NewsSeptember 14, 2023 3:52 PM ET3,476 views

Converge add Cult Leader & King Yosef to tour as Elizabeth Color Wheel bows out

converge wtr 2023

jonathan peters

Cult Leader and King Yosef have been added to the upcoming Fall Converge West Coast run. The pair were added after the original support, Elizabeth Color Wheel, was forced to cancel their appearance. 

Deaf Club & Entry are still scheduled to appear as previously announced.

09/29 Los Angeles, CA @ Echoplex *
09/30 San Francisco, CA @ Neck Of The Woods *
10/02 Seattle, WA @ El Corazon *
10/03 Vancouver, BC @ Rickshaw Theatre *
10/04 Portland, OR @ Bossanova Ballroom *
10/06 Sacramento, CA @ Aftershock Festival (Converge only)
10/07 Santa Cruz, CA – The Vets Hall + 
10/08 Pomona, CA – The Glass House +

* = with Deaf Club, King Yosef, and Entry
+ = with Deaf Club, Cult Leader, and Entry


Post Comment

anonymous 9/14/2023 1:06:45 PM


anonymous 9/14/2023 1:10:12 PM

elizabeth colour wheel [guitarist is trans] (doomgaze)

anonymous 9/14/2023 1:20:00 PM

At rocklahoma I was in security on the dark side stage and I met this band. Full of really nice guys :S I was trying to stop stage divers and the band pulled me aside and said "Bow out motherfucḱer" Afterwards gave me some signed drum sticks and said "sir on a scale of 1-10 how much would you like one and or both of these inserted into your anus" and I said "I thought you were giving me these as a memento" Which made them all start laughing "We don't just give these out, now get one your knees" I was shaking, began crying and they all took turns. A chant then broke out: "STICKS PLUS ANUS EQUALS FUN. STICKS PLUS ANUS EQUALS FUN. (x64)" I'm thinking about taking my accusations to tick tok and see if I can get any likes. I'll probably do this around 2040 and Todd Jones here. They will never be one of us. 😎

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:01:34 PM

Deaf Club is an insulting name to all aurally challenged people. 'Forwarding this to Marlee Matlin ASAP.

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:16:37 PM

Didn't the clown vocalist steal the cover of Jane doe from a beauty magazine or some shit?

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:18:32 PM

Estrogen store called, they want their hormones back

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:31:07 PM

Didn't the clown vocalist steal the cover of Jane doe from a beauty magazine or some shit? No, clown stole it from the Jane Doe woman herself, a model who owns the rights to that photo.

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:44:45 PM

No Elizabeth color wheel? Count me out

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:46:12 PM

umm, they actually spell it Colour

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:50:46 PM

1 Wait for the pit to break open. If you want to help open the crowd up then find some people around you who are into dancing and tell them you want to hardcore dance. Everyone should gather in a group and when the music starts begin pushing people out of the way by walking backwards with your arms extended. This is the more polite way to do it, and there are many other ways such as running as fast as you can at the people around you and jumping toward them.[1]

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:51:45 PM

2 Listen to the music and go with the flow. Someone around you is going to know what they are doing, so just watch and see what everyone else is doing. Don't try to rip off peoples moves though, as this could get you tackled for being a rook. Just try to make sure you're not doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.[2]

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:52:26 PM

3 Two-stepping during fast paced breakdowns is a good idea. This move is performed by taking your right leg and swinging it in front of your left, and then respectively pulling your left leg out from behind your right and throwing it in front(2 steps vary from city to city). If you're doing it right (and many beginners don't), you will have a running in place like effect going for you. You should try to move your arms to the beat as well, maybe by grabbing the air near your feet. Since hardcore dancing is done at hardcore shows making a gangsta limp hand or other similar things is not recommended seeing as most of the people there will not like rap or hip-hop.[3]

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:52:55 PM

4 Throw down when the music gets heavier and starts to sound very brutal. Swing your arms around with a closed fist back and forth in front of your body, perhaps balancing yourself on one foot and switching now and then or planting your feet and bending your knees. It helps add to the effect if you appear as though you have no absolutely no concern for the well-being or safety of anyone around you. This is usually referred to as "the windmill".[4]

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:54:29 PM

5 Throw in some spin kicks if there's room, or maybe try something that's unique. As long as it goes with the flow of the music and is particularly violent in nature, it may be accepted in the circle. You can also try some other trademark moves like "picking up the change", which is performed by standing with your feet shoulder length apart and brutally punching downwards at the ground. This can also be performed instead by punching the sky or air that is directly in front of you.[5

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:54:51 PM

6 If the song seems to stop abruptly but the band still looks ready to go, then you're in for a breakdown any second. Put your fist up in the air and start walking across the circle, and throw it down just as the music starts again, then proceed with step 4. Sometimes this sudden pause is the queue for a Wall of Death. That is where the crowd parts into two sides and slams into each other like in the movie Braveheart (this move is also called such). If you are in the circle, and the crowd appears to be shifting, move to one side or you will be trampled unless you join the fray.

anonymous 9/14/2023 2:56:17 PM

Tips Don't be embarrassed either, it's a very common thing at hardcore shows. People will gather around and admire and watch you if you know what you're doing so just put your soul into it and go nuts. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0 Don't be afraid. Even though you might get hurt it's better to just get in there and do it if that's what you want to do. You're trying to be hardcore, remember, not a wimp. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0 If you happen to hit somebody apologize, if they notice. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0 Be careful what you do, because throwdown pits and dance circles are usually filled with some pretty BAMFs.

anonymous 9/14/2023 3:15:39 PM

Cult Leader f*cking crushes live

anonymous 9/14/2023 4:25:57 PM

I'd completely forgotten about Cult Leader. They're the band that formed after Gaza, weren't they?Nowhere near as good

anonymous 9/14/2023 8:47:53 PM

Looks like most of Elizabeth Color Wheel is trans. So brave, so courageous!

anonymous 9/14/2023 11:58:30 PM

The alphabet+ community is devastated

anonymous 9/15/2023 6:16:12 AM

>>anonymous 15 hours ago Didn't the clown vocalist steal the cover of Jane doe from a beauty magazine or some shit? No, clown stole it from the Jane Doe woman herself, a model who owns the rights to that photo.<< Strongest f*cking doubt imaginable re: a model owning the rights to her own photo in an industry like that.

anonymous 9/15/2023 8:59:32 AM

^ Agreed, it's stupid to even put that out there. Jake is a graphic artist, the cover of Jane Doe is a piece that melds both graphic and fine art elements. It's also f*cking phenomenal, period. Using the image of -even something copyrighted- as an artistic basis or inspiration is not illegal, nor should it be considered stealing. Andy Warhol didn't owe Campbells Soup anything. Jake was gracious enough when this woman popped up decades later, but truth be told? She was a generic, editorial model who did an anonymous shoot for Marie Claire in years that models weren't even credited by name. Reproduction of her face, outside of her control or ability to earn money from was her stock and trade. Not sure wtf she expected. Hate on Jake all you want, but at least know wtf you're talking about while doing it.

anonymous 9/15/2023 10:04:42 AM

Hate on Jake all you want, but at least know wtf you're talking about while doing it ^ This is a good take, and I agree. I think the bone of contention comes from the fact he never acknowledged the source material. If he changed it dramatically then fair play, but he clearly just changed the curves and vectorised it. Even in the booklet he could have said, "Photo used without permission", but for years he paraded it around like he created it from the ground up.

anonymous 9/15/2023 10:11:23 AM

Even in the booklet he could have said, "Photo used without permission", but for years he paraded it around like he created it from the ground up. > This was/is my & others bone of contention. Jake was passing up the artwork as his own period, end of story, case closed. He's a cheesedick for doing that. He got caught, finally, deal with it.

anonymous 9/15/2023 3:12:44 PM

^ It is his artwork, it's a rendering of a human, not a tracing nor a photograph of a photograph That's how art works, NOBODY credits models who sit for paintings, or for drawing classes. The models identity is meaningless, moot. Unless by Lambgoat artistic standards, a rendering of a human must be of a non-existent human, entirely of someone's imagination to make the artist not a douche? Dudes only looking at album covers with "scary demons", photographs, or cartoons on being hired as judges at Basel now? That this came from a magazine changes nothing, she wasn't credited by name there either. Wtf was Jake supposed to do, "hey ya thanks, but everyone should know that I took inspiration from a picture of a nameless human girl model in a magazine so I can't take real credit for my own creation and I'm a real piece of shit"? Those f*cking Lambgoat artistic creativity standards are pretty high, fellas

anonymous 9/15/2023 5:10:42 PM

^ According to the above standards, any lyrics written that are based on a musicians actual experience with a real person must be noted with said person's name, because art that's inspired by an impression made on them by someone else is somehow dishonest. Jake's maybe pretentious, and maybe even a dickhead, but he's phenomenally creative, talented, and cool. Get over it.

anonymous 9/16/2023 12:26:26 PM

^^^ Is Jake paying you for caping for him novella style? Your words: Wtf was Jake supposed to do, "hey ya thanks, but everyone should know that I took inspiration from a picture of a nameless human girl model in a magazine so I can't take real credit for my own creation and I'm a real piece of shit"? ,,>> Yeah & you just admitted he lifted the artwork from a magazine which is copyright infringement Bottom line is he didn't credit the original source "get over it" after you take his dick out of your mouth.

anonymous 364 days ago

^ It's not copyright infringement nor is it "lifted". Warhol, Banksy, and Shepard Fairy were or are all graphic/fine artists who base(d) their work similarly, if not exactly the same. Lambgoat art debates are almost as well informed and scintillating as Lambgoat health insurance, political, or s€xual @ssault commentary. Copyright infringement. That's just stupid. Gotta love when an ignorant person devolves into "well you must want to blow him" after they run their mouths on a subject they have absolutely no grasp on and look like a fool for it. The cover of Jane Doe is iconic FAR beyond the reaches of just Hardcore, and Jake Bannon created it. Period.

anonymous 363 days ago

It's not copyright infringement nor is it "lifted". Warhol, Banksy, and Shepard Fairy were or are all graphic/fine artists who base(d) their work similarly, if not exactly the same. Lambgoat art debates are almost as well informed and scintillating as Lambgoat health insurance, political, or s€xual @ssault commentary. Copyright infringement. That's just stupid. Gotta love when an ignorant person devolves into "well you must want to blow him" after they run their mouths on a subject they have absolutely no grasp on and look like a fool for it. The cover of Jane Doe is iconic FAR beyond the reaches of just Hardcore, and Jake Bannon created it. Period. Based on your writing style and correct grammar, logic and creativity, I am certain you are "Todd Jones" Please do more, the world needs it

anonymous 362 days ago

Yo just for clarification, I am the guy that did the Todd Jones posts and I am not that guy heavily defending Banndawg.

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