From RAINNs Methodology (
"The National Crime Victimization Survey is the primary source of data on RAINN's site."
It's a survey. It says it right there.
From the Bureau of Justices website, the agency that administers the NCVS
"The NCVS is a self-reported survey that is administered annually from January 1 to December 31."
It's a self reported survey. All of the scientific rigor of a facebook poll.
From RAINNs Methodology ( "The National Crime Victimization Survey is the primary source of data on RAINN's site." It's a survey. It says it right there. From the Bureau of Justices website, the agency that administers the NCVS "The NCVS is a self-reported survey that is administered annually from January 1 to December 31." It's a self reported survey. All of the scientific rigor of a facebook poll. (,in%20which%20they%20were%20interviewed.)