NewsJune 2, 2022 7:43 PM ET9,064 views

Kentucky Irate Fest 2022 lineup takes shape

Kentucky Irate Fest 2022

The lion's share of the roster has been solidified for Kentucky Irate Fest 2022, scheduled to take place August 26-28 at 7021 Global Drive in Louisville, Kentucky.

A small handful of performers have yet to be revealed, but the current line-up is as follows:

Bury Your Dead
Impending Doom
Evergreen Terrace
Rose Funeral
The Browning
In Dying Arms
Sea Of Treachery
Earth Caller
Autumn Lies Buried
Worm Shepherd
Weeping Wound
My Own Will
Born A New
Fight From Within
Somewhere To Call Home
Jason Paige
Pieced Up
Belushi Speed Ball
Summoning The Lich
In Gloom
The Convalescence
Snuffed On Sight
Actus Reus
Guerrilla Warfare
Of The Fallen
Yosemite In Black
Eulogy In Blood
Gallifrey Falls
A Rumor Of War


Post Comment

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:02:01 PM

LOL @ Madball being the headliner of this clusterfu ck. Who's their guitarist & drummer? They should've stayed broken up (2001 breakup.)

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:09:40 PM

Wait, who? Where??

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:12:02 PM

They already had LDB fest which was actually good. No one is gonna come to this

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:15:38 PM

LDB must be laughing at this. Madball is so washed.

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:19:47 PM


anonymous 6/2/2022 5:27:31 PM

Madball has had same drummer for like 10 years. Guitarist some dude , last couple years Should have not broken up in 2001, but in 2004 after the "NYHC" EP.

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:30:56 PM

Madball f*cking sucks so bad

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:31:27 PM

Madi here guys (and girls and non binary gender neutrals) , how are you?? ;) . New Sailor Moon action figures are so dope ;). My band Year of the Knife will not be playing this fest as the promoter has not booked any of my sex offender friends!!! Loyalty means everything to me ;). *muah* ciao -Maddy YOTK

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:38:40 PM

Madball has had same drummer for like 10 years. Guitarist some dude , last couple years Should have not broken up in 2001, but in 2004 after the "NYHC" EP. >> Basically you thought they're back lemme check out their return EP & thought the sh it sucked & said hang it up fellas.

anonymous 6/2/2022 5:40:15 PM

Madi here guys (and girls and non binary gender neutrals) , how are you?? ;) . New Sailor Moon action figures are so dope ;). My band Year of the Knife will not be playing this fest as the promoter has not booked any of my sex offender friends!!! Loyalty means everything to me ;). *muah* ciao -Maddy YOTK >>> She backs Rapeulate, Section H8 & Life's Question.

anonymous 6/2/2022 6:17:55 PM

No Knocked Loose? Surprising.

anonymous 6/2/2022 6:18:52 PM

"Yosemite In Black" Yosemite Mudflap >

anonymous 6/2/2022 6:37:26 PM

No Knocked Loose? Surprising. >> Not really. They'd make more money with their own headlining show in Louisville. Why dilute the draw for that by playing this shi t? Besides who's shelling out a fest price to see them play this sh it?

anonymous 6/2/2022 6:58:50 PM

Don't bring your bag of jewels

anonymous 6/2/2022 7:23:17 PM

This Is Incel Fest 2022

anonymous 6/2/2022 7:23:53 PM

Music for boosted groomers

anonymous 6/2/2022 7:57:08 PM

Not enough bands here to call this a festival. Gimme more.

anonymous 6/2/2022 8:18:55 PM

Imagine looking at this and thinking it's NOT better than LDB. The crowd of LDB is a bunch of dick riders who would prefer to get caught on camera moshing to sh*t metalcore rips of the early 00s while promoting their only fans page because they drained their bank accounts to attend a fest full of soft bodied b*tches. LDB is for cornballs and y'all wanna front like it's hard. GTFOH. Everyone knows the fest was bred from Zach dear's taint and everyone thinks a name change gets to gloss it over. Louisville is f*cking better off without the elitist mother f*cks in LDB who want to police hardcore and act like their dicks are larger than they are. GTFOH wankers suck me twice

anonymous 6/2/2022 8:53:28 PM

Don't forget UNO

anonymous 6/2/2022 10:29:11 PM

Krazy Fest

carveyournamein 6/3/2022 12:51:09 AM

Lol @ Kentucky

anonymous 6/3/2022 4:57:28 AM

fight me at Old Forester I'll be in the tasting area getting blasted

anonymous 6/3/2022 4:58:03 AM

anonymous 10 hours ago "Yosemite In Black" Yosemite Mudflap > ^this

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:33:39 AM

How fat will Matt Bruso be this time around? I'm guessing an easy 240lbs on that 5'4 frame.

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:35:54 AM

"PEEPEE POOPOO MADBALL BAD" "HURDUR LDB FEST" My brothers... You dropped your clown shoes..

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:47:38 AM

Sweatiest comment section of the year

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:55:15 AM

Oceano and Sea of Treachery are still bands? Freshman year of high school me is stoked.

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:57:52 AM

I see the incels have all gathered to this comment section.

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:58:54 AM

Most of these people in the comments get no ass and it shows

anonymous 6/3/2022 7:13:51 AM

Don't know why people are being dicks. If you don't like the lineup why comment? It's gonna be awesome especially if the dicks stay away!

anonymous 6/3/2022 8:26:26 AM

Wanna be tough guys who say "post your Gmail and I will beat your ass!" are stoked.

anonymous 6/3/2022 8:28:04 AM


anonymous 6/3/2022 8:45:18 AM

sooooo much camo will be on display here. Will Loretta Lynn be in attendance? You know, the holler ain't too far away.

anonymous 6/3/2022 9:26:49 AM

These band names…WOOF!

anonymous 6/3/2022 9:39:57 AM

comedic a "fest" with bands some of the board users here used to use as punchlines to their own jokes "Downswing" and "Impending Doom." Silly goaters, it is a "concert" not a Fashion Show.

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:46:18 PM

"PEEPEE POOPOO MADBALL BAD" "HURDUR LDB FEST" My brothers... You dropped your clown shoes.. >> go suck off Pain Of Truth and Gridiron some more you posing try hard pu$$y

anonymous 6/3/2022 1:54:42 PM

Can Bury Your Dead just do some shows with their original vocalist? Matt Bruso sucks

anonymous 6/3/2022 2:05:31 PM

why did they use a photo of Jesus Camp folks testifying for an Amen? I saw holy spirit I think!!!!!!!!

anonymous 6/3/2022 3:22:46 PM

LOL it's a shame what you new generation twinks did to hardcore. Real shame

anonymous 6/3/2022 4:24:44 PM

Tallah is cool.

anonymous 6/3/2022 4:45:46 PM

go suck off Pain Of Truth and Gridiron some more you posing try hard pu$$y Both bands are so bad as in they suck.

anonymous 6/3/2022 6:42:56 PM

post your hotmail & i'll eat your ass

anonymous 6/4/2022 2:56:16 PM

What the hell is the IMDB fest you chuds are talking about?

anonymous 6/4/2022 4:56:09 PM

LDB. Put on your glasses.

anonymous 6/6/2022 6:16:24 AM

anonymous 3 days ago Don't bring your bag of jewels <\\\\\\\ I refuse to believe anyone with "balls" will be in attendance. especially in Kentucky, should've called this "deliverance fest" SqUEal piggy, SqUEal...sue-wee!!!!

anonymous 6/6/2022 6:20:00 AM

anonymous 3 days ago Don't bring your bag of jewels <\\\\\\\ I refuse to believe anyone with "balls" will be in attendance. especially in Kentucky, should've called this "deliverance fest" SqUEal piggy, SqUEal...sue-wee!!!!

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