"Letlive by the end though was still getting good tours. Whether the emperor had clothes or not bands like Rise Against were at least wanting to take them out, they weren't stuck in the warpedcore cycle like say Stray From The Path. Fever is opening for Slipknot, 600k+ monthly plays on spotify. Even if part of that is from playlist and industry support, there's *something* there you can at least leverage."
Oh for sure, on both. Letlive proved they weren't a headliner though and it started falling apart. Fever got dropped by their label and Jason is a nightmare, so these guys bailed, but there's definitely still gas in the tank.
"Letlive by the end though was still getting good tours. Whether the emperor had clothes or not bands like Rise Against were at least wanting to take them out, they weren't stuck in the warpedcore cycle like say Stray From The Path. Fever is opening for Slipknot, 600k+ monthly plays on spotify. Even if part of that is from playlist and industry support, there's *something* there you can at least leverage." Oh for sure, on both. Letlive proved they weren't a headliner though and it started falling apart. Fever got dropped by their label and Jason is a nightmare, so these guys bailed, but there's definitely still gas in the tank.