more shows, fests & tours.<\\\\\\ accusations at individuals like this, are so f*cking yesteryear. give it a rest -for F#CKS SAKE. if police reports were not filed it NEVER happened, EDGE LORD. signed,The Skeleton In YOUR Closet.
Uh oh Regulate's playing - all women stay away from this show. Regulate's drummer might attack one or several of you then make a public statement about how he doesn't think what he did "constitutes as rape." Oh wait he did that & suffered no consequences, he & his shit band only got rewarded with more shows, fests & tours.<\\\\\\ accusations at individuals like this, are so f*cking yesteryear. give it a rest -for F#CKS SAKE. if police reports were not filed it NEVER happened, EDGE LORD. signed,The Skeleton In YOUR Closet.