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Post Commentwho will they rip off next, fear factory? or will that be code orange
lame hardcore dudes who lift and all look / dress the same are stoked. So much individuality in the scene (LOL). Cue the split screen instagram powerlifter / harms way record cover screen shot pics. Beards, black hair, tattoos and black shirts are stoked
01. Human Carrying Capacity (Nailed To The Crossfit) 02. Last Man Lifting 03. Sink or Squat 04. Carb Temptation 05. Become a Protein Machine 06. Call My Name For A Spot 07. Unreality ( Is My Max Bench ) 08. Dissect Me, 8% Body Fat 09. The Lift 10. Dead Tired From Cardio
Now this is what the fck I'm talking about, finally I have a soundtrack for the quarry
Please go back to sounding like a grindier Integrity
i know the fanbase of older HW/pulling teeth/etc still likes to think they're above bouncy/ultra-syncopated mosh music, which is all 'metalcore' ever really meant, but this is probably really really fun for them to play and it sounds awesome. all their changing styles and postures have been effectively derivative and it's cool they're doing this one now
whole lot of twigboys on here scared of people who go to the gym I guess? lmao sucks to be you, stoked for this record. Hope it has more riffs than rust did. Isolation is the fcking shit.
Not feeling that new track particularly but still have high hopes for this record, I'm one of the few I guess who rated Rust quite highly, though Isolation and No Gods No Masters were better
This is straight trash, what happened to this band? (And yes I lift you f@ggots)
Marilyn Manson's posthuman> these 2001 throwdown guitars
the c-m slut punching bag from code is pissed
Little gay ass bitches here are music experts. This track rips and hopefully the rest of it does too
^ fina-lly.. anotha G..spittin tha truth like young- zombie ronny! ronzilla back from tha dead-worms crawled in ya boys head! i rose up from dirt like jesus in a su-preme sweat-shirt! at night i stalk tha streets for fresh living meat, take em back to my crib tie em down n skeet-skeet!! yaa young ron be rapin, rectums for tha takin, they stuffed me in a casket my eyes still full a maggots!
i aint hold u fo ransom- u get abused by a yung phantom! ronny G tied u down u freaked out threw a tantrum! listen up fckboy now u ronny new fcktoy- ur rectum i threaten, yo teeth all knocked out- young ron playin ball and ur ass tha dugout! lube up ur cavity plunge new depths of depravity- ur jerk hotel show me great hospitality!
say harm way-gay?? u a zombie sex slaves! my new fcktoy gimp im yo zombie G pimp! i slap ya ass in line-feed u my crap i wine and dine! all my bitches an slaves - undead dick send shockwaves- thru ur sphincter to ur nutsack ronzilla ride ya bareback! no use for condoms- my body was condemned- u a twink ya my bottom, my soul couldnt ascend! so young man stuck on earth- i crawld up out tha dirt, ronzilla abuse the living make u wear a mini skirt!!
suckin tha undead member our sex hot like some embers! gaaye as f*k u transgender- my body shut down its nervous center! when i took my last breath yung ron experienced death! from tha womb to tha tomb back to my zombie sex room! an thats where u stay cuz my sagea-u f*kin gay! yung ronny look fly with new kicks and hair spray
^ stfu loser. No one is reading that. Ever. Still
I love this band but that fake tracklisting is killing me man. If only this were Reddit you'd get that Gold homey.
Harms way is cool but how many times are you going to bend on that same fret. Super repetitive..
I like this one song they've been writing over and over for a few years now.
^^^ same 3 comments from tha same f*kboy- he be yankin on his weeny to his mommys playboy!- photo shoot, from 30 years ago- that fgggt jerkin to his mommy and on purpose he knows! That what he get off to-young Ron a different dude- wit fly looks and fitted caps I was brought back wit voodoo! I'm talkin back from tha dead - fck nggaz huurd what I said - I crawled up out the grave wit a mission to enslave! 13 gimps in tha attic I was risen wit magick-Haitian spell got me up out of hell!
I tease ya wit my balls, slap em on ur face young Rons the law - I ain't wear no condom-wouldn't even fit my lime green johnson - it 13 f*kin inches spread ur asscheeks tell my bitches! They open up wide, ronzilla slide inside - pump ur rectum im expectin respect from tha slaves in my collection! This ain't no democracy my c-ck spits fire-actually - it spurt out huuge waves, of a black bile- I straight defile!
Are there any newer bands out who sound like harms way when they were good?
This is such boring bullshit. Chug chug shit shit balls balls fck fck.
Throwdown's pinnacle album Vendetta was the pure inspiration for this and anything else after 2001 that made you look at muscles and get an erection.
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fck, this makes me miss Reality Approaches and No Gods, what happened to all the sick riffs and catchy hooks this band use to have? They're just generic metalcore now