What a pointless thing to say. Great idea, annoy the very people who like your band by complaining about something that, a) you're powerless to control, b) isn't going to change anytime soon, and c) affects everyone else just as much as you, so what makes you so unique? If you're not going to offer any really good incentive for people to want to buy your music, then everyone's going to rip it off because it's so easy to both do and get away with. Not advocating, just pointing out the facts.
What a pointless thing to say. Great idea, annoy the very people who like your band by complaining about something that, a) you're powerless to control, b) isn't going to change anytime soon, and c) affects everyone else just as much as you, so what makes you so unique? If you're not going to offer any really good incentive for people to want to buy your music, then everyone's going to rip it off because it's so easy to both do and get away with. Not advocating, just pointing out the facts.