BlogMarch 4, 2015 9:50 AM ET

Marilyn Manson and his dad together in full makeup

Marilyn Manson and his father

In a recent photo shoot with Terry Richardson for Paper Magazine, Marilyn Manson and his father posed for several photos together, both in full makeup.

Manson's father, Hugh Warner is a Vietnam veteran who apparently has a softspot for theatrical aspect of rock.

"The first time that I did see my dad in makeup was, ironically, the second concert I ever went to," explained Manson. "He dressed as Gene Simmons and took me to the Kiss 'Dynasty' tour when I was 11. And people were asking my dad for his autograph."

Part of me thinks this is cool; the other part thinks it's weird.

Marilyn Manson and daddy


Post Comment
anonymous 3/4/2015 10:45:45 AM

What tha fck ???????????????????? Dad flip!!!!!!

anonymous 3/4/2015 10:55:52 AM

this is just plain dumb. he looked better plowing buttholes in prison on Sons of Anarchy

Jemenez_Cricket 3/4/2015 11:02:25 AM


anonymous 3/4/2015 12:27:09 PM

Playing a Nazi prison rapist on TV seemed to come naturally to him.

anonymous 3/4/2015 4:55:06 PM

Stoop with the makeup, please.

genghisjohn 3/4/2015 5:28:08 PM

Guy looks like fcking Captain Spaulding

anonymous 3/4/2015 5:58:35 PM

Im down

anonymous 7/12/2022 12:03:43 PM

I think he was a great dad

anonymous 5/9/2023 8:07:01 PM

In order to be classified a genius, you have to have an IQ of 130 at a minimum. Marilyn Manson (Brian Hugh Warner) has an IQ of 148. (Roberto Autran Nunes)