Baptists break up amid allegations against vocalist Andrew Drury

Vancouver, BC's metallic hardcore band Baptists have called it a day after allegations against the band's vocalist Andrew Drury have arisen. Drury also plays bass in Erosion as well, though no word has been given as to his status in that project.
Baptists have released three full-lengths through Southern Lord Recordings and a EP, the most recent Beacon of Faith, which was released in 2018.
The band released the following statement via social media:
"Due to allegations of harmful conduct involving our singer, Andrew Drury, we have parted ways with him, effectively ending Baptists. We believe the people who have brought their concerns forward, and hope that by stating this publicly those individuals will feel heard and the risk of future harm will be reduced. The safety and well-being of our friends and community are important to us, and it is clear that we can not move forward as a group. Please message us if you have any immediate concerns."
UPDATE: It looks like Drury's other band Erosion has followed suit. Though it appears they will move forward without him, they are taking some time to regroup, stating:
"Due to recent allegations of harmful conduct in our community, Erosion has decided to move forward without our bass player Andrew Drury. Safety at our shows is important to us and we apologize to anyone who has ever felt unsafe at a show due to our involvement. We have no immediate plans to regroup and will be taking some time off to address the situation at hand. Please message us if you have questions or concerns."
Post CommentFind it amazing that these canuck f*cks didn't say "surrey"
You should post the tweet or whatever about what he did
I'm calling B.S and I don't even know what happened.
I'm close to the band and they don't even know what happened. Cancel culture behaviour
open the comments on your instagram. opposite of transparency.
giving into cancel culture is soooooo metal \m/
Never heard of this dude but in my heart I know he's innocent.
Jesus-band singer touches someone (allegedly) inappropriately, story at 11
Remember that blue states keep red states alive with their superior GDP, education, and population. Republicans thankfully die younger too.
anonymous 2 hours ago I love how all these douches are incapable of stating simple, useful facts. They're like women - we don't need a paragraph from your sh*tty high school English creative writing story, just state who was accused and what of. Easy. "Jim Bob was accused by an 18 year old female of touching her right tit at a gig at the Coco Bongo Club, Ontario on Wed 14th Dec 2021." ^this. just speak like a normal person.
AI is really doing the most in these comments
Update is vague but maybe they are actually listening to a lawyer and not spilling all their drama shit on the internet and f*cking up their legal position.
He must have showed up to the trucker protest
They ran out of actual bands to make up clickbait allegations about so they made up this band yesterday
If there was no football tackle, it didn't happen.
Just get Colohan to do vocals for Baptists...
Words/phrases not on Lambgoats banned list: Wh*re Tramp "Spread her legs" c*ck This site Pro-Incel and anti-women. The article in question does not even clarify what the allegations in question ARE or who brought them. Lambgoat consistently moderates or even edits (without notation, which is blatantly dishonest manipulation of public feedback) comments unless they are misogynistic. It's been 4 hours since the above comment was posted. Lambgoat encourages hate speech and rhetoric towards women, and should be held accountable.
Never heard of, and no care ever I'm catholic anyway
Chad Diamond, esquire here. No mention of a Football Tackle, my client is innocent! That is my ruling and court of public opinion is adjourned.
I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body Someone, they/them, please help
" This site Pro-Incel and anti-women. The article in question does not even clarify what the allegations in question ARE or who brought them. Lambgoat consistently moderates or even edits (without notation, which is blatantly dishonest manipulation of public feedback) comments unless they are misogynistic. It's been 4 hours since the above comment was posted. Lambgoat encourages hate speech and rhetoric towards women, and should be held accountable." I'm deeply misogynistic but i'm not sure how much lambgoat supports my views.
Drury is a known rapist in Vancouver and the town he grew up in. This isn't shocking to people who have known him. It's about f*cking time.
***I'm deeply misogynistic but i'm not sure how much lambgoat supports my views.*** ^^^^ Nobody asked you to actually LIKE women, hate anyone you want to. A website that allows utterly dehumanizing commentary about any group of people, whenever allegations of aggression against them is raised is promoting that hatred and creating a more dangerous world for the people in question. Lambgoat chooses to be complicit in furthering hatred and creating danger for the women who make up the realm of metal and hardcore, fans, musicians, and behind the scenes. A for-profit website dedicated to music that publicly promotes misogyny by not intervening on hate speech deserves to be exposed, along with its advertisers. Happy hating.
"Nobody asked you to actually LIKE women, hate anyone you want to. A website that allows utterly dehumanizing commentary about any group of people, whenever allegations of aggression against them is raised is promoting that hatred and creating a more dangerous world for the people in question. Lambgoat chooses to be complicit in furthering hatred and creating danger for the women who make up the realm of metal and hardcore, fans, musicians, and behind the scenes. A for-profit website dedicated to music that publicly promotes misogyny by not intervening on hate speech deserves to be exposed, along with its advertisers." With as much grand standing you are doing I wouldn't be surprised if you are actually a sexual predator trying to cover their tracks.
My favorite part about hardcore is how it picks and chooses who they wanna crucify. Good stuff.
**With as much grand standing you are doing I wouldn't be surprised if you are actually a sexual predator trying to cover their tracks.** ----------- Moronic drivel, written from the perspective of someone attempting to bury the issue with distractions. When a person is harmed by another person, that's real. That people in bands take advantage of access to do harm to other people is reprehensible. If every allegation mentioned was about these men preying on other young, straight men the reaction would be akin to that of the Catholic Church and it's abuse of power. The fact that it's women going public about bands you want to continue to listen to shouldn't change that, but somehow it does. There's absolutely no reason to vilify victims, and no excuse for standing with predators. You call this grandstanding, I call you weak and amoral So be it.
* ps- I'm a woman, and I like Baptists, and I'm BULLSH*T every time one of these f*cking idiot musicians •can't just not r@pe people• •is that really so difficult• and I have to think about it, and stop listening to them. Go f*ck yourself and your predator accusation comment
first of all who? secondly look at them guilty as charged
"* ps- I'm a woman, and I like Baptists, and I'm" 0% chance this person has XX chromosomes f*ck off goon
"Women detected, opinion rejected." ------------ Thought up in a treehouse with a sign on the door that says "Danger Lambgoat Club. No Girls Allowed". Yesterday. On your 41st birthday. Sure guys, there's no way a woman visits a website and reads comments, that would be CRAZY. I mean, LG is full of postulating small d*ck energy keyboard warriors who think ladies are scary and that they are experts on every band in history. That's way too intimidating for a mere woman to brave, we need cosmetics ads and pink shit to even be comfortable clicking on links. I love the way the conversation died instantly when it occurred to many that a female intrepid had entered the room... You're all adorable in a really sad little way.
Accountability like r@ping fans and expecting a scene to be fine with it? As far as I've seen, doesn't matter how sh*tty the band or terrible the musician, if allegations arise they've got Go Team R@pist, Females Are Trash or Have BPD at LG to support them. You couldn't write a woman if your life depended on it, and accountability is a f*cking farce in this context. Nice internet search clapback, btw.
Babe, you're getting so upset. Have you considered smiling more?
Women understand due process or even basic logic challenge (impossible)
^ But I smile every time I read these attempts at wit or intelligence, for f*cks sake, I'M GLOWING. Due process, you say? That would matter if criminal charges were looming, but they aren't. That process occurs *almost* never and imposes further harm to victims, undue cost burden on society, and doesn't convince moron musicians •to just stop r@ping people• anyway. I know you guys don't get out much and look to these crappy guys as heroes, but the secret to having sex with someone and not being called out for r@pe is to wait to get laid until you're dealing with a willing sexual partner. Very straightforward. Seems reasonable to me, but I have an active and adult sex life.
perhaps you believe women plot on the Internet to gain notoriety by alleging r@pe against Canadian metalcore bros? There's a ticket to international fame. Find a toehold in reality, morons.
Simply because charges have not been filed (funny how these things NEVER result in charges, almost like they're all just bullshit) doesn't mean that principle of due process for individuals does not apply. You can regurgitate all the pop psych bullshit you want about "accountability", doesn't change when that that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
I don't pretend to know why someone who would make a false accusation would do it. Maybe it's for clout, maybe it's to hurt a former partner, no f*cking idea, doesn't matter why, what matters is you can't just walk around accusing people of serious crimes without evidence or due process, this isn't salem. You're looking for a logical reason for an illogical action.
^ You've never even shared an elevator with a Prosecutor and it shows. Your idealism is childish at best, but more likely just angry and stupid. In what facet of society do people hold themselves to courtroom standards before forming opinions? Oh yes, metal and hardcore scenes. And your assertion that r@pe allegations are bullshit*t unless formally reported to the authorities? 1 in 5 women have been assaulted, please imagine who'd be left for you to idolize if all those charges were filed. Be careful what you wish for, little man. You stick to that story, its working for you. Women drum up r@pe allegations because the blowback they get for speaking out is so much fun to endure. If one person says another person sucks, make up your own mind. If a whole bunch of people say that someone sucks, there's truth there. It's called society. Get into it.
1 in 5 has been debunked again and again. Once again, take away accountability and reason.*ped-on-college-campuses
We're not talking about coeds or college campuses, but thank you for the link that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Beyond that, nothing about a college campus and its fishbowl non-reality speaks to real life, OR the majority of people in the world. You're insulting your own argument by attempting to say so. Do better or go home. You could do an internet search and find RAINN, but that would result in reading, thinking, and even knowing that it isn't just women getting r@ped and that actually, nobody LIKES getting r@ped, and the justice system is not built to handle it. The 3% of people falsely accused have no recourse in that system, people who quite literally commit crimes of sexual assault *unknowingly* have no path forward to take responsibility for the harm they do, apologize and move forward, and victims are destroyed from every angle. You assh*le. You're defending r@pe here, this is your hill to die on? Who chooses r@pe in metalcore?
^most of the 19 year old right wing retards on here.
^ If LG had a following at all with people that young, these debates wouldn't happen. Post Millennials are oddly cool with not r@ping people, even when they are morons otherwise. It's the same way-too-old to be here jerk o**s it's always been, and I'm wasting my time here, but it's gross. Just don't r@pe people, and don't back up r@pists first and victims second. Whatever, incels are hateful and believe women deserve it. That's the core following here and always has been.
You're the one who brought up 1 in 5 and then changed the goalposts. RAINN statistics on their very own website are based on the NCVS, a self report survey that is not corroborated in the slightest, may as well be a Facebook poll. The numbers on false allegations vary wildly, from 1% up to 89% and depends greatly on how they define the word "false". There also hasn't been any meaningful study on it since 2006 (*pe/CA29549D811B7C639DFF2754197BBF9C). These studies also only have relevance to reported allegations, they are irrelevant to social media posts, somewhere where it is incredibly easy to lie. You have no idea what you're talking about, you just regurgitate the same debunked talking points from a decade ago. Also defending due process isn't defending r*pe anymore than saying The Patriot Act violates our civil rights is a defense of terrorists. Go back to tumblr.
You may not wanna lean so heavily on crime statistics babe, you might start realizing it's not White Guys doing the assaulting
^ This link does not go to RAINN. You can type the words "due process" until your fingers bleed, but unless you are speaking to the justice system and a formal prosecution, it's meaningless. 89% of r@pe allegations may be false. 89% You've certainly convinced me, in fact I think I now believe that r@pe in itself doesn't even exist. Nobody has ever been r@ped! Not one altar boy, no one bleeding on the floor of a parking garage, and certainly no woman who's part of the metal or hardcore scene. Nope. What I called r@pe is simply a person not appreciating the awesome sex being provided to them because they are selfish and also liar. I totally have to go tell Tumblr. Welcome back, btw, Super Pro R@pe Lawyer. I've missed your brilliant insights terribly. Wanna talk about TIH while we're at it? I mean, it's this weekend.
Here you go moving the goal posts again, obviously nobody is saying r*pe doesn't happen, we're saying that investigation and discernment are vitally important. You've got no data so you're resorting to straw men. You can type "but think of the wahmen" until your fingers bleed, it doesn't change every single person is entitled to due process in a functioning country and women don't get to just circumvent that and run their own little witch hunts. It also won't change that there is no data to back up what you're saying. If you're going to try this in the court of public opinion, people have the right to call bullshit. Smile babe.
**anonymous 11 minutes ago You may not wanna lean so heavily on crime statistics babe, you might start realizing it's not White Guys doing the assaulting ** Oh, here's the racist dog whistler, I wondered when one of you would show up. I'm not leaning on crime statistics, momo. "Crimes" are acts that are reported, prosecuted, and thusly recorded by government agencies. Agencies who have a fantastic history of verified racism, btw R@pe statistics exist in medical records, which are protected, for everyone, little boys, women, dudes in prison, all those r@pe victims (that don't exist) by law. Statistics come from surveying across demographics anonymously. You are not dealing on the same level I am, and never will be. Um, babe. All I can picture is Martin Shkreli in a Slipknot shirt, just know that as you type your responses.
*anonymous 1 minute ago Here you go moving the goal posts again, obviously nobody is saying r*pe doesn't happen, we're saying that investigation and discernment are vitally important. You've got no data so you're resorting to straw men. You can type "but think of the wahmen" until your fingers bleed, it doesn't change every single person is entitled.. Smile babe." ---- I've moved nothing, I pointed out that you're manipulating your responses away from reliable sources to support your enormous pile of nothing sprinkled with self righteous grandstanding about the unverified and ludicrous dishonesty of r@pe victims. I therefore made a mockery of r@pe, because 89% is the stupidest number I've ever seen in any reasonable debate. What gives you the idea that I don't smile? This is unfolding in public, and you aren't holding up effectively. I'm delighting in this.
Again, studies have ranged from 1 to 89%. I never said 89% was the correct number, I simply stated the range, not my fault you're sub literate. And just because you think it's "stupid" doesn't change data. These are peer reviewed studies. You can bitch and moan about it all you want, but your insistence without data is simply a religious belief, nothing more. May as well start arguing against evolution because just like all those mongoloids, you know better than the data. Medical records alone have no investigation, the doctor simply takes you at your word, nor are anonymous surveys are meaningful measurements because there is no investigation. An anonymous survey would also count Jussie Smollet or the duke lacrosse woman as a legitimate victim of an assault. Just ask Emmett Till how unverified accusations not made to the police work out. Now go take your meds before the orderlies figure out youre posting again and you lose your computer time again
Thing about data is that both source and context matter, and you standing by a number that makes the act of r@pe statistically impossible to even exist is flagrantly, willfully stupid. You do damage your own position by employing this tactic, and it's fantastic to look down own. You're in over your head, and I love it. You're a gnat, you're a nuisance, and you haven't absorbed that I'm a person, a woman, who supports non-legal interventions and in some cases private confrontation and non-monetary retributions because THEN PEOPLE WOULD LEARN WHAT R@PE IS AND MAYBE STOP DOING IT, EVEN HARDCORE AND METAL MUSICIANS. You can pull out all the tricks in your imaginary briefcase and cry a river about due process that doesn't and will never happen, but you won't win an argument about how r@pe doesn't exist, that victims are inherently dishonest, or that you have an IQ that qualifies you to stand in the same building as I do Don't r@pe people. Words to live by, for I guess everybody but you
I'm well aware you're a woman who supports non legal interventions, Emmett Till had one of those too, you're not special.
Show me one instance in which I said r*pe doesn't exist? I said that there is very little data to pull from to meaningfully assert ANY number regarding false allegations. But again, you're a woman with a god complex who feels entitled to be judge jury and executioner of anyone accused of any crime, evidence or data to the contrary be damned.
You're just making up arguments that nobody is making because you don't actually have any data to stand on and you can't engage with the evidence. You have no idea what the f*ck you're talking about.
Emmett Tills name has no place in your gnat mouth, he is untouchable for a creature like you. To compare the atrocity that befell that child to hardcore musicians being called out for r@pe and to suggest that K*K lynch mobs are equal to non-legal interventions in addressing r@pe in music scenes in 2023 is beyond comprehension. I'm not special, I'm just an intelligent, anti-r@pe woman who pays attention to alternative music scenes. You're definitely special, though. An especially disgusting and awful human being. But not an especially smart one, just reprehensible. Yawn.
***Show me one instance in which I said r*pe doesn't exist? I said that there is very little data to pull from to meaningfully assert ANY number regarding false allegations*** 89% with any margin for error, mathematician. It erases the possibility of real r@pes being reported. You went there for shock value BUT YOU ARE NOT SMART, so now you're dealing with it. All this passion against and hatred for people who speak out about having been r@ped you've got going is fascinating. Where, pray tell does that come from in someone? What could possibly trigger such hysterical, loud, baseless and endless attempts at disproving ANY allegation of r@pe by a woman against a metal or hardcore musician? Do tell
White woman claimed something happened without evidence, people threw due process out the window and decided they knew the truth without investigation. Seems pretty clear cut to me. You have no data, you have no substantive arguments, it's based entirely on your belief that you have the right to accuse people of serious crimes and f*ck up their lives without any process, just like every crooked cop on the planet. " You know who thinks everybody's guilty until proven innocent? Cops. You know who thinks people don't deserve the right to defend themselves? Cops. You know who says those who defend basic fairness and due process are as bad as criminals themselves? Cops."-Planet of Cops
Judge, jury, and executioner implies that someone is dying by my opinion. Nobody is, and I don't believe in God. That r@pe and sexu@l assault otherwise happen in private does not mean that a victim speaking out has an obligation to keep it that way. No matter how you look at it, the answer is going to be don't r@pe people and you won't have to sweat allegations. If you do, and you actually didn't do it, you'll speak the truth intelligently, no one else will come forward with different allegations of the same behavior, and you'll eventually be vindicated by the people who think and actually matter. If you're a r@pist, you're screwed. Keep crying, gnat. You're on the wrong side, and that's just disgusting.
***You have no data, you have no substantive arguments, it's based entirely on your belief that you have the right to accuse people of serious crimes and f*ck up their lives without any process, just like every crooked cop on the planet** ------- I'm not going type out statistics already written on the RAINN website because I don't need to. They aren't my numbers, and recreating them leaves room for manipulation. That's how data works. It's there, it's vetted, it's real. You are endlessly useless. I'm not a lady cop, stop fantasizing Shkreli. Just ew.
We all know this dude will be found innocent in a few months.
Who's "all" you and the person you're pretending to NOT be at this second? I don't give a ton of credit to LG commenters for deep thought, but I'm willing to bet most of em aren't in the "pro-r@pe all victims are liars" camp.
So, does anyone know exactly what happened? I still don't see anything? If he was a known rapist like the above person implies why didn't anyone do anything until now? Did he punk out the entire Vancouver music scene?
" I'm not going type out statistics already written on the RAINN website because I don't need to. They aren't my numbers, and recreating them leaves room for manipulation. That's how data works. It's there, it's vetted, it's real. You are endlessly useless. I'm not a lady cop, stop fantasizing Shkreli. Just ew." The Rainn data pulls information from studies that were conducted in 1998. Most of the data is pre- #metoo era and doesn't apply to online accusations.
From RAINNs Methodology ( "The National Crime Victimization Survey is the primary source of data on RAINN's site." It's a survey. It says it right there. From the Bureau of Justices website, the agency that administers the NCVS "The NCVS is a self-reported survey that is administered annually from January 1 to December 31." It's a self reported survey. All of the scientific rigor of a facebook poll. (,in%20which%20they%20were%20interviewed.)
^ Which data, on what topic, and what section, of the internationally recognized and scientifically assembled aggregate for data and statistics on r@pe are you referring to exactly? You sussed out all that, and discounted teams of analysts and years of testing in under an hour and have disproved it? How do you find time to post here on Lambgoat, Mr. Hawkings? That means nurse you married must be pretty good with numbers too. God, shut the f*ck up with the data arguments, they are literally flaccid. They are dumb and sad. Scenes protect their own, caste systems exist within them, and other victims find their voices after one commits to being a sacrifice for the rest. Even in Canada. No one is actually as awful as this. You're probably a social worker by day, and a keyboard r@pe denier at night who's pissed because his wife doesn't respect him. That's sad and boring.
Of course it's self reported data. R@pe doesn't happen in public, or very rarely, it's medical information, not crime statistics, and it happens to a self, ie a person. You dig deeper and deeper into disproving yourself with numbers, and you actually can't see that you're doing it. Statisticians vet numbers, there are assumptions built in. Assumption is a mathematical term, by the way, not me calling aggregate data from 1998 to today a Facebook poll, because that is well, stupid. You are useless, you do not have any understanding of how math, scientific integrity, and vetted information works. Flaccid.
One of the key assumptions, btw? That would be false reporting. The numbers would be meaningless without recognizing and isolating outliers and dropping them. Stupid boy.
I'm self reporting I saw Big Foot. Therefore, Big Foot is real.
Please do not deny my lived experience and be a big foot apologist. #believeallbigfoots
Very weird to believe that people should be punished without charges, let alone a trial, and act like you're anything other than a Fascist
^ Being punished against their will, forced into a situation they don't want and didn't ask for, even? Sure, except that no one is being punished. These people are not being counseled to disband all projects and go into hiding if they've done nothing wrong. They're making those decisions, and what does that say about their private actions that are likely to come out? R@pe is a felony. "Punishment" for a felony is prison. When you r@pe someone(s) and your band breaks up and you lose all public respect but get to just go on living because of it, is that just like going to prison? Idt you know many ex-cons if you believe it's the same. No one is being punished except the people who got r@ped to begin with. Again. Don't r@pe people and you won't have to sweat it. Am I stupid, bad at statistics, a cop, a liberal white woman with a god complex, or a fascist, now? I think I'm just not down with r@pe, actually. Whatever.
And I don't f*ck with Bigfoot self-reporting, dude. Aliens are real, and nobody cares. As long as Bigfoot and aliens don't join HC or metal bands and start r@ping all over the place, you do you.
^ although everything I just said about aliens and Bigfoot in a metal band and r@ping all over the place perfectly explains Rammstein.
"Am I stupid, bad at statistics, a cop, a liberal white woman with a god complex, or a fascist, now" All of them actually
You're all wrong on this thread. Women don't have anything to do with it. Andrew was in the gay cruising scene and became a foster dad to wayward teenage boys. It was boys.
^r@pe is for everyone. We women don't actually WANT it to ourselves. I did bring up this possibility like 70,000 words ago up near the middle of the thread. Thanks for the the clarification and I'm sad that anyone has to live it if it's real. Especially horrific if it's children. Nobody should r@pe anyone. Ever.
I'm still waiting to find out what happened ?
Typical "anti-fascist", always getting busted diddling someone
^ You know that quotation marks around a title denote that you're being facetious, right? Just checking. We all know anti-fascists aren't diddlers, they staunchly oppose The Vatican because it's fascist and full of diddlers ffs. You're funny. And smart.
The vatican is full of diddlers you say. Very interesting. Now do public schools.
You'll have to check in with some Massachusetts based Hardcore bands for public schools, no lived experience here or verified data available. They're good dudes I hear, backed hard. Shouldn't be a problem.
Actually. By the US dept of Educations own statistics. There has been 29,000 charges of sexual abuse resulting in conviction by public school officials vs only 201 cases of Catholic Priests doing it. Easily verifiable. The left are always diddlers. Here are some big ones...Michel Foucault, Pat Califia, Hakim Bey, Harvey Milk, Allen Ginsberg, Gayle Rubin. Should I go on? Is it not "r@pe culture" if its gay Marxists molesting boys? You're a fool.
Yes, worldwide only 201 Catholic priests are proven diddlers and the left supports r@pe by teachers in public schools. Nobody said anything about political leanings here, buster, except as joking asides. It's all about outing r@pists whoever they are over here, so that they all stop r@ping other people. You're a fool for any pro-r@pe argument you can think of, huh? Good luck with that.
Worldwide? Notice I said United States. Just admit you're ignorant. The singer of Baptists is a leftist activist. That's why ideology has been brought into this You really have no idea what you're talking about and no coherent argument for anything. I bet you've probably done a few r@pes yourself and FBI should probably have a look at your hard drive.
I think maybe you'd stop thinking about ways to argue for r@pe and r@pists if you got a good Brojob. I hear the lead singers available, hit him up! Get consent first, for chrissake though. I'm guessing that's been problematic in your history.
I will be their new singer and I'll sing songs about you r@ping everyone because you're obsessed with r@pe and super r@pey
First ever Vatican Metalcore Meltdown Fest 💎Hosted by Dustie Waring and Chad the Diamond Diamond 💎 Brojob plays their monster album We R@pe Bro, So? supported by Baptists Daughters Dustie Waring wearing a costume Anti-Flag Rammstein Zach Dear Wolf Down Brand New Pierce The Veil Of Mice And Men And more of your favorite r@pists, too many to name
My friend saw him hanging with full-patch members multiple times. Heard he's a prospect now. Hells Baptists
I'm one of Andrew's best friends. He has devoted his whole life to bettering other's lives. This man went to school for counselling youth. He dropped everything in his life to be a foster parent and is the most selfless person I've ever met. He has anti-r*pe songs in Baptists and would never/has never done anything nefarious to any woman. ONE single girl ruined his life. Her name is Shealyn Mcgale. She is a liar. His band was told they'd be cancelled as sympathizers if they didn't cancel him. They are the only friends of his that he doesn't talk to anymore, because everyone else knows he's a good person. Andrew would hate that I'm writing this, but I need to. Believe victims. Andrew is the victim
I haven't seen him in a few years since I left civilization behind but Andrew and I are from the same town and I have known him on and off since we were teenagers. I don't know what did or didn't happen but I can speak to his character. This story doesn't make any sense. Andrew is a good guy. Sometimes people are so desperate to look virtuous that they completely abandoned virtues to do it. Funny how many rules punk rock has these days. Cancel lies.
Can someone that has actually experienced a bad time with him please speak up? I worked with Andrew at Milieu Family Services 16 years ago. He left the organization to become a foster parent. All I want to hear is one single thing he did wrong. I love what he did for the youth he fostered. From what I've heard, they love it too. We need actual claims and stories. I'm sorry, but I literally watched him sacrifice his well-being to help the kiddos. PLEASE message me with your claims.
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