NewsApril 25, 2023 8:04 PM ET18,281 views

As I Lay Dying's Tim Lambesis confirms new members are helping to write the band's new record

Tim Lambesis (As I Lay Dying)

During a recent interview with Heavy New York, Tim LambesisAs I Lay Dying and Born Through Fire vocalist, verified that he and his fellow AILD band members have started working on their upcoming studio album and that all members are contributing.

As previously reported this record will be the first one to feature the band's new lineup, consisting of Lambesis and the guitarist Phil Sgrosso, as well as the drummer Nick Pierce (formerly of Unearth), the bassist and vocalist Ryan Neff (from Miss May I), and the guitarist Ken Susi (also from Unearth).

During the interview, Lambesis confirms that the new members are contributing to the writing process of the new album:

Nick Pierce just finished tracking drums for the AS I LAY DYING record a couple of weeks ago… Unfortunately, in modern times, that doesn't mean the record's coming out very soon, but it's in the works. We're working with Ryan Neff. Ken Susi's doing some solos. Nick Pierce already tracked the drums. So to answer some of those questions about, 'Are those guys contributing in any way?', obviously they are. We just haven't really had a final product to deliver yet.

Feel free to watch the interview below.


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anonymous 4/25/2023 5:24:00 PM

Bring back Austrian Death Machine.

anonymous 4/25/2023 5:34:03 PM

Here Comes Da Hotsteppah

anonymous 4/25/2023 5:37:37 PM

Top tier stuff

anonymous 4/25/2023 5:42:00 PM


anonymous 4/25/2023 5:45:00 PM

Hey Lambgoat you are fu cked up for giving press to Tim Lambesis a guy who hired a hitman to kill his wife & went to prison because he did that.

anonymous 4/25/2023 5:50:48 PM

Not everything is black and white- you want it to fit in a simplistic worldview where every human is only good or only evil, when the reality is that human character and morality are nuanced, and they ebb and flow into arcs. People are complex. They fail, flounder, struggle, grow, change, etc. You need to feel the flow, harness energy... block bad... feel the flow.

anonymous 4/25/2023 5:59:07 PM

Tim & Lambgoat can do whatever the fu ck they want but Lambgoat doesn't HAVE to cover Tim/ALID. Lambgoat reports sexual abuse/assault allegations because they think sexual abuse/assault is wrong (whether the person did it or not) yet give press to an a sshole who did far worse than SA.

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:07:11 PM

you should flounder, struggle and grow inside my ass

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:19:06 PM

Tim has convinced me to vote for Trump even though the "rigged system" hasn't been rectified. Or has it? Then, when Trump loses again, we both will act shocked and outraged when he cries that it was rigged again.

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:22:12 PM

steroids are security. tier one metalcore back. let's see all the crying pretending Tim actually committed a "crime". metal and hardcore is suppose to be dangerous

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:24:57 PM

If you don't vote for Joe Biden again, you ain't black.

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:27:15 PM

^nailed it. Imagine voting for Joe Biden once, let alone twice. 😂😂😂

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:32:51 PM

tier one - aild, kse, u0, log, atr (old) tier two - idt, htd, woj, tas, dh, bt, fata, byd - - - tier six - botch, deadguy, starkweather, coalesce, drowningman, poison the well, hopesfall, overcast, shai hulud, converge, zao, cave in, snapcase, glassjaw

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:32:59 PM

"anonymous 44 minutes ago Hey Lambgoat you are fu cked up for giving press to Tim Lambesis a guy who hired a hitman to kill his wife & went to prison because he did that." Hey commenter youre simping for some random hoe because the big scary metal vocalist is too "toxic" and that's "problematic". Let it go man.

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:33:03 PM

nailed it ^

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:38:42 PM

I'm just here to enjoy the moronic comments by the dumbest humans on earth: Americans :)

anonymous 4/25/2023 6:55:35 PM

keyed from his mom laptop in a pair of creamsicle orange flip flops and lime green shades ^^

anonymous 4/25/2023 7:09:44 PM

^ nailed it

anonymous 4/25/2023 7:14:04 PM

f*ck this f3gg0t

anonymous 4/25/2023 7:59:25 PM

Dude had one memorable song, and only because of the clean vocals in the chorus.

anonymous 4/25/2023 8:03:33 PM

^^ incredibly false. confined, through struggle, forever, 94 hours, meaning in tragedy, elegy, control is dead, ocean between us, nothing left (grammy) are all heaters. i was there

anonymous 4/25/2023 8:10:14 PM

Nah, all sounds the same. Except that one song. It was on headbangers ball. I think they were in the rain in the video

anonymous 4/25/2023 8:23:04 PM

Band has always sucked cock. No care ever about the hitman shit LOL

anonymous 4/25/2023 10:07:03 PM

If you think Lambesis is bad, just have a look at the scum right here on Lambgoat!

anonymous 4/25/2023 10:08:51 PM

ShadowBlade and Mad Munchkin are a couple of morsels of fetid shit!

anonymous 4/26/2023 3:43:18 AM

I hear this ShadowBlade guy is Trind.

anonymous 4/26/2023 3:56:38 AM

Lambgoaters think shitposting will cover up the fact they probably spend hours on Reddit banging on about men's right and mental health.

anonymous 4/26/2023 4:03:43 AM

I don't care

anonymous 4/26/2023 4:42:12 AM

Headline= members in band will write music. Is this a joke

anonymous 4/26/2023 6:18:24 AM

Marty from Zao here, didn't this guy kill his wife?

anonymous 4/26/2023 6:49:04 AM

Wonder what his typical cycle looks like? I'm thinking 400 Test C weekly, with Dianabol stacked. At first I was thinking Tren, but I feel like he'd be a bit bigger blastin that. Oh and his band blows

rick____tocchet 4/26/2023 6:55:31 AM

Its going to be hard to write an album that is better than the new gym power lifter hour that is Born Through Fire.

anonymous 4/26/2023 7:11:26 AM

I think An Ocean Between Us was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Hipa, Sgrosso and Mancino. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism.

anonymous 4/26/2023 7:27:23 AM

^^ Has to be the Todd Jones guy. No one else can come up with such well crafted pure bullshit.

anonymous 4/26/2023 7:30:51 AM

Rick ta life on a horse

anonymous 4/26/2023 7:55:19 AM

Keith Buckley (formerly of Every Time I Die) will be co-writing the lyrics.

anonymous 4/26/2023 8:35:19 AM


anonymous 4/26/2023 9:10:03 AM

You like The Acacia Strain? Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when The Dead Walk came out in '06, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Frankie Palmeri, but I think Vincent has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

anonymous 4/26/2023 9:20:42 AM

Dino from Fear Factory here. I already have a new singer lined up for when the current one quits/gets fired. Big announcement coming in 3 years. The time will go by quick.

anonymous 4/26/2023 9:35:00 AM


anonymous 4/26/2023 10:17:25 AM

Mark from the Metal Blade warehouse, we still have a TON of splatter vinyls sitting here. I highly discourage labels from picking this up unless you want to have tons of unsold vinyl sitting around. The bubble has burst

anonymous 4/26/2023 10:44:24 AM


anonymous 4/26/2023 12:05:46 PM

Tim's too black sounding for me

anonymous 4/26/2023 12:16:20 PM

Bud Light here (they/them). I don't support physical fitness because its racist and fatphobic. I do support everything and anything non-binary and gender neutral.

anonymous 4/26/2023 1:26:51 PM

metalcore community fell back in line. HoB size venue tour and another billboard charting album forthcoming. get your splatter editions before they are gone.

anonymous 4/26/2023 1:35:01 PM

Bud Light here (they/them). I don't support physical fitness because its racist and fatphobic. I do support everything and anything non-binary and gender neutral. ^incels gonna incel

anonymous 5/2/2023 4:34:56 PM

Tim's new wife hot tho

anonymous 140 days ago

anonymous 5/2/2023 4:34:56 PM Tim's new wife hot tho<---- general lambgoat populas what's a "wife"?

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