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Robotic Empire

10/5/2016 Virginia Creep announce debut EP, premiere new song
3/21/2016 Defeater, Daughters appear on new Nirvana tribute
6/11/2015 Creation Is Crucifixion back with new release, gig
3/24/2015 Robotic Empire announces new Nirvana tribute
3/11/2014 Robotic Empire announces Nirvana covers album
10/7/2013 Robotic Empire to release Hollow Sunshine debut LP
8/5/2013 Alpaca (ex-Baroness) set to release debut album
11/17/2011 Robotic Empire starts Kickstarter for Tilts debut
7/27/2010 Hewhocorrupts issues USB bracelet release
7/20/2010 Robotic Empire to release Neon Bastard debut
10/26/2009 Robotic Empire to release Across Tundras album
8/3/2009 Young Widows update
5/2/2009 Robotic Empire to re-release DIAL demo
12/9/2006 Ghastly City Sleep joins Robotic Empire roster
10/5/2006 Robotic Empire and Neurot CMJ Showcase
5/29/2006 Robotic Empire releasing Windmills By The Ocean LP
3/15/2006 Robotic Empire to release Matamoros debut
9/11/2005 Robotic Empire signs two bands
6/1/2005 Magrudergrind and Shitstorm split
5/30/2005 Malady breaks up, new bands formed
4/5/2005 Malady join Robotic Empire roster
3/31/2005 Kayo Dot join Robotic Empire roster
1/11/2005 Robotic Empire signs Pink Razors
10/22/2004 Robotoc Empire to release Cursive limited 10"
7/25/2004 Robotic Empire signs Torch (ex-Floor)
3/2/2004 A Life Once Lost to re-release debut
11/10/2003 Pig Destroyer to release splits collection
11/7/2003 Crowpath joins Robotic Empire roster
5/23/2003 Stop It!! hooks up with Robotic Empire
3/19/2003 Crestfallen releasing EP w/ Robotic Empire
1/6/2003 Opeth releasing limited-edition 7"
4/21/2002 Pageninetynine currently in the studio
11/13/2000 Cave In & The Sacrifice Poles

3/6/2012 Kickstarter: fund it or f*ck it?

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