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anonymous 10/3/2022 1:18:04 PM

"Oh for sure, on both. Letlive proved they weren't a headliner though and it started falling apart. Fever got dropped by their label and Jason is a nightmare, so these guys bailed, but there's definitely still gas in the tank." They did pretty decent on the one headliner they did. I think it was 2014? IIRC it was a coheadliner with Architects but a couple shows in Architects got bumped down to direct support because of walkouts. They were well known as a good show. They never headlined but they were always in high demand for support with significantly bigger bands so why would you? That last record did flop hard and also didn't have any good songs. Shame because of all the Glassjaw worship bands they were by far the band that did it best. It was very funny to watch Jason go from waxing intellectual poetic like Daryl Palumbo to basically being Mr. voice of the people of the south central LA streets.
