fck this twat, your gay god-humping "heavy" band isn't worth my computer space. Go jerk it to jesus, and bitch some more. You should feel honored people are actually listening to your music, instead your popularity has got you craving more money, materialism is a drug that has obviously taken over your head. If i was to ever "pray" for anything, it would be for your mainstream steaming shit of a band to disband, or vanflip whichever comes first.
fck this twat, your gay god-humping "heavy" band isn't worth my computer space. Go jerk it to jesus, and bitch some more. You should feel honored people are actually listening to your music, instead your popularity has got you craving more money, materialism is a drug that has obviously taken over your head. If i was to ever "pray" for anything, it would be for your mainstream steaming shit of a band to disband, or vanflip whichever comes first.