Post CommentGet bent, gay. I didn't buy your records and your band isn't worth stealing from.
Can't say I disagree with him. Also, nobody gives a fck if you were first.
Wait, that's way more than 140 characters!
And this is why twitter is limited to 140 characters.
Norma Who? Zero Relevance. Who would download this garbage?
don't care for these guys but he is 100% true
Piracy is socially accepted stealing. I'd be pissed too.
where is your god? where is your god? where is your fck ing gooooddddddddd??????
Doubt we'll see any comment on here that has any real thought behind it.
I can't believe a fanbase predominately christian would steal from you. you mad brah?
I wouldnt wipe my ass with their music...but he has a point!
you mad brah...is getting oldddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddd and so is my mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm beat you to it silly lambgoat ass spelunking kids
Get over urself queer! Get with the times! Music is fcking downloaded nowadays and probably always will be! Go be a waiter at Applebee's if you don't like it!
deal with it. douche. i'm sure the tens of dollars you lost to piracy will find their way back.....or not idgaf
It's ok to mad when someone steals something you worked hard on.
stupid butthurt gay. your sales are down cause you are in a shit band.
Just FYI, all you guys making fun of him for this are SO fckING COOL! I hope one day I can be a big shot on a message board full of kids who think they're music elitists. As far as saying his music is "garbage," you fcking wish.
If you're in a band you know that you see hardly any revenue from album sales. Your money comes from touring. Waaaa.. homeboys pissed because he cant get the playstation his kid wants. Get a job Hippy
last time i saw them is 45 minutes i cant get back but you dont see me crying about. turn back time, bitch so i could have driven to the show instead of getting a ride
"It's about time someone got pissed about this!" Didn't Lars Ulrich do that a decade ago? - Mike Costigan
"You owe me money." How about the money that this band owes Botch for completely ripping them off?
if he expected to make money from being in a band maybe they should have taken nickleback's approach.
boo fcking hoo. put out a record on scion a/v and shut the fck up. christians not progressing, i've heard this story before.
what if i downloaded "Bless The Martyr and Kiss the Child" for free? y'know? the one this crybaby gay didn't ruin with his shitty vocals. fck these butthurt pieces of shit and their equally as shitty god.
This is why being in a band these days is hard...the internet made some things easier but fcked everything else and now we(musicians) are always gonna be fcked and that Napster fck started ti all..I support NJ and always will, they are one of few real bands left..But as for deathcore,crabcore, whatever you kids call it, download that cause we need more of those bands to break up and stop spreading thier garbage.
How about you owe money to those who actually wasted their hard earned cash on your shitty music. ?
Hey guys, post your addresses. I'm going to come over and steal from you... since you're ok with it and all. There are seriously ZERO facts on this page. Did anyone here go to college?
Shouldn't have joined a band that you thought would make you rich but turned out to get shittier and shittier with every fcking release.
You guys should really go to his twitter and read through everything he wrote. This is a shitty interpretation on a shitty site. If you reply to him, he answers back.
I went to college and don't post anonymously. Come fight me gay.
I wouldn't make an account for this site if you and your midget army forced me with your tiny wieners. You live in your moms bastufft.
BITCH I BOUGHT YOUR SHIT ALBUM AND IT SUCKS!!!! you owe ME money!!! and my time back
this guy is showing his true FACE FACE. its big to be like Metallica these days but fck you chose Lars? I'll pray for van flips.
Sounds like we have a fckING advocate for SOPA over here.
Botch didn't ask Norma Jean for money when they stole their riffs years ago.
Lets all post anonymously and argue about it...
What, what? People can steal music? Is this new? No, it's not. Bands know this comes with the territory nowdays. Get over it or don't join a band. Just like celebs crying about the paparazzi - it's part of the gig. Whining about it only makes people hate you more and want to steal more. This dude hasn't even been part of Norma Jean when they were actually tolerable, so his angle is laughable at best.
I used to buy your bands records. Then everything you bitches have put out has been garbage in the past 5 years plus...put out a good record, then people will buy it. Of note, I have bought a few of The Chariot's Records.
ever since Josh Stogin left the band, you guys have been terrible. nobody in their right mind would bother "stealing" OR buying your music. bust your nut and get over it. welcome to the world wide business of online music blogs, gay.
Maybe you should try making music because you love it. Not because you make money.
So basically all bands should just take it up the ass so you can continue stealing. Sweet. Got it. No facts on this page yet. Nothing to justify stealing. You guys lose and are just mad because your band sucked and no one cares.
ive been bitching about this for some time but we cant direct all the fans entirely now labels now make sure all the members have jobs same with management because they know there taking every penny we make, fck the labels go independent and you will see some money to keep your band going or at least a hell of alot more than before
as far as people "stealing" your music-if you would release something of quality and substance with consistant lead vocalists nobody would have to download these piles of shit you call "albums" where is your fcking "god" to remedy this occurance now?
Didn't Norma Jean STEAL their sound from Botch? Yes.....Yes, they did
i bought your albums that were worth listening to and paid to see you in concert 5 times, now shut the fck up
ever since Josh Stogin ever since Josh Stogin ever since Josh Stogin ever since Josh Stogin ever since Josh Stogin ever since Josh Stogin ever since Josh Stogin
as far as people "stealing" your music-if you would release something of quality and substance with consistant lead vocalists nobody would have to download these piles of shit you call "albums" where is your fcking "god" to remedy this occurance now?you and your band owe me some cash and space back upon my cd racks...
It's interesting how when you're just starting out, still working at Rite Aid. You want everyone to download your album for free, just so people know who your band is when you get to a show. Then, when your band becomes your job, downloading is the devil. whadda-ya-gonna-do?
Downloading a Norma Jean album for free right now. Try www.newalbumreleases.net for full albums with direct download links.
norma jean played some outside music fest in decauter, IL in 03 or 04 and I stole the gay singers mic while they were playing and held it down to the ground...and wouldn't give it back. true story.
exactly, getfcked. downloading illegaly isn't going anywhere. make like louis ck and thou and trust ppl will want to pay for your good product. i have more music(lp's) that i've paid for then i ever could imagine. and gone to more shows then ever this year. fcking idiots.
I like what the guitarist to zao said a while back..."For far too long bands have released lame records with lame artwork even more lame music and get pissed when people download it for free. Well, the people you are complaining about are usually your own fans that can't afford your half assed attempt at a record".
i heard norma jean castrated each other in the name of god and sodomize themselves with the holy cross.
"You owe me money." How about the money that this band owes Botch for completely ripping them off? ^ This forever.
The audacity. Who has listened to an album since Scogin left? What?...nobody? Exactly. And if you DID happen to listen, hopefully you didn't pay for that garbage.
Shut the fck up, Cory. I'm not going to pay for my music so that you can be MORE rich. If you can afford to tour, record, and buy instrument without my money, I don't see any reason to give it to you. P.S. Piracy isn't stealing, for those of you who don't know. Piracy = Someone stealing your car, but you still have your car.
fck off, rock star! I'm going to download the discography out of spite!
Brandan has a point, but statements like this never go over well with the 'people'
i will now download their entire discography. Only to delete it.
"You owe me money." How about the money that this band owes Botch for completely ripping them off? x 10000, also lol at the dude bitching at the "lack of facts" on the comments.
"you owe me money" .. typical christians this
This----anonymous1 hour ago "you owe me money" .. typical christians
if your shitty band was worth any fcking time to see live, you wouldnt be crying about the 3% of fake fiat money that you make from album sales. shut the fck up pssy. there are bands that tell people to DL their shit but to come to the shows to support them. then there are gays like you that suck the c-ck from both ends. fight me at your show pssy. your band sucks.
anonymous 15 minutes ago i will now download their entire discography. Only to delete it LOL!!
faillllll band will never EVER download your garbage
im quite sure you make at least 50 dollars a day on tour at this point. in between tours work at labor ready like i do. problem solved. minimum wage income year round but you get to spend half the year touring and having a blast with your friends.
Thought it was supposed to be about the fun, not the moolah. Sell out.
or any other temp agency, doesnt have to be labor ready. or use craigslist to find work. or start some kind of business that creates revenue while on tour. or find a sugar momma haha. you have to be savvy to tour, and these are all things ive seen underground musicians do to get by. when was the last time YOU bought a record? i ask myself the same question and thats why i dont get mad about people downloading my music.
He owes money to anyone who ever spent money on the garbage his band produces
holy LOL i would expect this from some bro that was in the band since the 90's but you fcking joined NJ like a couple years ago. you knew damn well what the state of the industry was and where it was heading. On top of that, you hide behind the "its about the music and showing people God's love" theme, your evangelism is a scam. NO SYMPATHY for this butthurt fggt.
Someone wants "facts"? HA! Here's one. How about the FACT that this fcking hypocrite illegally downloads music himself. It's one thing to bitch about 'something' but to bitch about THIS?! Money-hungry Christian cliche' gay.
i would rather download Botch you know the band who your band ripped off
The Chariot is better. I think most of the fans of this band would rather be at a dubstep show.
bought their first album...and......stole the rest bahahahahahahaa
stupid gay. this is like cab drivers getting upset when they get a 10cent tip -- dont fcking like it, get another job -- stop crying about it and work.
Im about to download ur music now, and make a cd out of it and take a dump on it.
Hetfield and cry baby Ulrich are stoked
don't hate the player, hate the game. your rant isn't going to change anyone's mind. you knew what kind of industry you were getting into. if you don't like it, get a job at applebee's like the rest of us
The anon whiteknighting this gay is a DWEP. Seriously, if it wasn't for piracy half of the gay bands all of you listen to wouldn't be known because piracy = EXPOSURE. YouTube + Piracy = MAXIMUM EXPOSURE. Good thing street performers don't complain about their magic tricks being broadcasted on YouTube like a bunch of crybaby gays. All artists crying about piracy are greedy or musicians who are stupid enough to not have a side job.
As a former touring musician, fck this guy! I would absolutely relish the fact that someone would want to download something I made. Shut the fck up and go cry in your decked out designer house, pssy.
very motherfcking new, norma jean are mega shit. next step up are better.
To the people who think bands don't get paid from album sales. Most labels, unless you signed a crappy deal, pay about $1.30-$2.00 a record sold. If you sell 100k records like NJ has in the past, that's $130-200k for the band over the course of an album cycle. So yes, it hurts. Should he complain about it, probably not.
opening kickstarter page to raise funds to hire someone to shut this nerd up. i think i'm going to download their discography now just because. its hilarious when news like this comes out about bands that i didnt even know were still together. SCREAM THE PRAYER DOOD!!!
What a pointless thing to say. Great idea, annoy the very people who like your band by complaining about something that, a) you're powerless to control, b) isn't going to change anytime soon, and c) affects everyone else just as much as you, so what makes you so unique? If you're not going to offer any really good incentive for people to want to buy your music, then everyone's going to rip it off because it's so easy to both do and get away with. Not advocating, just pointing out the facts.
leave your pathetic religious ramblings out of this post-Cory... if we all were truly blessed you ass clowns would hit a patch of black ice and van flip-succumbing to a fate resembling cliff burton's
Normal Jean music ain't even worth my bandwidth. Hell it isn't even worth wasting space on my fcking hard drive. Make better music, maybe it will sell.
be happy people at least downloaded it or else no one would ever have heard your garbage music.
this band sucks now. i wouldn't even download this pathetic generic music. For the people who did download this illegally just send this douche a bible with a dck hole in it and call it even.
Maybe he should pay A Secret Death some money for stealing 'Fear Is The Driving Force' and their sound for said project before he complains again.
This is GOD. (Never mind the fact that my username is anonymous, I am a spiteful God not a technologically advanced God). I know for a fact that Cory Brandan illegally downloads music. And gay porn! In fact, he downloaded the new Nickelback album last week. If in doubt, ask "What Would Jesus Do"? In this case, he'd download the fck out of some shit. Peace out. - God
"You're right dude, you make a very fair argument." :::Sends Solid State Records a $15 check:::
I heard Jesus threw the money changers out of the House of Blues.
What do you do when your trendy music goes out of fashion and your record sales decline? Blame downloading! It doesn't look like the fat one is missing any meals, though.
There are two Norma Jean CDs in my collection, I got them from a second hand bin so no money would have gone to the band or label, wonder how Cory feels about that?
What a douche. One, I wouldn't buy his shitty band's garbage... nor would i download it illegally. Two, this dude probably downloads a shit ton of music illegally. There's very little chance he's never downloaded an album.
Of course this is coming from the guy who spent no sweat or money or put his heart out there for a chance at a record deal. Nah he just waltzed right in and now he's got the sack to complain about illegal downloads. fck your downloads and fck your shit band.
fck off. no one forced this guy to be in music for his job/income. its the nature of the beast, you chose you music, you knew the risks....so go whine in the mirror fcko....plus this band is terrible and I wouldnt dl it for free let alone if someone paid me.
The same thing that gave this band what little notoriety they have is the same thing that takes money from them: the internet. I promise you this guy has a copied tape or vhs from his past.
http://www.facebook.com/pa rtytimewithguttershark?sk= app_178091127385 You guys can all download out music for FREE here
this dude is just butt hurt because he plays in a crappy band. hey there, Cory, if your music was worth half a shit, maybe enough people would buy tickets to your shows and you could make money that way and not whine about something that isn't going to change. If your music sounds like shit, live or not (and yours most definitively does) then that is not likely to happen. good day to you sir.
anyone who puts out music in this day and age and still gets mad when it gets downloaded is a butthurt bitch moron with an obviously over-inflated sense of self worth.
I Used to Hate Cell Phones, Now I Hate Downloading
Just FYI, all you guys making fun of him for this are SO fckING COOL! I hope one day I can be a big shot on a message board full of kids who think they're music elitists. As far as saying his music is "garbage," you fcking wish.<--- cory's self made rant in his own defense... pathetic cory, absolutely pathetic
Is getting pissed about piracy still a thing?
No care about this, no care about Botch, no care about Chariot. Be stoked on the fact that some lifeless doucher wants to download your crap bands music in the first place. JK who would even do that?
I guess you owe botch some money for completely biting them.
what a whining little bitch. He and his band tours the world and all he does is bitch and moan that kids are downloading their records. seriously, there are countless people who would want to be in the position this c-ck sucker is in, and what does he do? bitch about something that people will always be able to get around and do. cry me a river, gay.
lol did he think his talent of "screaming" was going to pay the bills-do it cause you love it you little bitch. "rockstars" used to make tons of money, but that was wrong--ideas should be free
Me to norma jean: No, I don't owe you money, because your music is absolute dogshit and not worth buying or downloading. If an artist actually produces worthwhile music, I will gladly purchase it. Yours doesn't make the cut though. Back to the drawing board with you.
I'm friends with members in the band. Live in the same city as Cory. Known him for years. All he just did was cause me to lose respect for him and a band I've loved for years. This isn't the rockstar age dude.
nobody owes you anything dude. if you want people listening to your music then willingly give it to them for free as a musician should. i work a full time job and sometimes a part time one on top of that, and then i play shows as well that most of the time i pay money to go to play between gas and rental costs. if your heart isn't in it to share your stuff for free then don't do it. nobody owes you anything and you're being ungrateful piece of shit about the lifestyle you are very lucky to have.
consider it a blessing you have people willing to take time out of there day to download it even though you a talentless band fck you your the spoiled brat and a pice of shit burn in hell gayg
first off you have one good song its a small spark vs a great forest second your an idiot youve got it way better than the majority of this planet and third mr.christian man would god want you to sweat about the little money your missing out on? what about the poor people that download? so either way you would not be making the money
downloading their whole discog just to delete it.
Who would wanna download this shit anyways? Let alone buy it
The reason people don't feel bad stealing music from bands is because the buyer got fcked by jacked up prices since the inception of the cd. Poor product and inflated prices. But really, if they like you - kids will buy your shit. Bundle it with a shitty t-shirt that costs you $3 and sell the shit for $20. Figure it out. Also: http://www.indievisionmusi c.com/2010/07/22/norma-jea n-enters-billboard-chart-a t-44/ you can't be that starving. Just saying.,.
What a fake piece of shit. Any musician who values money and record sales over their art, as shitty and worthless as their art is, needs to get dead. Zero sincerity. Well boo fcking hoo, dumbshit suburbia sheep aren't buying your once trendy shitty music and lies of christianity anymore. Pray to your magic wizard in the sky, maybe he'll smite those who you think owe you so goddamn much.
...and the only Norma Jean album i've ever bought or cared about was one of the ones that you weren't on. Aaaaand don't spend money on Ross Robinson or overly elaborate artwork packages or expensive HD pro-shot videos. You want support from your fans, get back in touch.
usually i'd support this but, you owe a percent of what you sell to botch from riff ripping.
This guy is the biggest gay to ever get a lambgoat article. The Chariot is fcking stoked.
I read this, and all the comments. the funniest thing is that some people are either remaining as anonymous or are just news only posters, the regular posters seem to give 2 fcks less, the rest of you watertrash can kill yourselves. thanks - bkr
If it wasn't for illegal downloading, Norma Jean would hardly even have a fanbase. Everyone downloads music now, get over it. Be happy that your band is somewhat relevant because of it. On the other hand, everything this band released after Bless The Martyr is mediocre and shitty. I'm surprised people even download your other albums.
I don't understand why everyone is all over this guy. He made music, he should be compensated for the work he did. If the album sucks like you say, and isn't worth paying for, then why is it even worth downloading? I'll agree his tone in this tweet is obnoxious, but there's not a person on here that wouldn't feel the exact same way, if in the same situation.
i downloaded bless the martyr in 2003. do i owe you money? gay.
This is what we in the business call a PR move. Look, 153 comments on a washed up bands status about something we've all been complaining about for years. This was strictly to remind people this band didn't break up.
In other words, troll of the month goes to this crygay.
people already hate you... isn't that enough?
Oh God The AFtermath was great (for the time) but everything else they've done since then has been weak!
Dude, go fck yourself! Youre suppose to be in this for the love of God, not money! Just go hang out w james hetfield and complain about how u guys have a shitty life with no money! gay!
i guess being glad people still listen to your band isn't good enough.
there is a reason why till this day the most popular songs are from their first album, because Corey isn't on it.
You guys who think these underground musicians are rich need to read this.
You guys who think underground musicians are rich should read this. http://www.altpress.com/fe atures/entry/no_money_mo_p roblems/
if you're christian, doesn't that mean you think gays go to hell? then why are you acting like such a gigantic gay?
Would it be possible to track down the guy whose meme he copied and fcked up? Holy fck his "design" work is so fcking shitty. http://unworkdesign.blogsp ot.com/2010/11/push-button -catch-bacon.html
fck this twat, your gay god-humping "heavy" band isn't worth my computer space. Go jerk it to jesus, and bitch some more. You should feel honored people are actually listening to your music, instead your popularity has got you craving more money, materialism is a drug that has obviously taken over your head. If i was to ever "pray" for anything, it would be for your mainstream steaming shit of a band to disband, or vanflip whichever comes first.
Christian gay wants money. No surprise.
your music isnt worth stealing anyway queer. go thump your bible, music should always be for the fans and by the fans cause we keep you alive. getting royalties on it is just a secondary benefit. eat shit and die
He needs to learn how to make sentences before he can bitch.
@victory_records_salesrep: The band really should have broken up, they are complete garbage and nobody likes their music.
I guess the door to door Mac computer sales aren't what they used to be.
fcking Hypocritical fcking bible thumpin' fcking ChristCore Phoney motherfckers... Blessed is he that considers the poor: Yahweh will deliver him in time of trouble. Yahweh will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and you will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. – Psalms 41:1-2
you haven't lived the hard life motherfcker.
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. – 1 Timothy 6:17-19
join emmure if you wanna make money!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG norma jean is a jewish band now? MOZZLTOFF you fcking gold digging blasphemous jerks. let it be known ill smash every unpurchased norma jean album i can from now on till the day i die and become THE ALMIGHTY RABBIT BELT
"You owe me money." How about the money that this band owes Botch for completely ripping them off? - OWNED
fck cry baby, get the fck over it no one fcking cares. As if that fcking jerk has never downloaded a fcking cd before
I have downloaded every one of your albums for free. suck dix.
this dude fcking sucks. Lost 2k on the last show I did with them. 85 kids paid. Am I bitching? No. Will I never buy a Norma Jean show ever again... correct.
i'm more than sure with all the previous records that this band has sold they should have enough money. everyone in the band has a job they don't just relay on the band to bring in their income. so whats a couple hundred bucks not going in your pocket? it's not like you'd do anything with it. pay off bills which have probably already been taken care of. it's not like your going to go out and help society
he doesn't have a point at all. it's fcking bullshit for a band that has a history with the hardcore scene to bitch about getting paid in this manner. people download because music is music. music is not groceries. art is not groceries. downloading is here to stay and it's not the kids' fault that they download a record they wanna hear that very second. fck this guy and fck everyone who agrees with him.
kids bought records ten years ago because yousendit wasn't around and music was something worth buying. it's not worth buying anymore. it's not. it's not. it's not. get fcking over it. break your band up and write a book about 2005 metalcore.
What about the time i had to sit through your band at shows that you opened while waiting for other bands. i feel you stole my money. my ticket money shouldn't have to be split with you, it should go to the band i want to see.
people have been stealing music forever. only the shittiest musicians cry about it. are you mad you need to get a real job because you can't support yourself with your awful band so you seek to take it out on kids who stole your cd. it's not like these are 34 year old adults with two kids and shit. theyre children who care enough to want to hear your band and chances are if they were gonna buy a cd, it wouldn't be yours. you're an obsolete band. fck off.
nicely said, anonymous. i bet this singer dude feels like an idiot now haha.
blah blah blah get a real job to support your marriage. thats why bands fail...life happens. grow up
just be glad someone is at least taking the time to download and listen to your shit, boring music. If you realized this six years ago, you would have been.. you know, an actual fcking adult about it and found new promotions to generate your revenue you lazy sack of shit.
the poor guy actually thought he would make money being a musician. SORRY you gotta put on your business suit and tie before u make any money, now you're just a glorified bum shaking a cup asking for change wondering what happened. NJ didn't have a business plan or marketing scheme = failure. SUCKS to hear you trying to make sense of it when its really simple. YOU WANNA SEE A RISE IN SALES? KILL YOURSELF (business plan). just sayin.
Obligatory fck off-Botch-Norma Jean sucks-Josh Scogin-God's not real-Bless the Martyr was only good record-downloading won't go away-gay rock star mentality-etc.comment. Stupid fcking c*nt. I should've punched you in the mouth in Covington, Ky a few months ago. Address to come...
CRY ME A RIVER!!!! all the money we spend on concerts and tees etc etc!!!! plus if u cant make good music then no one wants to buy that shit.. get bent!!!
you owe metallica royalties for this rant you pathetic bible thumping c*nt
to all that say homeboy should get a job you can't work and tour. your dumb.
Marching Band Rules brings about many a valid points in this mockery of a debate... i feel though that 1) you're a fcking idiot if you think that playing in norma jean can officially and financially fund your life as an adult and 2) feed a family-time to grow up corey...now you know why there werent any apostales named "corey" in the bible, because all you do is piss and moan about what other people are doing or have done...
I booked his damn band recently. Agreed to the stupid high guarantee. No one cares about his band anymore (surprise) and I lost over a grand. How about he owes ME money? Oh, and I never cared enough to pirate any of his albums. Dude needs to quit crying.
there is a reason why till this day the most popular songs are from their first album, because Corey isn't on it.<--- made me laugh whole heartedly!!!
If you liked this band your a gay. If you downloaded thIs bands music your a gay. This band is comprised of gays. You want your money gay come get it.
This has over 200 fcking comments? Jesus fcking christ. I don't know what's worse, people complaining about this gay band or this gay vocalist complaining about his gay fans.
If you can't see it, it aint there. If you can, its an ingrown hair...
your shit is fcking garbage. put out a fcking record worth stealing
While in Norma Jean, Cory has gathered a notoriety for being rude and unappreciative of his fans.
I feel like most "underground" music is spread by means of free download anyway. You (Mr. Brandan) have a point, but how many more kids know about your music because they downloaded something of yours of a similar band and then researched your shit? Now releasing on a "major label" and headlining tours, Im sure its easy for you to say "pay me royalties . . . I'm important and good." Just sayin.
I have pretty much lost all faith in music and humanity after reading this article/thread. Also lost a whole lotta time, 200+ comments?? Daaaaayuuuuum
I hope the rest of the band is kicking this douches ass they call their singer. Maybe it's not a such a great idea to piss off your fans as you are recording and getting ready to release a new album. Don't be surprised if no one downloads or buys the next one. I'm glad he's not in charge of marketing for Norma Jean; who should change their name, because of their unworthiness.
Follow the new business models. Own your merch business: 20% of wholesale is NOT good enough. Use the Trent Reznor model and do limited edition bundles with free downloads. Require all recoupable expenditures on ads to be for your band ONLY, NOT VictorMe TV. Demand a share of Google Ad revenue from YouTube videos. Borrow your money from a BANK and pay 5%, not from the label and pay 400%. Or, keep looking like an uninformed, whiny bitch.
10k+ article views and over 200 comments. Go to google trends and look up "Norma Jean torrent" for the past 24 hours and look how much the traffic went up. Seems people are downloading it just to spite this guy.
fck I wouldnt listen to your shit band if you paid me. fcking christian prick
http://www.mediafire.com/? zc50u5wrmgt http://www.mediafire.com/? n1mmdr2yd2c http://www.mediafire.com/? 5tmmiakziyc
"hope you had enough money to buy groceries... for free of course." ...cuz you know.. that makes a lot of sense fcking idiot
Being a metal musician for a living is a privilege. As a musician, personally I don't think musicians should automatically expect or be entitled to cash. If you can make it and make money from your music? Great. No? Get a job.
They're garbage anyways...They should be giving it away to anyone who can stand to listen to it.
"anonymous: Can't say I disagree with him. Also, nobody gives a fck if you were first." - Being first is everything, dumbass!
tbh i completely agree with him. having said that, i did dowload their albums :\ but i would never have bought them because they aren't that good, so what does that make their music to me... worthless I guess?!
lol maybe look at the structure in which cd's are distributed.. it's shitty and it's not like you are getting a substantial amount anyway. No one wants to work a job and everyone wants to live their dreams. GROW UP
all my Norma jean money went to BOTCH where it belongs. Ps try spell check before you post something. you sound like a knuckle dragging ape. I fcking hate this band and all their bullshit. snuck into a show they played in Seattle just to boo them.
Someone sounds... LIKE A BITCH. Get the fck over yourself.
So? It's a fact that the recorded music industry is losing millions due to illegally pirated music. It's okay for career musicians to be irritated that people are stealing their work.
Hey anonymous guy talking about the grocery comment. It was several different tweets thrown together. Lambgoat isn't really showing that. The "for free" comment was talking about downloading music for free... not groceries. Read a book.
obviously if you're just starting it's great to have your music out for free so you gain a fan base that will buy your merch and album. Norma Jean is past their time, if theyre not making ok $ at this point they never will.
as a fellow writer of original music - I'm totally in agreeance! If you download it, like it and listen to it, THEN PAY FOR IT!
It's hard to understand what he is saying with Jesus's c-ck in his mouth
Why would I give money to someone that completely ripped their style from another band? brb, downloading Norma Jean discog. and sending the money to Botch.
Letting your ego get the best of you Cory? You'd think someone who preaches Christianity would behave more consciously... Norma Jean weren't that great after you joined anyways... I can give you the MP3's back, but I'll need refunds for the shows & t-shirts I paid for.
KILL YOURSELF!!! This song sums it up properly. http://buriedatbirth.bandc amp.com/track/kill-yoursel f-2 oh, it's a FREE download to boot. ;)
okay uncle gay, want my monopoly money? get your snowboots on, grab some poutine and get ready to have your day fcked in the ass. Apt #206 350 Queens Quay W Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Buzz me Son.
I'm sure this dude has a burned CD or two or a couple pirated songs on his macbook. He has a point but took it to the wrong media. Bands ARE struggling because people get their music for free. However, if you're in a band to make money and you aren't appealing to the masses, you might as well give it up because it isn't going to happen. Quit being a pssy and sellout to make money. And all you tourists that rip people on this message board need a bullet in your gay head. Get a life
Young Record label say tons of people still buy cds. Which essentially is over priced plastic. Sell me cds for 7 bucks not 15 dollars. That's an oustanding profit. It cost what? About 4 bucks to make a cd? It's overpriced. You want to pick a bone with someone? Pick the bone with your corporate back, deep pocket, record label. Going to yell at YOUR CONSUMER MARKET about how you're not making money? Good job jerk
for real, does he not realize illegally downloaded music is the only reason people even know about his band? It's not even his band, he's not the original frontman. The band was better before anyway. The Chariot > Norma Jean
What's the ole verse, 'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for an illegal music downloader to enter the gates of heaven.'
i say we all throw handfuls of loose change at them next time they play. see how much he really wants that money.
like this band really sells enough records for it to even matter
Congratulations. You have now been put in the same douche category as Lars Ulrich. Long live metal and cry babies.
i bought a shirt when i saw you play and i payed to get into the show...anddddd you should be happy that people were listening to your band the message of jesus christ that you were trying to spread...you shouldn't need money, people hearing the "good word" should be enough for you, and everyone knows that poprock is where the money is
To the dck who asked if "anyone here went to college". Yes I went to college, and this situation is common in all facets of business. The market has changed, and it is up the the participants either figure out a way to capitalize or die. If this guy wants to cry about it then he is welcome to, but file sharing isn't going away. Either tour more, go after dumber fans like the Nickleback fans who pay for music, or get a real job and stop polluting our lives with their uninspired bullshit.
What the F is he talking about? I want to listen to his crap I launch spotify or youtube... Who is still downloading now days? If sales are low there are other things to blame... like Jerging off and being bored to release a decent album. You made money with this sheet 3 albums ago... Why do we have to pay you for doing the same thing over and over again... Face the truth! YOU SACK
he's right, but he's not helping anything by bitching. honestly dude, would you rather nobody ever hear it? that's the alternative. downloads don't accurately represent lost record sales because a heavy percentage of those people would have never purchased it in the first place. Norma Jean should know it's about live guarantees by now.
anonymous 1 day ago okay uncle gay, want my monopoly money? get your snowboots on, grab some poutine and get ready to have your day fcked in the ass. Apt #206 350 Queens Quay W Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Buzz me Son. best thing I read on this entire page
stop stealing from Botch and I won't download your shit!
Does this fcking idiot not realize that with today's day and age the internet is the reason why this genre of music has grown to the potential that it has? Without people pirating music, a band like Norma Jean would still sell the same number of records. The internet gives record labels, bands, and venues the ability to reach new heights with social marketing.
In turn, this has allowed a band like Norma Jean to tour full time making thousands and thousands of dollars a night from guarantees and merchandise. People pirating his music, for a band of this size, has only netted him more money in the long run, but it just shows that he is a narrow minded fcking idiot.
For every 1 kid that bought a t-shirt at their shitty show, he needs about 9 kids to purchase the album to make the same amount of money. Not to mention, ever heard of a cassette tape? People have been making copies of tapes and albums and CDs for years. Should the record store have stopped selling blank cassettes in the 80s?
blame it all on napster!!! but you fools are plenty a decade too late!!!!
Cory Brandan is STILL talking about it on his Twitter page. And his response to anyone disagreeing with him is "You're boring". Ironic, because ever since he joined Norma Jean, the band became boring. What a self-entitled hypocrite!
'Its about time...'? You are definitely not the first. Less qq, more stfu
bitching about people downloading music in 2011 is "Like bringing a knife to a gun fight"
You would think that a veteran band like this would know this happens... fckin' loser.
i read all the comments and anonymous is right.
Be glad that people even want to listen to your piece of shit band. Maybe if you pray hard enough your gay god will reimburst you.
family of marilyn monroe expects royalties for exploiting her name. Counterflip
I'm pleased to see that Norma Jean doesn't understand how technology works.
Racist southern drunks who label themselves as Christians complain about their stuff being stolen?
butthurt christgay is butthurt. recording costs have gone through the floor in the past 10 years. between shit like kickstarter and breaking your ass touring, you should be able to pay to record, put out your recordings for free, and recoup the money from merch and touring. having a record label is obselete and a waste of cash. its for bands that want catered recording sessions so they can feel like real artists. cry me a river and go fck yourself. welcome to modernity gay.
"It's about time someone got pissed about this!" What a tool , Lars Ulrich beat him to it with Napster in the 90s. I agree with the music stealing being shitty , but don't act like you're pioneering some sort of movement against illegal downloading . Regardless This band blows with the exception of ONE breakdown in one of the first songs they ever recorded. Get touched loser
He's pissed because Skrillex is under the same management company and Skrillex is making some serious money and touring around the world but Norma Jean are so washed up that nobody cares to pay to see them in a 300 people hole in the wall venue anymore. He was probably reheating some Christmas eve leftovers when he got news that Razor and Tie was NOT GOING TO PAY for the recording of a new album due to the fact that not even Christians wanna pay to hear him scream.
Its called SHARING, of course a christian wouldn't get that. Gimme my money. Suck a satanic dck.
i wonder if he knows that no matter how many albums you buy, none of the money goes to him anyway. sorry dude, illegal downloading is the best thing to happen to artists since electric guitars.
what happend to not caring about the money, i thought your genre was just about the music and spreading something you have to say? norma butt-hurt
noone would pay for this music, nj is lucky there is piracy or their music would have never gotten big enough for them to successfully tour. you barley make money of cds anyway crybaby. guess playing metal music for god is all about da dolla dolla billz
goddam i have never seen the same comment posted 282 times written 282 ways
I don't see Underoath complaining about them being ripped off by their fan base.
"I don't see Underoath complaining about them being ripped off by their fan base." Wait for it. They're all on the same shitty label, and will no doubt get mad at everyone else for their label signing them to terrible contracts and making zero money.
Everyone send money to my band Emmure.Message me for my address and I'll keep you all posted.Thank you.Much love.yours truly,Frank the tank.
^ eat a bullet you gay meathead fck. At this point in your career norma jean is probably your dream job.
So many ignorant fcks commenting on this. Just because bands tour and record albums doesnt make them rich. You all have no idea what bands actually make after they have to pay managers, agents, label, lawyers, crew, all their travel expenses. Everyone else gets paid first and what the band is left with is sweet fck all. If you actually like a band, support them. Buy merch, a ticket and even yes, their album.
stealing albums isn't stealing from the bands, it's stealing from their shit labels. Record labels ruined music, the internet revived it. If you want to make money go earn it and play shows. I only steal albums, good or bad.
It actually is, when you steal albums you not only are taking their percentage of the record but you decrease the value of the band in all aspects. Get a clue dckhead
I completely agree with everything that Anonymous said.
I wouldn't even waste my time and bandwidth to download that horrid crap. You actually owe ME money for my provider's bill today you sucky ass whiney bitch sagea
P.S. if it wasn't for the internet nobody would have heard of your gay band, you quadriplegic gimp
"It actually is, when you steal albums you not only are taking their percentage of the record but you decrease the value of the band in all aspects. Get a clue dckhead" You only decrease the value of the band to the label. Concert ticket (guarantees), t-shirt prices (merch profit), and tour buy-on offers also reflect the value of a band, are other value indicators. These value indicators are not based on record sales, and can benefit from album sharing.
If I download your record and I like it, I drive 45 minutes to Fubar, I spend 12 bucks to get into the door, I watch your set enthusiasticly, I tell you I really liked your set & dig your record, I buy a shirt, I smoke a bowl of my stuff with you, and I tell you to drive safe. If you're Norma Jean I erase it from my hard drive and forget it. When did all these little bands start thinking they were rockstars?
i stole your music all the time..you aint getting a dime from m...gay
Oh you stupid Americans. In capitalism you are supposed to pay for the goods and the services or are you fcking commies now or what? Oh, that's right, you don't have any money because your bankers screwed you all and China owns you now. LOL. Anyhow, support the artist, wankers ;-)
i think he should feel lucky that he can make a living doing something he enjoys...playing music. i'm sure he makes plenty of $$$, i think the music should be free, pay to see the concerts, that's where the majority of the money made anyway!! if i were ever fortunate enough to make a living playing music i would put my music on the web for everyone to have. spoiled rotten ungrateful front man!!!!
Is botch hard at work on a new album? No? Then Why doess it matter if another band carries on the tradition. Bob Dylan did the same thing for woody Guthrie and the entire world benefitted from it. And cory is human. He works hard and wants to be rewarded for his hard work. Is that so terrible?
comment number 300. THIS....IS.....GLAMBOAT!!! !
Jesus Christ lives inside this man, but he slipped into the stronghold of sin just for a second with this tweet. I would be angry too, but I'm going to continue to BUY his records. He truly is a blessed artist, and he deserves every penny.
My name is Matthew, I'm Cory's brother. I'm not a Christian or a member of NJ, so you can't attack my religion or my band as a retort to what I'm about to say. I'd slap the teeth from the face of half the pubescent bitches that commented on this thread, but they're hiding behind anonymous accounts like cowards. Making personal attacks on him because you don't like his "Tweet"? That's real manly...
At least he is out there doing something with his life and making it happen everyday. You're just sitting at the computer with your dck in your hands acting like you know something about a total stranger. If you "know him personally" and are making these personal attacks, that just makes you more of a scumbag piece of shit.
As a musician with over 40 different albums under my belt, I can tell you that he's right about this fact LITERALLY, no matter how he words it. Illegal downloading steals money from bands pockets. And you're wrong if you take it personally, defend it, and attack him for saying it. Get over it and shut your fcking mouth. And we know it "goes with the turf". That doesn't make it cool, genius.
Now back to your boring, anonymous lives. We will be here making albums and doing something worthwhile. Peace.
if you pay for something that you can get for free with NO PENALTY then you are an idiot. plain and simple. yes sir, i would walk in and take my groceries without paying if there was a 99% chance i would never get in trouble for doing it. and you shouldn't get paid for making music anyway. you aren't contributing anything to society. get a real job.
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