Post Commentnews reel: ash is about to screw over another band this just in.
they say they are from a town right by me, and i have never heard of this band before.
my sister lives in palantine, lol at these losers
They used to be Your Heart Engraved, then they became Rosecrance. I believe Born of Osiris is a new name they got as soon as they signed. Awesome dudes, awesome music. Good to see someone from home get out of this crapdump.
This band's music is fcking banging, perfect guitar tone. Also, for "gokillyourself", I think you mean "news reel: ash is about to build another band a career because he has an eye and ear for real talent and knows what the fck he is doing."
awesome dudes, awesome band. Super stoked for those guys.
grats to both BoO and Sumerian. fcking br00tal band...broseph
holy shit this band sounds like everyone else getting signed good for them and their hard work @ writing boring music keep up the goodness guys
on further research..its just YHE and RC, why another name change? getting kinda crazy.
fckin rosecrance. stoked for those kids.
this band sucks, they can't even play their songs live cause their drummer writes everything. untalented minus that dude, good job at writing nu metalcore
Yeah, they're drummer does write everything and their live performance isn't so tight. they used to be Diminished -> Your Heart Engraved -> Rosecrance -> and now Born Of Osiris
I'm so sick of this fcking band. Bullshit bands like this keep popping up in my neighborhood and getting signed.
the people that talk all this trash on this page are all foam and no beer. jealousy is dangerous. born of osiris has talent. recognize bitches.
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first post. who