You're the one who brought up 1 in 5 and then changed the goalposts. RAINN statistics on their very own website are based on the NCVS, a self report survey that is not corroborated in the slightest, may as well be a Facebook poll. The numbers on false allegations vary wildly, from 1% up to 89% and depends greatly on how they define the word "false". There also hasn't been any meaningful study on it since 2006 (*pe/CA29549D811B7C639DFF2754197BBF9C). These studies also only have relevance to reported allegations, they are irrelevant to social media posts, somewhere where it is incredibly easy to lie.
You have no idea what you're talking about, you just regurgitate the same debunked talking points from a decade ago. Also defending due process isn't defending r*pe anymore than saying The Patriot Act violates our civil rights is a defense of terrorists.
Go back to tumblr.
You're the one who brought up 1 in 5 and then changed the goalposts. RAINN statistics on their very own website are based on the NCVS, a self report survey that is not corroborated in the slightest, may as well be a Facebook poll. The numbers on false allegations vary wildly, from 1% up to 89% and depends greatly on how they define the word "false". There also hasn't been any meaningful study on it since 2006 (*pe/CA29549D811B7C639DFF2754197BBF9C). These studies also only have relevance to reported allegations, they are irrelevant to social media posts, somewhere where it is incredibly easy to lie. You have no idea what you're talking about, you just regurgitate the same debunked talking points from a decade ago. Also defending due process isn't defending r*pe anymore than saying The Patriot Act violates our civil rights is a defense of terrorists. Go back to tumblr.