Organizers of Furnace Fest have announced the initial line-up for the 2022 installment, which is scheduled to take place September 23-25 at Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama. Thirty of the first artist confirmations are listed below, with sixty more to be revealed in the coming months.
Regular three-day passes are available for $249 + taxes and fees until February 28th. On March 1st, tickets increase to $269 + taxes and fees. Payment plans are available.
Furnace Fest 2022 lineup announcement No. 1:
The Ghost Inside
New Found Glory
The Acacia Strain
American Nightmare
As Friends Rust
Bleeding Through
Demon Hunter
Earth Crisis
The Joy Formidable
Just Like Heaven
Kublai Khan
Misery Signals
Mom Jeans
Morning Again
Pedro The Lion
Roadside Monument
Shadows Fall
Slow Crush
Stretch Arm Strong
Strike Anywhere
Post CommentCan we trade Stretch Arm Strong for Strongarm?
Elliott??? Dear GOD. That's shocking to see they're still a band.
$250 for mom jeans, huh? should of called this POS fest
Keep your children away from New Found Glory
rick_tocchet 8 minutes ago No Finch, No CARE!! I love you.
My wife described Capra's singer as sounding like Natalie Portman, but angry. I'd like to see American Nightmare and Integrity. We'll see what the other 60 bands end up being.
Three-day vaxes are available for $249, administered by Anti-Flag
Vincent from Acacia Strain here. I still live with my mom.
Marty from Zao here. We've played this fest before.
I'd like to see American Nightmare and Integrity not cover bands calling themselves that who are playing this fest - fixed it for you.
Brandan Schieppati here, we will not be playing with the fat guitarist we kicked out for not fitting our svelte tough guy image. We will however be donating all proceeds to rise above fatness
Code Orange's MGR here, our buy on is inevitable
Dino here, what's up with this Mom Jeans band, is that like what Brandi Love wears?
Bowie Kuhn commissioner of Major League Hardcore (MLH) here. Karl Buechner of Earth Crisis will be joining spring league training on a minor league deal in the hopes he can get in shape, and back back to big league form. We've acquired a used Emsculpt Neo machine that Vince Neil had been using for his come back. MLH has also reached out to the agent of Scott Vogel, and waiting for his response if he will be joining his fellow upstate NY'er.
last year was okay this however, is awful. wow is this bad. tier 3 and 4 (and some tier 5) get a tier 1 on there like Zao, or a tier 2 like As I Lay Dying
'Code Orange's MGR here, our buy on is inevitable' The joke only works when it would make sense for them to buy on.
Code Orange is floundering right now, they would buy onto a madball tour if they thought it would help
Why the f*ck is this fest held in Alabama? Of all the music scenes in the US, they were like yep Alabama will draw a crowd
keep Chode Orange off this one for fcks sake. These other bands that are to be announced better your Zaos, Beloveds, your God Forbids, your Poison the Wells, Eighteen Visions, It Dies Todays, and not this Mom Jeans bullshit.
Sunny hate56 here. I may be able to pull my head out joe hxcs crotch to film this. I'm a one man operation who delegates all the real work to 7 people. I can only do it if someone pays for my flight and hotel. Communism rules, democracy drools
25tolife or cold as life should be on this for the YeeYee boiz
Wasn't this supposed to be a one time thing? This lineup sucks compared to last years. Last year = fun with bands that made sense, 2022 = cash grab with bands no one cares about.
Oh cool Anti Flag! Please replicate your edgy anti-Bush speeches from Warped Tour. Bold stance. I'd rather hear Dino's anti-Bush statements.
Cancel line-up and just give all the money to Terror for "evening with" show. You'd still need to come up with some extra $$$ to afford them, though.
Angela Buckley here, Keith said you guys can put Norma Jean on now.
Seriously? wasn't that guy from New Found Glory cancelled?? you may as well announce Brand New
Scott Vogel from Terror here. I requested my $20k retainer fee for a 15 minute set, still waiting to hear back from the intern.
Matt Fox here. We are LIVID that the promoters of this event did not contact Pompano Beaches finest misanthropists, Shai Hulud, to be a part of this event. There will be a song on the new record about this.
Andrew Kline of Strife, World Be Free, and War Records here. Both of my bands should be on this, and I should have a free War records tent on the main concourse of this bozo fest. I'll even bring Vogel, and we'll do an acoustic Terror set.
Singer from Comeback Kid Andrew Nuefeld here, just letting everyone know I plan on getting robbed in my hotel room again and posting to social media about it.
^ can you imagine an acoustic terror set? Spit my rage in your faceeeeeeeeeeeeeee /harmonica plays
whoever pays $270 to sweat their balls off in alabama should have spent that money on counseling.
Sonny Singh hatefivesix here. Subscribe to my Patreon now to fund my trip to this fest, I fly first class only as a good capitalist pig does. My boy toy Len Carmichael and husband Joe Hardcore will be joining me as well so keep that in mind while donating.
Any one know some good late night spots in the area that all these band dorks won't be hanging out at?
Section H8 should be on this so they can beat up dwid
^^^^ didn't Danny Diablo beat up Dwid and Chubby Fresh?
Code Orange's ACCT here, we will be waiting to buy a slot on this fest until some more money frees up. Spent a lot of money on leather pants, embarrassing music videos, and Jaymi's transition this past year.
Andrew from Stray from the Path here. We've played at chain reaction, we even did a tour with The Warriors once!!! Why won't anyone in the hardcore scene take us seriously???
Woooo let's all go to shithole Alambama to celebrate the cheesiest stupidest era of hc how come no girls wanna see my schnitzel
60 more bands to be announced?! 1-59 had better be Terror. (Live From Abbey Road)
No shit ass bands like Madball, Cro-Mags, or Slapshot?
Get 25 Ta Life with Rick Ta Life on vocals and then I'll go.
No shit ass bands like Madball, Cro-Mags, or Slapshot? Fest will be headlined by new supergroup Cro-Mag 'Ball Slap. You happy now?
The Ghost Inside checking in everyone, we only got this slot on the fest because we almost died playing warped tour. Don't worry, we still love the police and we will do our best to make sure our bassist doesn't use anymore racial slurs in front of the help!!
Dwid from Integrity here. Chubby Fresh and I will be doing a tag team wrestling after show with Ezec, and Ezec's Only Fans girlfriend commonly referred to as 'Wifey' at the Platinum Of Birmingham. There will be a buffet, and Big Boogie will be spinning old school hip hop. Furnace Fest wristbands gets you 1/2 off at the door, and 1st 100 single ladies are free!
^^^ Speaking of wrestling, if ETID is done, maybe Andy and some other hardcore dudes who wrestle can do a grab ass exhibition.
What are the chances that 7A7P will play this? The font Furnace Fest is using for that graphic looks like the Jhazmynes Lullaby font....
" What are the chances that 7A7P will play this? The font Furnace Fest is using for that graphic looks like the Jhazmynes Lullaby font...." As if.
Payment plans available. "Uh yeah I'm here to take out a loan for a music festival, ya heardddd?"
Crowd will consist of losers who attend Record Store Day and flip "limited vinyls" on Discogs.
If Martyr AD plays, will they bring back the DEATH TO CHRISTIAN METAL shirts?
the "we got smoked by When We f*cked Young Girls show and have no gas left in the tank because we already had Converge and Zao" Fest
Joe Hardcore here. No way will me or my dick riders allow anymore festivals to take away from TIH. Rest assured that FSU will be paying this promoter a visit and running him out of the scene... Just like FSU ran out the nazi's who were once infiltrating the scene like WWII all over again.
What's good guys? This Chaka, vocalist of legendary NYHC act "BURN" and underground electronic outfit Ghost Decibels. My boy Joe "Cuz" Katamaran has been shut down on all social media for spreading the truth to his friends and family. He is now back with a new IG profile. We all blood in the hardcore culture and we gotta support this man and help him get back to promoting shows again. He's been hit hard financially and well.. he has raised the prices on his cocaine. It has become hard for me to afford to purchase off him. We all gotta eat. Stay well XxX - Chaka
It's 2021 we need more woke SJW acts on this bill. I don't see enough non binary band members, a token black dude, an Asian or a chick with hair armpits and no bra
It's 2022 dumbass lay off the bong and government stimulus checks
Imagine getting vaxxed to go to shit concerts like this. By the end of the concert you'll be praying for the blood clots to come sooner
Aaron 'Big C*ck' Bedard here from positive influential hardcore band Bane. I always said "Last Chance To Dance Kids" to see our final performance that always ended up being a reunion show. That being said, Bane would like to be added to this positive hardcore festival for a cash grab. No females will be touched at this event by me, I promise.
Sean McCabe here, how do i get Ink & Dagger on the Earth Crisis day? We will bring snacks
Mad props for Chaka's post including the "..." for excellent dramatic effect when discussing the increase in Cuz Joe's coke prices. Cracked my ass up.
Biden voters are pissed because they have to go into the wild unvaccinated/maskless hell of Alabama so they can hear bands talk about how dumb the people that live in the host state are.
A Ghost Inside is not a real hardcore band. Ask Scott.
Demon Hunter? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Noble scholar and visionary Pat Flynn here, Have heart will be a surprise guest as we are all out of money
Section H8 should be on this so they can beat up dwid permalink | report abuse anonymous 6 hours ago ^^^^ didn't Danny Diablo beat up Dwid and Chubby >>> Section H8 are fake toughguys who aren't beating up sh it & Danny SAYS he beat up Dwid & Chubby Fresh & so what if he did when they're both pussies. Get back to me when Danny beats up Harley Flanagan or James Pligge. The Chaka posts are pure comedy gold 😂😂😂
Daniel McWhorter from Gideon here. If the Alabama heat has you pussies scared, you better pray you don't see me in the pit. Get f*cked you little shit stains.
everyone in here is going to go when 7A7P gets added
" everyone in here is going to go when 7A7P gets added" 7 Angels 7 Plagues isn't 7 Angels 7 Plagues without Matt Matera and Jared Logan.
Every new jack in every shit new jack band: "What's Furnace Fest? My OG leaders of the scene friends didn't start going to shows until 2008 so they can't tell me."
that's a lot of trash to sift through for shadows fall and misery signals.
Do bands really pay to be on these things?
Don't you guys know that bands don't buy on to tours anymore geez. They give ass jobs instead
Or you know, release the rest of the goddamn lineup at the same time and people who actually want to go will go?
You know the fest sucks ass when Hatebreed cancels their performance to go out on tour instead.
Turnstile should be on this lineup card with Terror beneath them.
"7 Angels 7 Plagues isn't 7 Angels 7 Plagues without Matt Matera and Jared Logan" Not true. Thksd little fake ass, promise breaking, f*cking your friends over chuds are easily replaced by Stu and Branden. No love lost there. Just listen to "Murder" by Misery Signals to know just how those guys feel about Matto and Jaredo.
Brandon Schiepetti here, I'll be bring my soul patch back for this
7 Angels 7 Plagues isn't 7 Angels 7 Plagues without Matt Matera and Jared Logan. Matt Matera is the equivalent of a Siberian Husky barking into a microphone-bring back "Timo."
Hope Con Kids Like Us Most Precious Blood Come on!
Worth it for American Nightmare, Integrity, Quicksand and Elliott
Add these bands then I'll go: Burnt By The Sun, Scarlet, Poison the Well (Tear from the Red - full album), It Dies Today, Sentinels, Boundaries, Bane, Silent Drive, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Funeral For A Friend, Currents, Loathe, Alpha Wolf.
Oh, shit - it has been a minute since I have listened to Burnt By The Sun. Got my morning soundtrack now.
anonymous 3 hours ago Brandon Schiepetti here, I'll be bring my soul patch back for this lmaooooo. imma bust ova here
Steve Klein here from New Found Glory and newly labeled sexual predator. I just want to play Stick and Stones and be with my dude bro's again
Push ups and box squats ONLY in the pit during Bleeding Through.
doing pushups during bleeding through actually sounds tight
60 more bands to be announced?! 1-59 had better be Terror. (Live From Abbey Road) ^ hahahaha brilliant
Worth it for American Nightmare, Integrity, Quicksand and Elliott >> Oh look everyone, original Hellfest leftover here. American Nightmare with Wes I Sold Out who does AN for the money. Integrity without the Melnicks so no Integrity, fronted by a weirdo who lives in a run down mini-castle in Belgium. Quicksand without Tom Capone so not Quicksand who put out two dogsh it return albums. Elliott who are back cuz emo's in.
Incoming bait and switch type situation when the rest of the line up is announced and it's all dog shit filler.
Bring back Burnt By The Sun! Best band that people don't know about.
Weapon X here why didn't we get asked to play we are overrated too!
With the recent mass California exodus entering Birmingham is like being welcomed to the new San Francishithole
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capra sucks