NewsOctober 3, 2022 1:27 PM ET14,939 views

Fever 333 guitarist and drummer exit band

Leaving only vocalist Jason Butler remaining

fever 333 split

As it stands now both guitarist Stephen Harrison and drummer Aric Improta have left Fever 333. Currently, there are no solid details as to what caused the split, but both Stephen and Aric shared a brief statement on their Instagrams saying it is "layered" and that "things were pretty bad internally". Fever 333 is mainly known for its outspoken political and activist views and was comprised of former members from Letlive, The Chariot, and Nightverses in 2017. The group released their one studio album, Strength in Numb333rs in 2019.

You can read both statements from Stephen and Aric below:

Aric would go on to share the same photo in his post (along with a few others) with a more vague post, which you can see here and read below.

Steve and I have decided to step away Fever 333. Its layered, but ultimately, I'd just rather dedicate my time to projects that operate different than that one.

Massive thank you to all of our fans, our friends and the amazing people who helped us along the way (you know who you are). We got to play some unforgettable shows, travel a ton and meet some incredible individuals. Steve and I will probably do something together in the future.


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anonymous 10/3/2022 10:52:31 AM

Good. Their talent was being wasted by this Travis Barker project. Hope they get back into some harder music

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:10:10 AM

I see the big cash cow project has had its limits, huh? No more Roadrunner money and Jason's a prima donna

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:10:43 AM

Thank f*ck we can finally get another night verses album now

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:17:07 AM

"When one door closes another opens"

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:23:41 AM

This band is garbage anyway

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:37:59 AM

So many nobody bands to keep track off

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:38:44 AM

Things gotta be pretty bad internally, this is the second band Butler has had implode despite strong industry support, Fever even stronger. Both these guys are career musicians, Aric is arguably one of the best drummers in the world, Steve is an insane performer, this band seems like they're playing enough big tours for these guys to go home with a decent check, it has to be pretty bad for dudes this far into their careers to be throwing it away.

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:40:37 AM

By the end, letlive had no support. It was a total "Emperor has no clothes" situation. They weren't drawing, people didn't get and so on. It was all smoke and mirrors, just like with Fever.

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:49:08 AM

seems like a lot of bands Jason is in break apart. Maybe he is the issue. He def seems like a cocky arrogant dude.

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:52:54 AM

Letlive by the end though was still getting good tours. Whether the emperor had clothes or not bands like Rise Against were at least wanting to take them out, they weren't stuck in the warpedcore cycle like say Stray From The Path. Fever is opening for Slipknot, 600k+ monthly plays on spotify. Even if part of that is from playlist and industry support, there's *something* there you can at least leverage.

anonymous 10/3/2022 11:55:21 AM

How many lambooot furnace fest shirts did you sell? Just the one pity buy that you made sure to post a cringey picture with lol.

anonymous 10/3/2022 12:09:15 PM

Go woke go broke, sjw dumb dumbs.

lurkcity 10/3/2022 12:12:59 PM

anonymous 15 minutes ago How many lambooot furnace fest shirts did you sell? Just the one pity buy that you made sure to post a cringey picture with lol. xander we didnt post any photos, but those who bought them did. you must have been confused

anonymous 10/3/2022 12:34:24 PM

"Letlive by the end though was still getting good tours. Whether the emperor had clothes or not bands like Rise Against were at least wanting to take them out, they weren't stuck in the warpedcore cycle like say Stray From The Path. Fever is opening for Slipknot, 600k+ monthly plays on spotify. Even if part of that is from playlist and industry support, there's *something* there you can at least leverage." Oh for sure, on both. Letlive proved they weren't a headliner though and it started falling apart. Fever got dropped by their label and Jason is a nightmare, so these guys bailed, but there's definitely still gas in the tank.

VodkaVeins 10/3/2022 12:42:27 PM

AKA...our singer is a pretentious douchebag

anonymous 10/3/2022 1:18:04 PM

"Oh for sure, on both. Letlive proved they weren't a headliner though and it started falling apart. Fever got dropped by their label and Jason is a nightmare, so these guys bailed, but there's definitely still gas in the tank." They did pretty decent on the one headliner they did. I think it was 2014? IIRC it was a coheadliner with Architects but a couple shows in Architects got bumped down to direct support because of walkouts. They were well known as a good show. They never headlined but they were always in high demand for support with significantly bigger bands so why would you? That last record did flop hard and also didn't have any good songs. Shame because of all the Glassjaw worship bands they were by far the band that did it best. It was very funny to watch Jason go from waxing intellectual poetic like Daryl Palumbo to basically being Mr. voice of the people of the south central LA streets.

NorthFromHere 10/3/2022 1:24:25 PM

These guys seem pretty cool. Glad they got away from that Barker protege/human trash Butler: hope they find a way to halfway decent music now.

anonymous 10/3/2022 1:43:34 PM

Live performances don't always transfer well to recordings. Fever is entertaining to watch live, but their albums suck. People who see them live are disappointed by their recordings and lose interest, and those who hear the albums have no desire to go see this band if they aren't familiar with the live show.

anonymous 10/3/2022 1:50:11 PM

This band opened for Korn. Didn't move the needle at all. New school Roadrunner has two home runs (Turnstile and Code Orange) and two strikeouts (King 810 and Fever 333). No more number bands.

anonymous 10/3/2022 2:00:43 PM

It's a contrived industry band and when you watch them live (like I have) in London, it's weird and completely reveals itself to be utter bollocks. On the flip side, these two are actually fantastic musicians and I wish them luck. Hopefully this band made kids excited for metal and to make music, that's all we can hope for really.

anonymous 10/3/2022 2:04:12 PM

I'd hesitate to call Fever a miss over Code Orange when Fever has like 6 times the monthly listeners as CO.

anonymous 10/3/2022 2:46:02 PM

Code Orange being a home run is hands down the funniest thing I've read on this site in months

anonymous 10/3/2022 2:46:29 PM

LetLive 2023 please. fever blew ass

anonymous 10/3/2022 3:07:41 PM

Look how the massacred this website

anonymous 10/3/2022 3:11:26 PM

Speaking of funny shit. Here's an industry plant. Artist named: Bey. Mother ran a music promotion company based in CA but doing shows in Philippines. Fast forward about 5 years ago, mother is buying interviews with PH Magazines calling her daughter the "future leader of the Philippine Music Business." All this with a college degree and an internship at Live Nation that mommy arranged (MMI Live was partners with LN). Her "experience" for work was the job her mommy gave her in MMI Live. Covid happens so no concerts. "Bey" (real name Isabella Pascua) decided she needs to be a pop star. Someone who's never played a single local show anywhere, not a small local club, not a coffee house, nothing, and who's never released any music online or by herself magically gets "found" by a Philippine record label and management company even though she lives in CA and is unknown to all. Live Nation buys MMI Live and mommy is now Managing Director of LN Philippines and hires daughter as AdminMgr.

anonymous 10/3/2022 3:11:59 PM


anonymous 10/3/2022 3:18:17 PM

It's not metal, it's watered down pop. But should serve at how scumbagish the music business is. You're discovered thousands of miles away not by being seen on YouTube or heard on SoundCloud, or seen at a small local venue. It's mommy sending an email or phone call. Same with magically getting a management company to sign here. Claim it's being blessed when it's total nepotism. This c*nt announces her first live performance like 2 years after being signed/management in place. For all the shit people gave Billie Eilish for being an industry plant, at least she toured in a van and did shitty club tours with actual talent behind her. Not an all powerful mother pulling all the strings. I have no idea how Live Nation can buy out a company it was partners with, appoint that ex-ceo as managing director of LN Philippines and then allows her to hire her daughter as Administrative Manager. No red flags there, for sure.

anonymous 10/3/2022 3:47:30 PM

"They did pretty decent on the one headliner they did. I think it was 2014? IIRC it was a coheadliner with Architects but a couple shows in Architects got bumped down to direct support because of walkouts. They were well known as a good show. They never headlined but they were always in high demand for support with significantly bigger bands so why would you? That last record did flop hard and also didn't have any good songs. " Nope, this tour shit the bed LOL at Code Orange as a success. They'll also be announcing they're looking for a new label/found a new label so they can "do it on our own terms" shortly, as they were getting the axe, too.

anonymous 10/3/2022 4:07:28 PM

Who gives a f*ck about these knobs???

NorthFromHere 10/3/2022 4:17:14 PM

'LOL at Code Orange as a success. They'll also be announcing they're looking for a new label/found a new label so they can "do it on our own terms" shortly, as they were getting the axe, too.' I think their 5th album will be released (3rd with RR) in a few months and then they will be dumped unless it somehow approaches Turnstile numbers. I love CO outside of their frontman but they've been a massive commercial disappointment compared to Turnstile(who suck btw) and I don't see that changing.

anonymous 10/3/2022 4:26:49 PM

Pfizer 333

anonymous 10/3/2022 4:30:55 PM

Never listened to a single second of Fever 333. The name alone turned me off. Doesnt sound gay enough. Any good?

anonymous 10/3/2022 5:33:26 PM

Butler just picks iconic original singers to rip off along his "career's" path. It's egregious. The band was a silly Travis barker concept anyways.

anonymous 10/3/2022 5:35:54 PM

So you just sold the one Lambooot shirt at furnace fest then? Got it.

anonymous 10/3/2022 6:15:57 PM

Imagine wearing a lambgoat shirt in public. What did you guys make, $69?

anonymous 10/3/2022 6:30:19 PM

"I think their 5th album will be released (3rd with RR) in a few months and then they will be dumped unless it somehow approaches Turnstile numbers. I love CO outside of their frontman but they've been a massive commercial disappointment compared to Turnstile(who suck btw) and I don't see that changing." Heard it's already happened, unless RR is just releasing it in hopes they can recoup some debt. Safe money is them on Sumerian soon.

anonymous 10/3/2022 6:40:54 PM

anonymous 22 minutes ago Imagine wearing a lambgoat shirt in public. What did you guys make, $69? They sold one and printed who knows how many. Big loss

anonymous 10/3/2022 6:53:33 PM

One of the mongoloids in CO has Epstein level photos of someone at road runner and that's why they've been allowed to tour with Slipknot despite only selling 40 albums.

anonymous 10/3/2022 7:04:49 PM

No good bands being discussed ITT. Jason Butler is a fgt and I hope Jami Morgan dies.

turnstile 10/3/2022 9:19:18 PM


anonymous 10/3/2022 10:20:21 PM


anonymous 10/3/2022 11:06:12 PM

is this that new jam band with dave matthews and tim reynolds?

BigDog 10/4/2022 7:41:24 AM


anonymous 10/5/2022 10:05:25 AM

Code Orange being a home run is hands down the funniest thing I've read on this site in months Yes.

Tags: Fever 333

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