NewsJuly 31, 2015 3:44 PM ET68,298 views

Crosscheck drummer jumped, hospitalized

Tom Alderson of Crosscheck jumped Tom Alderson, drummer of Philadelphia, PA hardcore band Crosscheck, was badly beaten Sunday night and is currently hospitalized. A campaign has subsequently been launched to assist with Alderson's growing medical bills. Here's a portion of the campaign summary:
"Our good friend, Tom Alderson, has experienced many heavy burdens recently, but more-so now than ever he needs our help. Sunday night, Tom suffered an incredible amount of physical injury and trauma to his head and other parts of his body. Currently hospitalized, he is going to be spending his 24th birthday laid up in a hospital room hooked to machines and barely being able to do much of anything for himself on his own. The injuries he has sustained are so severe, that they will be keeping him out of work for an undetermined amount of time and he has a long road to complete recovery ahead."
Details regarding the incident are sketchy, though the attack reportedly took place at an after-show for this past weekend's This Is Hardcore festival in Philadelphia. Word on the street is that the assault resulted from a mosh pit altercation that took place earlier in the day between Alderson and members of two East Coast hardcore bands, neither of which will be mentioned here until all of the facts come out (if they ever do). New Jersey hardcore band Lifeless had this to say about the matter:
"Violence and injury is and always will be a part of the hardcore culture in one way or another and as a realistic hardcore kid, you have to accept that... And as many of you know, Lifeless is no stranger to that aspect of it. However, no one should ever have to go through or experience what Tom is going through. "Thoughtless, unwarranted, and extreme violence for petty or no reason at all will never be welcome in our scene or any scene we are a part of. Support Tom, because he would support you. Support Tom, because it could have happened to any one of us. Please help spread the word."
UPDATE: Jordan McKinney of Houston, Texas band Drown has issued a statement via Twitter, which you can view below. Obviously, he levels some serious accusations. We can neither confirm nor deny their veracity, but here you go:


Post Comment

anonymous 7/31/2015 12:59:27 PM

Kerry King is shocked.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:01:27 PM

Ya, hardcore bro. Injuries are going to be a part of it. F off prick. Its so cool to beat the crap out of somebody because its so "hardcore". Grow the F up already you East Coast douches. Get a life, laser remove your shi**y tattoos, stop buying Madball and Terror albums... Its over. You're 40 now, act like it. Poor kid, hope he heals up OK. And mention the other bands so they can get called out, or are they scared... real hardcore idiots...

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:02:11 PM

bands are Heavy Chains and Suburban Scum

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:06:12 PM

^^shut your mouth. Come talk shit to east coast hardcore kids. Try it I dare you

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:08:09 PM

What happened to this kid? Why would the rest of the crowd let him get so severly beaten? Was it all for bullshit pit beef?

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:10:06 PM

anyone who's past the age of 18 and still listens to hardcore must realize that the 'scene' is full of troglodytes who would kill someone at a moment's notice. people who say shit along the lines of "oh bro you just gotta expect to be hit, that's just the scene" is 99% likely to have an IQ in the double-digits, they must be avoided at all costs

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:10:37 PM

I'm sure there is an excellent reason he deserved to be beaten to a pulp. [/sarcasm]

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:12:47 PM

The hardcore scene is complete fcking garbage filled with nothing but hypocritical idiots. 99% of all hardcore kids I've met have been half retarded deviants who probably couldn't even pass a community college English course. fck your scene, fck your "moshing", and fck everyone who claims the hardcore scene is a good and safe place.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:14:07 PM

Just another example of why 90 percent of the mongloids that listen to hardcore are worthless individuals too scared to grow up. That's what hardcore is really about. Running away from reality because you never learned how to read. All this "rejected by society mumbo jumbo is just propaganda to make these morons feel important. Hardcore isn't cool, Scott Vogel isn't a role model. It's not cool to be 40 and fighting over mosh pits.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:16:06 PM

fck those fat dorks in Sub Scum and Heavy Chains

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:18:09 PM

Ian Adams and Karebear are the guys who beat him, all for nothing. There you go.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:22:17 PM

Send those fckers to prison and see if they still wanna pretend that they are gangbangers.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:23:35 PM

Stop snitchin'

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:24:34 PM

Typical east coasters. I can verify as a resident of upstate ny that a few of you are in fact "hard", but the other 99% are a bunch of cryasses who have to roam in packs and never fight 1on1. How hardcore of you.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:32:02 PM

"Stop snitchin'" Grow the fck up, you aren't some fcking gangster.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:33:47 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 1:36:11 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 1:37:31 PM

Probably that shitty hardcore band rude awakening fcking band got anchors up shut down skittle while back

fourthgradecocktease 7/31/2015 1:40:16 PM

Subscum is getting ready to drop the biggest release of their career thus far and then they pull this kind of shit. Seriously, guys? You have to see how goddamn stupid that is.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:48:22 PM

Clueless people with self-esteem issues go to shows and ruin them- that is the only reason this happened, and it's happened occasionally for a long time. Go beat off to your One Life Crew record and get fcked... losers.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:48:59 PM

Did Fronz check in yet?

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:50:39 PM

I looked up this Suburban Scumband. What a bunch of fat, greasy meatballs.

anonymous 7/31/2015 1:58:34 PM

Dudes who did it are DMS pussies. They think they're tough.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:01:35 PM

Lotta percentages getting thrown around.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:02:40 PM

Everyone's a victim.

casketlust 7/31/2015 2:04:25 PM

tom rules and definitely didn't deserve this. as stated above, there's a gofundme set up for him. if you're feelin' helpful, think about donating. it's going to be a long road of recovery for him and it's great that people are supporting both him and his family. thanks ya'll.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:04:47 PM

Don't make the cool guys mad

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:07:34 PM

There is a big divide between cool guys with popular bands and smaller bands with regular people people in the scene and hopefully the tide can turn on what is cool now

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:09:08 PM

Suburban Scum putting the scum into hardcore... the hardcore scene is a joke now a days full of stupid fcking posers that are equivalent to indie scene hipsters in their pompous pretentious attitudes... most of them REALLY don't live a REAL hardcore lifestyle which goes WAY beyond the music of hardcore. I laugh at all these new school hardcore kids... it is too funny. Most of them just rip off old bands and repeat the same sound over and over... give it up already, man.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:09:38 PM

to bad it wasn't those fcking long island homos in incendiary... NOW LETS TALK RIP OFF BANDS!

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:10:05 PM

Who the fck is Crosscheck? a Two Man Advantage cover band?

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:13:06 PM

hardcore kids hate the police but love dry snitching on a message board

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:15:32 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 2:15:59 PM

^ This isn't the mafia you fcking gay. I thought this 2004 crew bullshit was over. Joe hardcore is stoked

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:16:54 PM

LOL at "snitching" You guys are funny. fck your scene, fck your lifestyle! Get a job and learn to read!

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:19:38 PM

I'm old and out of the loop....but last I heard about Kare Bear from suburban Scum was that he was a snitch and snitched on a bunch of dudes in NJHC. I mean, this is a well known thing not a rumor. How is he still in a band never mind a crew and beating people up??? Never mind skinny nice guys whoo probably never foughtnin his life? HC BRO!!!!

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:22:17 PM

suburban scum facebook went blank

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:22:59 PM

apparently homeboy from heavy chains was arrested for armed robbery a few years ago... can't wait to see what happens to this fck boi.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:26:42 PM

pat gerity is stoked

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:26:59 PM

Here's ian Adams bitch ass news article. So gangster that he got beat with his own gun and held hostage by a pillhead /index.ssf/2014/06/post_83 2.html

Jemenez_Cricket 7/31/2015 2:27:57 PM

Wow, fck that.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:28:20 PM

I guess heavy chains won't be on that Terror/Bane tour...

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:28:36 PM

Pat gerity is a great person and should have never got involved with these losers. Kare bear and ian.....worst kind of tough guys....fake tough guys that will do anything for a rep. Including overkill

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:36:41 PM

people like to romanticize the shows in NJ and boston 10-15 years ago. I remember when this shit would go down and it was fcking stupid

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:44:15 PM

No one involved in this belongs to ANY crew. You all are fcking stupid

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:48:37 PM

Typical bitches in hardcore. Need more then one person to fight another kid. What a bunch of bitches. Poor kid that got beat by these gays. I'd love to get my hands on these bitches in suburban scum.

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:49:08 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 2:52:35 PM

when i read these posts i thought it was Liferuiner news

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:57:53 PM

so from what I have gathered, sub scum are DMS dck riders, but not actual DMS. Is this correct?

anonymous 7/31/2015 2:58:44 PM

I bet that heavy chains fruit went all jiu-jitsu on the kid. had to take classes to not be a turn.....making him a pssy. you moshed me so now I'm going to cry like a little bitch to my friends cuz I'm a frontman and nobody can lay a finger on me.

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:01:07 PM

ian and karebear are both dms "interns"(at least thats what i have come to understand). ian goes to jail not that long ago for armed robbery, theft, and kidnapping and gets beat with his own gun. Karebear wouldn't fight a grown ass man at the request of someone in madball and talked all this shit about that band wet witch but when given the chance wouldn't fight them. question to anyone in general and in dms is why do you waste your time with these idiots?

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:01:44 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 3:06:25 PM

Wow. 2 in 1 week. RIP

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:11:20 PM

If a band like donnybrook had done the beating all yall would be outraged but since its a fckboi band like suburban scum yall have your thumbs up your ass saying focus on the victim not the perpetrators this could been any of you And props to joe hc for keeping his mouth shut about shit for once

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:23:34 PM

why is everyone talking about direct messaging, just curious

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:32:05 PM

Suburban scum and heavy chains both suck. NJ has a terrible rep. Blind justice was just in the hot seat not more than a year ago. Drop out of hardcore you losers.

celine 7/31/2015 3:32:52 PM

maybe you shouldnt act like like some sissy scrawny bitch when a bunch of fat dudes are crowd killing.

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:33:36 PM

Really? No one jumped on this? Ok I'll do it.... Beatdown, nothing but a beatdown Beatdown, nothing but a DMS beatdown Beatdown

celine 7/31/2015 3:40:19 PM

^^^^ lol

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:57:13 PM

Crowd killing is okay at shows yes but you should beat a kid to a pulp to the point where their is brain damage Forreal I lost all respect for karebear and Ian straight up fck heavy chains and suburban scum if you support what those jerks did then you what is wrong with scene stop being pussies afraid to mention names how about if that was your brother or son or relative that got stomped out you would want them have there assaulters arrested

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:57:34 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 3:58:48 PM

I heard he was the type of fgt who likes girls so who cares

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:59:14 PM

Ppl dont know what "snitching" means. Snitching is naming names to get out of a crime YOU committed. If you are in a gang and fck w civilians you might get in trouble bc civilians live by no "code".

anonymous 7/31/2015 3:59:47 PM

karebear is at the powertrip show as we speak

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:00:22 PM

HC is full of corrupt ppl who make alot of $$$ and work together to be able to keep making $$$ by keeping secret who they truly are. Dig deeper and find out who band members, booking agents, and promoters are affiliated with. You may find your $$ is supporting ppl and orgaizations you may not be into.

celine 7/31/2015 4:07:17 PM

one anonymous news bimbo replying 500 times because his faux hawk wont stay up

celine 7/31/2015 4:07:34 PM

get kicked in the teeth, gays EVERYONES A fckING VICTIM

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:11:34 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 4:13:31 PM

we talk fronz now. oh and doug. fronz and Doug.

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:18:53 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 4:19:59 PM

^not disabling.

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:22:10 PM

The jealousy of dms by the overweight keyboard warriors calling them dumb/fat is hilarious.

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:22:47 PM

Only a matter of time until guns will start being brought to shows....

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:23:42 PM

Youre all opinions on dms is valid,

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:33:48 PM

anyone can be a keyboard warrior. dms is liveing their dreams. your hate fuels us.

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:38:19 PM

This is why I don't go to shows any more, everyone involved with hardcore is a low IQ subhuman retard. So glad I grew out of this shit scene + music, I only come to Lambgoat now to laugh at the dumb shit that bands do (happens every other day where this style of music is concerned because the band members and fans are so stupid).

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:41:16 PM

I find too many people are violent at shows so the best thing I do is give them a punch to the face everytime somebody is brave enough to come at me and seriously they don't get confrontational after that it doesn't matter what little group belong to and POW!!! Lights out sucker.

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:44:40 PM

Hey, DMS DUDER.....keep "liveing" yourlife Lollololololololol

rick____tocchet 7/31/2015 4:45:16 PM

You losers are no better than the street sage s that shoot up nightclubs. I hope everyone involved gets everything thrown back at them 10 fold.

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:52:45 PM

More info on how karebear backed out of that fight madball put him up to

anonymous 7/31/2015 4:53:31 PM

A bunch of preachy hypocrites. "We accept anyone into the hardcore scene" but if you don't dress the part then what? All those kids used to follow around death core bands and one played in a fcking poppunk whiney emo band 5-6 years ago then when that died out they hopped on the hardcore band wagon. The only teal shore style bands were get real floorpunch and little rascals. No one cares about shore style or any of that shit except they're hypocritical friends.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:18:20 PM

heard it was suburban scum / incendiary gays matt mcnally is a fck boi loser

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:21:48 PM

people need to grow the fck up, this is why i tend to avoid hardcore shows, everybody has to be the most macho or crew, its fcking childish

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:21:50 PM

all these bands got the memo that they sound like All Out War / Earth Crisis cover bands? SOOOO GLADDD I never got into these trendy joke hardcore bands… Incendiary / Suburban Scum such poser nonsense. HAHHAHHAHA Matt McNally is the one stomping on this kid? That dude literally jumps around whatever is trendy, opportunist overgrown teen. He was in the gay band BELA KISS… now incendiary… so hardcore DAWG!

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:21:53 PM

homophobia in hardcore is cool.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:23:47 PM

"This is hardcore 2015, punch someone in the fcking face… I want you to go and kill someone" tch?v=NcS62QsPHTA#t=44 From the video of Suburban Scum's set at TIHC 2015. There is nothing hardcore about that statement, you sound like a nu-metal jock band at woodstock… cough: limp bizkit :cough: but at least some people in that band can play their instrument.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:24:31 PM

What really matters here is that Tom needs all the financial help he can get right now, so everyone needs to just go donate as much as they can to support a truly good dude.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:24:47 PM

hardcore is the new nu-metal has been for years

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:25:52 PM

wow just lost all respect for Incendiary. It was that c-cky douche bassist? Hope someone gets him. Stop supporting wanna be tough guy hardcore bands, especially ones from Long Island that rip off other bands

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:26:15 PM

where jokes about DotA ?

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:27:09 PM

LOL at NJHC! Fools like this and crooks like Joey Southside ruin hardcore! Hang it up and get the fck out!

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:42:02 PM

It's funny how 2 dudes that are 200+ lbs wanna wail on a kid that's barely 150 lbs. bunch of bull shit, I hope those turds get what's coming to them. Tom is the last person that deserves something like this to happen.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:49:05 PM

stikman is stoked

fourthgradecocktease 7/31/2015 5:56:58 PM

Leave Joey Southside out of this. The Banner rules and has absolutely no involvement here haha.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:57:18 PM

Southside has to be 50 at this point.

anonymous 7/31/2015 5:59:14 PM

NUTELLA BROWNIES Nutella brownies can be created with just two cups of vegetable oil, a cup of Nutella and half a cup of flour. Once the ingredients are combined, they take just 15 minutes at 350 F to become a batch of warm brownies.

fourthgradecocktease 7/31/2015 5:59:57 PM

Dude is old as dirt, true, but at least his band sounds a little different than most of the shit modern hardcore has to offer.

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:02:18 PM

Someone just showed me this, NO idea how our name/Matts name got involved in this but 0 members of Incendiary attended TIHC or were even in Philly at this time, etc. Please keep us out of this. Also we suck and rip off bands, etc. -Brendan G.

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:06:12 PM

^Then why have a band? i feel offended like it is the way you say you rip off/suck. You know you don't really care about the songs. You just want to get girls in bed. Creep.

fourthgradecocktease 7/31/2015 6:06:57 PM

The Banner and Incendiary are innocent, Ian and Karebear listen to too much E-Town Concrete, Warhound sucks. End of story.

brad_marchand 7/31/2015 6:07:44 PM

maybe they thought he was macklemore. a simple case of mistaken identity

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:14:32 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 6:15:18 PM

Let's disable the comments for the families and the investigations

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:15:54 PM

Justin Lowe is not stoked

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:18:09 PM

investigations have nothing to do with comments on a website you fckin retard

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:21:03 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 6:21:28 PM

Why does this have 100+ comments?

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:23:03 PM

Kevin Lyman here. Atilla is the best thing to happen to Warped in fifteen years, Mayhem is a bust, and Kerry King is bald and fat. Fight me, bro.

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:34:49 PM

lmfao…. comments on a message board are a part of the investigation….. HAHAHAH I'm dying right now. SUBURBAN SCUM VAN FLIP INCENDIARY RIPPING OFF BANDS FLIP

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:41:13 PM

fck DMS, fck SOSF and fck all these lame ass crews, FSU! #378 nation wide pussies!

anonymous 7/31/2015 6:55:31 PM

^^^^Who's The fck is FSU? Lololololol is that you JRoss?

anonymous 7/31/2015 7:00:11 PM

disable these disableds, think of the retards

anonymous 7/31/2015 7:02:08 PM

Crosscheck drummer gets crosschecked. Too soon toilet swamps? Go back to your shantys

anonymous 7/31/2015 7:13:26 PM

incendiary is one of the only current hc bands that DON'T rip off other bands wtf are you gays talking about

anonymous 7/31/2015 7:31:35 PM

Incendiary rips off snapcase

anonymous 7/31/2015 7:42:35 PM

fcking crease leaders of CYC support the beating... But nobody cares that CYC is a thing. Lol nobody does shit. Buncha limp dcks.

analcest 7/31/2015 8:30:34 PM

Hardcore is so fcking g4y

anonymous 7/31/2015 9:19:49 PM

Obvious thing for the victim is to sue the attackers.

anonymous 7/31/2015 9:22:09 PM

Hardcore is actually the worst, and that's why everyone with half a brain makes the full jump to metal by the time they are 30. The only ones left are fcking losers who get off on beating up kids and not being able to read.

anonymous 7/31/2015 9:29:55 PM

When your band has the word "suburban" in instantly lose any credibility to having a clue what "hard life" really is. I'd smash these fcking dorks in the mouth any day of the week and then piss all over their bloodied and broken mouths. This isn't hardcore. This is schoolyard bullshit.

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:00:09 PM

every band in the world sucks

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:00:48 PM

Karebear bout to be droppin' them fire prison mix-tapes like Gucci.

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:15:46 PM t77.jpg All you need to know about this case

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:22:53 PM

I don't think the lead singer of Suburban Scum is even physically fit to throw a punch, like have you even seen him? -Robert Kardashian: Attorney at Law

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:26:35 PM

I heard the members of Creed did it. Let's all attack creed now.

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:39:58 PM


anonymous 7/31/2015 11:41:33 PM

#AstronautSnapbacksages was soooooooooo dark :(

anonymous 7/31/2015 11:44:37 PM

Bands playing that back to school jam shit or the "life and death" tour are directly supporting these pieces of shits and condoning their actions. And I will not support any of them. fck their pathetic politics. cowards

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:45:05 AM

These guys aren't DMS. The only losers who pull this kind of shit is FSU - gay Snitches United. DMS keeps to themselves for the most part, and Swing on Site will soon close the West Coast chapter of FSWHO. I agree all the crew shit is lame, but FSU are the main culprits for why the Hardcore scene is such a shit hole.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:39:46 AM

Well, heavy chains backed out of that tour. Which could mean they're guilty in said incident. Either that or they're just too busy brutally assaulting drummers to tour at the moment.

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:12:22 AM

Let's not bring incendiary into this shit at all. Regardless of how you feel about them, they have nothing to do with it.

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:46:21 AM

I've worked with Tom in the past and all I have to say is that he's is the nicest person you'll meet. Yeah he acts like a kid (in a good funny way) but is very caring and sweet. Hopefully those scum bag c*nts get what's coming to them.

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:01:58 AM

It's fcking sad that nobody fcking stood the fck up to help him.... Bunch of fcking pssys. Now this guy is in a coma because no one had the balls to say something. This scene is a joke now where's your so called "brotherhood" now

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:45:33 AM

So a grown man calls himself "Karebear".... Subscum needs to change their name to "scum with small penises and bad parents"

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:08:21 AM

Let's disable the comments for incendiarys families, and please don't forget the investigations.

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:09:56 AM

Mosh pit altercations LOLOL Gtfo

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:19:08 AM

Where's Joe HC? Dude made tens of thousands off TIHC dude doesn't say shit about the kid beat half to death at his show or even post the gofundme? Prob bc his buddies are more important

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:20:08 AM

fck Hardcore what a bunch of pssys. It's all about blood on the dance floor and brokencyde. Now that's real music

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:28:46 AM

Can guarantee every commentator saying "oMg ThIs Is wHy hArdCoRe is aWfUl now" has never been to a hardcore show, this has ALWAYS gone on in hardcore since day dot. Unless some eye witness account proves otherwise I'm willing to bet the kid more than "bumped" into them and probably had beef before to cause them to jump him, sounds horrible what they did to him but he isn't the first guy to get into trouble with the wrong people in hardcore and certainly won't be the last.

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:30:45 AM

While we're at it, who is this guy: .jpg?1 I believe he's TIHC staff but did anyone else witness him and two other large men jump and stomp on a skinny guy in the vendor area? They literally punched him until he was down and then kicked him in the face and stomped on his head...Security was all buddy buddy with this guy the whole time so of course no one stepped in until the kid was already getting his skull kicked in.

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:34:10 AM

Just remove the space to see the picture, sorry: .jpg?1

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:50:50 AM

Can guarantee every commentator saying "oMg ThIs Is wHy hArdCoRe is aWfUl now" has never been to a hardcore show, this has ALWAYS gone on in hardcore since day dot. Unless some eye witness account proves otherwise I'm willing to bet the kid more than "bumped" into them and probably had beef before to cause them to jump him, sounds horrible what they did to him but he isn't the first guy to get into trouble with the wrong people in hardcore and certainly won't be the last. ^Joe Hardcore

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:59:14 AM

While everyone talks shit about the hardcore scene (some of it deserved,most of it not), the go fund me for this kid is up over 15 grand. That's what's good about the scene right there

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:53:39 AM

My experiences with both hardcore bands, and fans, are extremely negative, based on many a show. But whatever the case may be, shit happens. The people that did this are shitty, just like how anyone in any group can be shitty. Hope the kid gets well, and to everyone else, hardcore or not, whether you're attacking some genre that doesn't mean anything, or defending a genre that means a lot to you: Be excellent, to each other. Always. It's what people need after shit like this.

brokenhero 8/1/2015 6:58:24 AM

anonymous 12 hours ago ^Then why have a band? i feel offended like it is the way you say you rip off/suck. You know you don't really care about the songs. You just want to get girls in bed. Creep. that was the most beta response i have ever read in my life. get offended in a wood chipper

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:07:01 AM


anonymous 8/1/2015 7:08:16 AM

LOL AT THIS KID SAYING TALK SHIT TO EAST COAST HARDCORE KIDS. Why are you mad that they got exposed? It's Ian Adams & Karebear. I live in Philly. I still will call them the fck out.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:12:42 AM

^ be careful of the investigation. Let's think about the families.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:19:17 AM

Yo this is Ryan or "KareBear" from Suburban Scum. First off, none of you guys know the story. So before you talk shit, get your Goddamn facts straight. I want to formally apologize to Tom and all of his family. While I can't undo what was done, I can do my absolute best to make things right. I fcked up. Suburban Scum will be hosting a benefit show soon to raise money for Tom and his bills and expenses. I also will personally be donating to the cause.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:19:59 AM

"could have happened to any of us" speak for yourself. this guy looks like the type that would get jumped. another "hate crime" like the slaves guy.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:21:39 AM

I love hardcore, the people I've met though it and my actions are not acceptable. From the bottom of my heart Im sorry. We all all fck up, get caught in the heat of the moment and bad things come from that. This shit is not what hardcore is about. -karebear

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:24:04 AM

Ian Adams and Ryan (karebear) Taylor. Apparently it was pit beef and after the band they had someone tell him someone needed to talk to him in a back room and then they. jumped him and essentially broke his face and he was found later alone in a pool of blood and vomit.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:25:25 AM

Blistered sucks

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:29:03 AM

Hardcore has the shittiest fans of all genres. Bunch of tough guys wearing bandanas and jean dhorts. You look fcking retarded

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:29:17 AM

Hey guys it's me Karebear. I know I beat the guy into a coma, but it's cool cause I'm gonna throw some cash his way. I super sorry bros, don't forget to buy our new hardcore record!

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:30:46 AM

Lots of people make mistakes and get caught up in the moment, but only the lowest pieces of shit on the planet beat a dude into the ground and think a couple bucks and a gay benefit show will make everything okay.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:34:20 AM

Hey guys its me karebear.... fUmdUGc/hqdefault.jpg

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:34:28 AM

The singer of suburban scum is a piece of shit and hope that fcker gets exposed for all of the shit he's pulled over the past few years. fck that dude

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:36:26 AM

http://humancuriosities.we 4517213/8847186_orig.jpg

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:44:36 AM

Hi this is Kare Bear, now5 days later I realize it was unacceptable to beat a 150lb kid over pit beef but here's an internet apology Real stand up guy. Maybe you should have stopped your friend from jumping on his head. But then again maybe you 2 fat pussies couldn't stop stomping on his head because you thought cheeseburgers were going to come out. I wonder how out of breath you 2 fat lard asses weree

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:45:13 AM

Glad I haven't been to a "hardcore" show in over 10 years and not surprised to see nothing has changed. Anyone over the age of 18 acting like this is a complete waste of air. Sad news about the kid, hope he comes out alright.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:55:35 AM

Karebear is a piece of trash anyway. When they played in Dallas he was hounding people to get him Xanax and other pills.

chrisjvng 8/1/2015 7:55:56 AM

I'm pretty sure 4 out of 5 members of incendiary were not even there at TIH . So people that are saying its incendiary , it's not .

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:12:41 AM

Not one member of Incendiary was there.

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:17:14 AM

Everything is k now b/c of internet apologies. Every1 go home. -the hxcx scene

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:26:11 AM

Bush did 9/11

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:26:59 AM

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:28:31 AM

"And you will feel the pain you caused mother fcker"

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:39:44 AM

if i see one more white kid from the suburbs say stop snitching i'm going to start a fire that burns for a hundred years

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:40:51 AM

New Jersey rich kid hardcore strikes again!

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:49:12 AM

"Can I get a cheese burger made with pit beef and a side of fries?" - Suburban Scum

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:49:54 AM this high school? Some of these comments are the most juvenile things I have ever seen.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:18:35 AM

Heavy chains dropped from the tour

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:24:04 AM

Suburban Scum and Heavy Chains vocalists are the ones who did it. Every other wannabe needs to stop protecting them.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:24:59 AM

Heavy Chains you might want to skip CA dates on your tour. WE ARE COMING FOR YOU AND THAT PIECE OF SHIT TOUR VAN YOUR GUNNA BUY. Might as well drop the tour since were gonna make sure your in debt after this worthless run with a bunch of scum bastards . c*ntS

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:29:31 AM

Hope the best for tom and great to see the amount of support for him in this situation. Would be very wise for heavy chains to just drop the entire L@D tour

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:39:12 AM

If they don't drop someone will just have to do the same to that fat fck . Maybe will get lucky and they will have a VAN FLIP. Keep eating those cheeseburgers and do us a favor. CHOKE

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:44:38 AM

dck Cheney made money off 9/11

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:45:49 AM

"he was hounding people to get him Xanax and other pills. this is every person who's ever played in a non straight edge band.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:46:09 AM

If you fck with one of us, you fck with all of us. Not sure what you've been told but karma is a real bitch.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:48:05 AM

Hardcore is a beautiful thing.....hardcore is the reason he's in the hospital.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:48:47 AM

Heavy chains should just Skip CA and the NV Date all together or drop the whole tour.

rick____tocchet 8/1/2015 9:55:34 AM

Someone has to have a video of this fight.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:55:37 AM

Hey guys, Karebear here again. I have a confession to make. My whole life I've known I was gay but I've never been able to deal with it. This kid was just so damn cute, seeing his hot little body flail around the pit was too much, and instead of being able to accept that I was attracted to him I flipped out and beat him down. I feel terrible. The repression has gone on too long. I now accept that I love dck.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:57:26 AM

Hey guys, my name is Suburban Scum, I am sorry I hurt someone but he ran into my friend in the pit!

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:58:24 AM

I'm suburban scum and I beat this kid up because he said that code orange kids are better than my band!!! BUT IVE BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS, IVE PAID MY DUES, fck CODE ORANGE KIDS.

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:59:00 AM

dudes from subscum look like they fcking ate the kid. fat asses

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:01:20 AM

5 blocks to the subway... just 5 blocks away

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:02:07 AM

if i see one more white kid from the suburbs say stop snitching i'm going to start a fire that burns for a hundred years ^^^best comment ive ever read on this site! Hardcore music and it's scene are the gayest shit that ever existed. The only thing gayer than that is the dude pretending to care for the victim after nearly beating him to death. Hope they let you play a benefit show from the inside gay boy, keep that jerk tight.

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:09:36 AM

5 blocks to the Subway (sammich shop)

Piot12047 8/1/2015 10:49:34 AM

I love how people like to talk shit on here under anonymous. Funny shit, cause you know the same thing would happen to you if you left your info. Pussies!! I got beat down years back because of mis communication in albany, ny. Took the proper channels and cleared shit. Thanks Rick 2 life!! Don't be in the scene, if you can't play hard!!

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:50:27 AM


anonymous 8/1/2015 11:00:39 AM

Thanks God Lofeless commented because the first thought I had was, "How does Lifeless feel about this whole ordeal?"

anonymous 8/1/2015 11:01:08 AM

anyone that thinks Karebear actually commented on this is a fcking moron. he said his peace on twitter claiming he didn't jump anyone because he "doesn't need to".

anonymous 8/1/2015 11:23:49 AM

Karebear was involved but Ian from Heavy Chains was the one who laid his hands on him. They walked up to him in the venue before the TIHC aftershow Crosscheck and Drown were supposed to play, claimed they had to "talk" to him, took him in a back room and Ian beat him almost to death over Tom accidentally bumping into one of them in a MOSH PIT. There is absolutely no sense in almost ending an innocent man's life over this shit. You're grown men, get the fck over it.

anonymous 8/1/2015 11:26:43 AM

Refunds for back 2 school jam z/8

mEATyD 8/1/2015 11:38:23 AM

Anyone who says "I thought hardcore crews were a thing of the past, and were over ten years ago" gets all their information about any hardcore scenes from an episode of Gangland. Violence is human nature and there will be more.

anonymous 8/1/2015 11:43:37 AM

^ cool story. That doesn't mean scenes and bands should accept that type of behavior because its "human nature"

anonymous 8/1/2015 11:50:17 AM

Kear bear hangs out with skam dust and danny diablo so everyone will be scared to disagree with him

anonymous 8/1/2015 11:58:10 AM

watch out for these guys tch?v=xsPfG4N5Nsc

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:10:03 PM

new york hasnt been hard since the 90s. get over it you fat white fcks

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:21:53 PM

Cannot wait to see these hardcore wannabe's working in my local Wal-Mart when this whole trend is over! You guys are not the cro-mags, AF, bad brains or any of the greats. Your music sucks… look at Terror's pathetic career, thats the highest you will ever achieve.

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:26:34 PM

LMFAO to the dude who said Incendiary was not ripping anyone off? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Those dudes sound like a worship band. The only bands in recent years doing anything somewhat different with hardcore are NAILS and CODE ORANGE. Any other new bands are a copy of a copy of a copy.

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:27:15 PM

Hardcore is one of the biggest trends out right now… like someone stated above half the current scene were deathcore or emo gays just a few short years ago and most of his who were in the scene in the 90s/early 00s are so repulsed we stopped going to shows because of SHIT LIKE THIS!

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:32:27 PM

Only talked to Tom a few times but he was always a really cool and friendly kid. No one deserves to be in this spot, hope HC and SS actually get what's coming to them moreso than just some kids saying they won't support their bands anymore. Hardcore nowadays is all about knowing the right people and jerking off to SOA. People take this corny shit way too seriously and then this is the result. Really hope more bands drop from B2SJ...big respect to Lifeless, realest band in hardcore right now

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:47:29 PM

this dude is trying to be hard and he calls himself Karebear? LOL

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:48:51 PM

karebear i better not see your ass at LOT 13 in BAYONNE NEW JERSEY.

anonymous 8/1/2015 12:57:45 PM /jordanxmckinney/status/62 7561952810635264 Full story here.

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:10:01 PM

liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing their dreams liveing

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:11:07 PM

Pete Leoniak here again A. You anonymous posters better stop cause there's an investigation. B. Find me on facebook C. Let's fight,

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:15:36 PM

incendiary x heavy chains x suburban scum the new school of hardcore, where we rip off other bands and have no values of real hardcore

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:18:41 PM

Keep Incendiary out of this. They are not involved.

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:20:06 PM

fck ryan Taylor fck Ian Adams Here's the whole story /jordanxmckinney/status/62 7561952810635264

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:21:08 PM y/status/62756195281063526 4

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:21:35 PM

For the record the only reason anyone in Heavy Chains or Suburban Scum thinks they're tough is because the guys in Shattered Realm, who also suck, aren't around anymore. Straight up JV tough guys. Karebear is the biggest pssy in humanity. And people think this rat, and yes he is a rat, is cool. #shorestyle

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:23:16 PM

I'm glad there's an investigation and it's not gonna stop anyone from posting the truth both of those kids are pieces of shit and everyone knows it I hope the cops find this that poor kid has to re learn basic skills and can't even fcking eat talk or walk fck THEM

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:27:53 PM

The message seems clear; leave hardcore or inevitably get a target put on your back. Plenty of other heavy music scenes out there that don't operate that way, have music with much more substance, and will welcome you with open arms regardless of your race, gender, weight, sexual preference or upbringing.

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:35:59 PM

I heard suburban scum were a white power band? any truth to this?

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:36:43 PM

I dont know why Incendiary's name keeps getting dragged through the mud. I was at the fest all weekend and literally no one in that band was even Philly. Stop being fcking ridiculous. Focus on the jerk-offs that did this and donate to Tom's GoFundMe

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:42:10 PM

talentless artists focus on dynamic intensity rather than melody AKA if you can't play music, just play your drums hard/chug that open chord harder pussies lure a kid and jump him AKA if you really had beef you would have squared up with him at the show when it happened

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:51:17 PM

Anyone who knows about law, what are the odds of these clowns getting an attempted murder charge given the facts presented?

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:54:30 PM

Looks like Heavy Chains deleted their Facebook.

anonymous 8/1/2015 1:58:12 PM

Dog pound nation has heavy chains back on life and death tour and Karebear as well

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:04:51 PM

Never heard of Heavy Chains until this incident. Given the fact they only had 2K followers on Facebook maybe its time to throw in the towel… Noone gives a fck about your band.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:04:51 PM

Heavy chains deleted there facebook

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:05:03 PM

Never heard of Suburban Scum until today either… If i see the new school hardcore imagery (20 yr olds who wear basketball shorts and trendy shirts) I don't even give you the light of day. THIS BAND IS NOT HARDCORE, PLAYING A SOUND OR RATHER COPYING A SOUND DOES NOT MAKE YOU A HARDCORE INDIVIDUAL… WHEN YOU ARE ON STAGE TELL SOMEONE TO PUNCH SOMEONE IN THE FACE OR KILL SOMEONE… YOU ARE PROMOTING THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE MESSAGE OF WHAT HARDCORE IS REALLY ABOUT…

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:05:49 PM

All these poser bands are just delaying growing up… they are overgrown teenagers who will be out of the scene in a few years or like someone else said working your local wal-mart or fast food joint.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:07:31 PM

I wonder how many days it will take to arrest these dudes

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:08:55 PM

"Suburban Scum was put here to make you very angry, to question yourself and the world in which we live in, and mainly to piss off your fcking parents. Nothing more. Nothing less." LMFAO… you sound like fcking UNLOCO OR COAL CHAMBER… wait? you probably were listening to that before you wanted to rip off metallic hardcore bands.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:12:20 PM

yes 4/5ths of the members of Incendiary weren't there but that bela kiss gay Matt McNally was there… the Incendiary bassist. I saw him go backstage with Ian and that fat fcking Karegay

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:12:52 PM

Sub Scum is DOG POUND NATION too... BACKTRACK, TUI, TURNSTILE.. wonder what all those cool guy bands think of their dude???

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:13:34 PM

^^^^STOP POSTING WITHOUT YOUR NAME… REMEMBER THERE IS AN INVESTIGATION!!! LMFAO If this is true which it might be… the bassist of Incendiary is a scumbag. He had beat charges and larceny charges couple years back. Would not be surprised. He carries that attitude and air about him which is just repulsive.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:14:56 PM

daaaaamn. violence and fights are wack. hope the dude recovers fully and quickly. but, honestly i havent listened to Crosscheck until now that i have heard of this incident and have had the urge to google Tom and his band. All im saying is that crosscheck sounds hella tight and im excited for them to get back on track once Tom has recovered. keep your heads up!

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:15:32 PM

Dog Pound Nation? What is that some Gay Gangbang Yahoo group? Backtrack sucks too.. that indian terrorist was in emo bands his whole life… now he's hardcore? NONE OF THESE KIDS ARE HARDCORE… THEY WERE TOO fckING DUMB FOR COLLEGE AND HOLD NO QUALITIES TO LAND A JOB HENCE…. BE A COPY OF A COPY OF A COPY OF A COPY AND GET IN A VAN FOR CHUMP CHANGE. People can shit on a lot of the death metal or metalcore bands but at least most of those dudes can ACTUALLY PLAY THEIR INSTURMENTS!

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:17:34 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 2:17:51 PM

Wow… late to this show. Noone support Heavy Chains, Suburban Scum or Incendiary… Take that money you were going to spend on trendy merch or their shitty regurgitated version of hardcore and go support this young kids GoFundMe. With members from those three bands cannot say I'm surprised. You get what you give.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:18:47 PM

Matt McNally - Bassist of Incendiary att.mcnally.96

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:21:52 PM

Ryan DONALD Taylor - Fat fck Vocalist of SUBURBAN SCUM dontkarebear His middle name is DONALD hahaha enough said

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:23:20 PM

^^^^ Someone call border patrol. Looks like an illegal mexican got across the border. Tell them he looks like he's armed with empandas

celine 8/1/2015 2:26:20 PM

lol @ gays trying to define what "hardcore" is all really about! if you arent positive and like dr. phil then you arent down with the core! bane! champion! 110lbs kids pointing their fingers! that's all hardcore can ever be! a game for suburban kids to pretend to be angry instead of hanging out at movie theater or malls. THATS WHAT HARDCORE REALLY MEANS. DONT YOU EVER FIGHT OR BE AGGRESSIVE OR SAY SOMETHING THAT I DISAGREE WITH. DONT YOU EVER.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:26:39 PM

Ian Adams - Low level Low life hardcore hipster for Heavy Chains anxedward

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:28:54 PM

Celine… think your missing the point. Check out the TIHC set of Suburban Scum a few days ago… Really just looks like their promoting violence… are they power violence? haha NONE OF THESE BANDS WILL EVER BE AS THREATNING AND POWERFUL AS HATEBREED IN THE LATE 90s… There was positivity, violence and most of all REAL ENERGY AND MAGICK. SO MUCH SO THAT THE BAND WAS JUST TO DAMN POWERFUL… TAPPED INTO SOME OTHERWORLDY ENERGY. LOU ENDED ENDING HIS OWN LIFE FROM IT.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:32:09 PM

Hey this is scumbear here to tell you i gave tom ultimate annihilation, hahaha

celine 8/1/2015 2:32:16 PM

suck my fat mexican dck you fcking idiot. omg no band can ever be like hatebreed! no band can ever be like agnostic front! get hit by a fcking bus

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:34:33 PM

Actually zero (0) members of Incendiary attended This is Hardcore or were in Philly. Matt was at a wedding all weekend. He was also never charged with anything ever in his life. Thanks for shit talking a great person who had nothing to do with this though. Bela Kiss did suck though so at least that is true. -Brendan

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:41:55 PM

Seems to be two types of people posting on here...the "hardcore is gay" and the "shit up pssy hardcore has always been like this". I grew up in the Boston scene from the late 90's, my Uncle was in the scene in the 80's. I've heard countless stories. I've experienced some insane shit. However the amount of fights at REAL hardcore shows, wasn't a fraction of what it is like now. The dude who teaches karate to kids at your local dojo could wreck all of these idiots.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:43:58 PM

"Always done when it's safe and sound, but never around when it really goes down". The rare occasion I do make it out to shows, I conceal carry. I refuse to be jumped by a bunch of ex-slipknot fans who won't fight a man their own size, one on one. So please, fight me. I've been looking for an excuse to use my Glock 19.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:46:57 PM

"always down*" Spell check man! But I back this. These punks probably can't even afford a gun, yet alone actually know how to shoot one. That's what's going to happen...they're going to fck with the wrong dude one day who is going to put a hole in them. Hopefully sooner rather than later. This is not hardcore. This is High School Silver Spoon Fed Core. Go back to listening to Limp Bizkit you jobless, uneducated future welfare recipents.

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:48:51 PM

Suburban scum is playing a free show outside Boston tonight. Who would support this shit? Can't believe paul who has children would still play shows with these guys

brokenhero 8/1/2015 2:49:59 PM

i want to know what Cool_Youth_Minister thinks about all this

anonymous 8/1/2015 2:51:21 PM

that is not the correct ian adams and incendiary has nothing to do with any of this

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:07:10 PM

It was Ronnie Radke, in the library, with the candlestick.

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:29:35 PM

This is Matt Mcnally please follow me on Facebook and look at all the wedding photos posted of me at my sisters wedding on long island all weekend long. It's deplorable that people from the hardcore scene are literally making things up to get at a band they don't like. If I have enemies that's new to me, I never did and would never hurt a living thing. Shout out to all the weak minded people buying into this trash talk. Grow up.

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:30:05 PM

Wheres joe hardcore's comments? didn't he book this show?

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:31:54 PM

Backtrack just posted about Heavy Chains being off the Life and Death tour.

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:38:35 PM

lol @ bands who sink their careers over pit beef.

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:43:46 PM

Will Bane also get thrown off the tour because their 40 something year old singer was arrested for beating up his teenage girlfriend a while back and had people cover it up. Hopefully Hannibal Burress works that into his next act?

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:52:09 PM

" Hardcore raised 20,000 towards hospital bills. " ANYTHING TO MAKE THESE COWARDICE PEOPLE LOOK ACCETABLE. Get the fck out of here. Money don't solve shit. How about we keep our hands to ourselves?

anonymous 8/1/2015 3:52:10 PM

Suburban Scum is off back 2 school jam. It is now a benefit for Tom. Karebear and his buddy Greg from the mongoloids booked the show.

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:16:51 PM

Reading that Twitter posting by I guess Toms brother? Is so sad. These dudes are going to jail for attempted murder... I heard local detectives actually we're at the venue due a real deal in depth investigation. Wait until the jury sees footage of that fat fcking by nu metal bear Saying to the crowd "punch someone in the fcking face... Kill someone!' No way around answering that question... Oh mister I meant go kill a flower Not people.

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:18:14 PM

Went to highschool with that Mexican from Suburban Scum... He wore fcking linkin park shirts, with those skinny jeans from Hot topic that you see those oversized emo kids wear. Even used to wear Pokemon attire... This dude is not tough And he surely is not hardcore

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:22:20 PM

Heard a crew of heads are going to jump Suburban Scum in Mass tonight... And a totally other group of people said they know a few people who plan on robbing their van and torching it

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:23:20 PM

So did that rapist from Incendiary really post here?! Hahahhaha Your such a blackout drunk man

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:28:06 PM

Keep us posted on if they get jumped tonight

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:37:43 PM

Great for faux hardcore kids bands to end... Get out of our scene. Now let's just up how the rest of the LIFE AND DEATH tour has a meltdown and all those bands die. SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS THAT BANE STORY!

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:42:20 PM

Hate5six is stoked

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:48:35 PM

Aaron Bedard got arrested for beating up his young girlfriend. I recall b9 board deleting any mention of it as soon as someone would post. No surprise that they were deleting info on this assault too. He is truly the Bill Cosby of hardcore, but yeah I hope he condemns this act of violence.

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:50:51 PM

These hardcore kids think they're so tough. If they pulled this type of shit in the real streets and not suburbia they would get fcking shot. Needless to say this sort of stuff is inevitable when kids try going around playing tough guy.

anonymous 8/1/2015 4:52:02 PM

Someone on b9 posted the police article talking about Aaron's case. I think it was in Allston or something

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:01:06 PM

Get a life you fcking pussies

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:19:48 PM

Karebear here. Benefit show is all set up. We will accept cash or credit cards only. No personal checks. All proceeds will be split between the drummer I smacked up and Tom Brady. Cause we all know he didn't deflate those footballs. See you in the pit!

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:24:18 PM

at least karebear stepped up his game a bit... wasn't he trying to get into a different crew by fighting frankie emmure just a few years ago?

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:30:45 PM

If any McDonalds chomping, Mountain Dew guzzling slobs like that swung on me, I'd duck the sloth-like movement, take a step back then give a round of applause to them for taking their first step towards physical fitness. Those hypertensive slugs need to go down. Jail, shunned from HC, starved (probly the worst thing for those types)

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:32:10 PM

fck outta here with that HxC bullshit. Get your money up, have some responsibilitys lil "rebels" haha seriously tho grow the fck up. this poor kid shoulda seen this coming.

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:36:01 PM

This is Ryan aka KAREBEAR. I did it. I'm a fat motherfcker who is a gay and an jerk.

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:40:36 PM

Fighting is so cool guys. Shot out to suburban scum and heavy chains for making hc punk scarier and violent. You guys are really bringing out the image of the whole hc punk philosophy.

fourthgradecocktease 8/1/2015 5:51:06 PM

"The only bands in recent years doing anything somewhat different with hardcore are NAILS and CODE ORANGE. Any other new bands are a copy of a copy of a copy." Code Orange sounds just like Disembodied and Nails is powerviolence you goddamn goon

fourthgradecocktease 8/1/2015 5:51:35 PM

Also LOL at posting the wrong Ian Adam's facebook on here, that poor kid haha

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:55:19 PM

35 Lexington Drive Manalapan NJ 07726 Ians address.

anonymous 8/1/2015 5:57:45 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 6:01:12 PM

Ian's facebook is ge Twitter is

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:01:59 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 6:02:30 PM

Ian doesn't live in manalapin he lives in point pleasant

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:08:48 PM

Just like my ex I hit with the back of my hand, let's make this go away again -Aaron from Bane

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:19:08 PM

CAHC fck the rest come see us y'all swine.

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:23:51 PM

Tough guy internet hardcore kids are STOKED!

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:33:39 PM

I would slap the fck out of any hardcore "tough guy" In the real world those guys aint shit and we ALL fckin know it. Its funny how hardcore fcks fantasize about violence and revenge and beatdowns in their lyrics when those jerks haven't beat nothing but GTA 5 and the best revenge they got was some smart ass twitter comeback. Hardcore is White American spoon fed pansies. Everybody knows that.

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:35:32 PM

And all those "old guys" in the scene controlling shows and shit aint saying a damn thing because they've got nothing else in life and the hold over the situation makes them feel like something in a life full of nothing. Im sure when Tom gets better he's gonna realize that so hard and GTFO. Cuz its apparent that the "higher ups" don't give a damn about kids like him or his band.

anonymous 8/1/2015 6:36:39 PM

They feign like they do by suddenly shifting their focus on his well being and recovery when he was viewed as a dollar sign (merch/ticket sales) or a little twerp moshing too close to some soft ass fat fcks. They've got no integrity. Universal values are harshly backwards when it comes to scene politics.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:01:23 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 7:18:22 PM

I find it amusing that the same group of people that fly the ACAB flag get caught up "policing" the hardcore scene through intimidation and pseudo-gangbanger mentalities.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:18:46 PM

"hardcore" = nu-metal Jello Biafra is spinning in his grave.

anonymous 8/1/2015 7:48:57 PM

FWIW - Heavy Chains dude has his phone number publicly listed on a Facebook post.

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:02:27 PM

It's truly beautiful that so many people helped this guy out in the gofundme deal. I'm not even into this kind of music but it really shows the good in people.

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:17:39 PM

Where is the out cry from the BANDS in the HARDCORE scene? Seems like none of them want to really talk! Guess all these group tour shots make you feel embarrassed now that all you fcking losers are standing next to attempted murders or that you realize your whole brotherhood of hardcore is a fcking lie!

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:20:43 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 8:21:56 PM

bunch of dudes who think because they play united blood are INDESTRUCTIBLES

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:22:50 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 8:24:59 PM


anonymous 8/1/2015 8:31:59 PM

These losers claim to "respect hardcore" but would jump at the chance to play the second stage of the Mayhem Fest. Blow me, you posers.

anonymous 8/1/2015 8:58:16 PM

Out of respect, guys from other crews got away with a warning, everybody else, watch out! Blame Floorpunch and "Casino" starring Robert De Niro

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:34:04 PM

please stop comments we have investigations

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:34:43 PM

heavy investigations occurring

anonymous 8/1/2015 9:57:36 PM

These two fat wiggers are going to get turned out by the blacks when they get to prison.

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:02:17 PM

Please more comments to help investigators put these guys in prison for attempted murder so they can get ass beatd every day like they deserve

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:04:59 PM

Ian's phone number: 732 606 5693 :-)

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:14:29 PM

You guys don't know shit you were not there, your just repeating rumors. Wait untill solid information surfaces not hearsay. You gossip hounds are why hardcore gets a bad light. Get off the keyboard talking about shit you know nothing about.

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:16:38 PM

Thank you for posting this twice karebear

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:25:34 PM

I've gone to a bunch of hardcore shows and people do get hurt mashing. Its to be expected but to beat or jump someone cus of it makes you a piece of shit pssy. Grow up. Go mosh, enjoy the music and chill the fck out.

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:29:21 PM

The cool guys themselves. fckin jokes ??????????????

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:36:05 PM

Nobody has to be there to know what happened. It's obvious what happened since one kid is in a coma almost dead and the only 2 douchebags being brought up are you two. Get over it your lives are done you pussies. "Keyboard warriors" aren't nearly as bad as people like you who jump 150 pound kids and almost kill them. Any kid stickin up for either of these fatasses or their boring ass bands are 200% suckers.

anonymous 8/1/2015 10:55:11 PM

If it wasn't you guys then why are you both the only ones not playing future shows anymore? Causeeee you know you did it. Good move jahaha

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:33:00 AM

Karebear sounds like a sweet juggalo name. -Crip

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:46:45 AM

no gay, hardcore gets a bad light because of you and people like you. People like this story. That's real "hardcore" though. Street Life. Thug Life. Let's live in suburbia, praise weapons and violence. Hurt the "people" who actually come to the 25+ person shows and support our shit bands. Hardcore scene sucks. Hardcore "people" suck. Any grown adult participating this is the next candidate on "To Catch A Predator"

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:49:14 AM

And that will continue on for all you social degenerates who participate in this passed the age of 18. Pit beef beating someone into a coma? lol at your lives

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:15:33 AM

Suburban scum is a lame band the singer looks like a tranny space alien. Heavy chains is even worse of a band. Why not name yourself wet water? Or air wind? Maybe plastic chains? The singer looks like a professional poser. It would be radical if they got shot in the head. Hopefully that kid comes out of that coma NOT a retard. Hardcore for hardcore. Vote Jesus.

anonymous 8/2/2015 4:59:16 AM

Both guys look like they have a tough guy chip on their shoulde. They both want to be the biggest and baddest. I can tell you from a reliable source they are both shook the fck up. They should have shot the 5 and a fair fight and called it that. I hope there hears of sucking dms dck gets thrown away and they loose their intern spots.

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:05:50 AM

HAHAHAHAHA yes! Karebare used to wear linkin park shirts! I knew him too. Good charolette, green day... You name it, looked like he walked out of a hot topic. Now he looks like one of the Mexicans that mow my lawn... Shit, that is him!

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:06:43 AM


anonymous 8/2/2015 5:23:26 AM

Or BACKTRACK TURNSTILE and of the homosexual Dog pound gay gang bang crew The hardcore circle jerk

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:34:38 AM


anonymous 8/2/2015 5:35:50 AM

How was Incendiary involved? I agree their bassist is a fcking jerk and their midget singer is a fcking privileged Long Island back.

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:36:54 AM

FSU gang land is stoked

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:59:36 AM

Incendiary was not involved in any way, shape or form nor do we condone violence.

anonymous 8/2/2015 6:33:16 AM

Your vocals appear on their record that just dropped... Trying to untie Incendiary from supporting Sub Scum? What are you doing for this kid? Donating all merch sold at back to school jam? fcking losers Let's start posting your band group shots together

anonymous 8/2/2015 6:37:15 AM

Hardcore scene every year gets more and more stupid, those pussies that try to be the baddest men in the world , in a mosh pit?? Hahaha , i bet them , out of the show these guys are a fcking bunch of gays, face to face they don't fight , just cry, they don't even care about the bands , the music, they just care about :"hey look at me!! Look how i throw punch in the air like a fcking idiot and dance like a damn bitch" . fcking retards.

anonymous 8/2/2015 6:38:01 AM

This is insane... The only bands I see being issues are Heavy Chains and Suburban Scum. Just because you do guest vocals on a disc doesn't mean your in this.

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:40:14 AM

Not really sure how Incendiary keeps getting brought up when they didn't even play and none of them actually were at TIHC.

anonymous 8/2/2015 8:05:09 AM

Reinforces the fact that hardcore sucks now. It's a shame that jerks that go to these shows and apparently play in these new bands ruin it for everyone else. It's sad.

anonymous 8/2/2015 8:22:07 AM

I've heard from a reliable source that incendiary is a part of the investigation. FSU nation represent. Gotta keep those nazis out of our scene.

anonymous 8/2/2015 8:39:36 AM

Heard from a few others that people in Incendiary, Backtrackand dog pound crew are all in the investigation. Vitalo probably shitting himself. Word is FBI is involved they are looking at Subrubam Scum and Heavy Chains lyrics and merch. Hahahaha this is amazing. On a note so funny note word is Tom is in a coma

anonymous 8/2/2015 8:53:12 AM

Incendiary are fcking jerks... Maybe they will add a fanny pack combo to that stupid fcking VISOR they are selling in their merch store. What's next whoops cushions? These bands worry more about the next merch item they can make a buck on then actually writing good songs.Maybe all money from your stupid fcking visor can go to benefit toms hospital bills. .

anonymous 8/2/2015 8:53:29 AM

You seem to be very into your boys in Suburban Scum singing on their new record and bringing Heavy Chains on tour. Where are statements from these bands? All I see on their FACEBOOK pages are pushing shitty merch and how they are touring with fcking Kissiny Candice on Mayhem

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:00:08 AM

Incendiary has profited from the tough-guy HC aesthetic for years. Now, they refuse to acknowledge, much less accept responsibility for, spouting this bullshit and stirring the pot. Typical passive=aggressive, suburban, liberal, pssy bullshit. fck all of this music. Just listening to Dying Fetus from now on.

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:04:38 AM

Suburban scum sucksssssssssss

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:06:11 AM

Karebear here again bros. DMS has advised me to keep quiet due to the investigations. I met with Lord Ezec yesterday and he was so mad. He gave me an open handed spanking and boy is my bottom red.

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:06:30 AM

Have heart would never do this

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:09:24 AM

incendiary rules. they had no part in this. stop trying to make a group of dudes look bad when they didn't do anything to this kid/WERENT EVEN THERE.

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:10:46 AM

Incendiary suck too

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:17:52 AM

Most of the people on here talking about over privileged white kids are probably...over privileged white kids LOL

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:26:46 AM

fck heavy chains fck suburban scum fck incendiary fck backtrack

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:39:35 AM

Does everyone not know that Kare Bear is a certified rsat, snitch?????? When there was a certain investigation going on about a Nazi being killed at a show in NJ, he ratted everyone out. It's common knowledge. Efunny thing is his fckboi friends Pat gerity and greg from the mongoz, his 2 best friends, were the ones confirming to everyone that he snitched . Cruel cruel world

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:42:21 AM

That dude wasn't a Nazi... He was wearing a fcking skynrd shirt with a confederate flag on it hahaha

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:43:31 AM

Karebear is probably snitching right now. That's why no one has seen him. He's selling out Ian Adams, who will receive a full sentence. No plea bargain for him. Someone has to do the perp walk on the evening news. Maybe snitching does pay?

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:45:11 AM

All those bands are associated if you ask me... There's an old saying "tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are". Incendiary, backtrack, turnstile all these trendy copy bands are silent but like others mentioned bring heavy chains and suburban scum out on practically every tour, have countless cliche end of your photos with them, wear their merch on stage and guest spot on their record. Backtracks response to this situation didn't even say go help support Tom.

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:54:09 AM

The singer of Incendiary is best buds with KareBare... That dude is a oppourtunist scum bag. You see his little ass trying to guest spot on everyones record or on stage... He's practically sucking dck in public. Someone thought a member of his looked like someone and he comes here defending his band with NO MENTION OF TOM! go get fcked you stupid long island poser

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:55:06 AM

Wonder if those dudes got jumped in Mass like people were planning

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:57:40 AM

Karebear better have some high level snitch contacts, he's about to catch attempted murder gang conspiracy charge and face 10-20 years. Others named too. Investigators used Internet too, so thanks to all commenters. We knew these guys were losers...get them in jail where they can join real gangs.

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:58:56 AM

Tom is now in a coma... Please donate whatever you can

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:01:09 AM

Karebear better have some high level snitch contacts, he's about to catch attempted murder gang conspiracy charge and face 10-20 years. Others named too. Investigators used Internet too, so thanks to all commenters. We knew these guys were losers...get them in jail where they can join REAL WHITE POWER GANGS

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:01:19 AM

Long Island sucks, incendiary was never good, Karebear is a snitch and loves linkin park. On another note, any word on how Tom is doing? Hope he's getting better

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:02:43 AM

if he is in coma and dies this will move to a murder investigation and a shit ton of people about to be facing prison.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:02:54 AM

Can´t find a single word of JoeHC although it was his show? I bet he knew about it before. Like it was at several other occasions.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:03:21 AM

Karebare is on stage saying 'kill someone... Now' on stage at TIHC Lmfao hope he hired some good defense attorneys. Hopefully he gets deported back to Mexico.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:04:15 AM

Word on the street is Tom is in a coma

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:05:27 AM

Joe hc is s piece of shit too he doesn't care about what his friend did to another hardcore kid or supporting anything he just cares about his money from TIHC and getting engaged to a tranny. Garbage human

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:09:03 AM

Everyone is talking about Karebare and that other dude from Heavy Chains. No one is talking about Joe Hardcore who won´t say shit about what happened at his show... . Not the first time he is involved in shit like that.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:09:09 AM

Reliable source told me that most of you kids are a bunch of creases. Hardcore is about unity...uniting my fist with your face when you get out of line.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:09:20 AM

State police and unmarked cars just in front of Bridge 9 HQ, in Salem, MA.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:12:09 AM

Both Backtrack and Incendiary statements regarding this are atrocious… no mention of supporting Tom. Sounds like you guys just want to tight lip although it seems both bands are trying to hide their association with these acts. Love that line someone said tell more who your friends are I will tell you who you are

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:15:00 AM

That guy from Lifeless sounded like a fcking straight idiot. He's like here in the hardcore scene where violence and beating are acceptable in hardcore. Just not when it happens to a band member. Hardcore IS DEAD. IT IS DEAD, IT WAS DEAD AFTER DIY DIED , IT DIED AFTER YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T DO SHIT WHEN DIY PUNK DIED BECAUSE THEY HAVE IN LIKE A BUNCH OF PUSSIES.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:15:02 AM

So Trapped Under Ice is playing a show for a kid that got beat up??? That´s funny. Where is the benefitshow for that guy that got beat up by Justice in germany some years ago?

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:18:16 AM

Reliable sources told me that all East Coast crew shitbags can't read one page out of a Harry Potter book.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:19:17 AM

The funniest part about all this is everybody in hardcore right now sucks so bad at a instrument in comparison to real music that has thought provoking energy wayyyy more influential then a couple fcking Mesa boogie amps while dude is 1-0-10-010 on the guitar. We're fighting about people in bands who have egos because they're in a band.....that isn't even playing high quality music. The irony of bad musicians.

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:26:05 AM

^^^^^ Totally agree. Will actual go as far to say that Emmure is better than all bands mentioned… and that's saying a lot. Did incendiary get the memo that their exact sound was done 20 years ago and better? don't get me started on backtrack i laughed the first time I saw them and couldnt understand how this band got trendy outside of propaganda of merch everywhere. THESE ARE MERCH BANDS, THESE ARE TRENDS!

anonymous 8/2/2015 10:26:30 AM


anonymous 8/2/2015 10:27:30 AM

This really isn't funny at all. Tom is in a coma… shitty bands jumped into, their shitty friends in even shittier bigger bands just want to protect their name and don't care about Tom. Your whole hardcore scene is a joke and lie…

anonymous 8/2/2015 11:20:16 AM

Skunky Beaumont told me that he saw Karebear and Ian fcking each other behind the honker burger.

Piot12047 8/2/2015 11:32:58 AM

Funny how someone can try and post a comment like its me. lol posted as anonymous but then says my name. People know its not me nitwit. My user name says it all. lol

anonymous 8/2/2015 11:59:29 AM

did every thug on the east coast get scared and go into hiding? where are you tough mfs? afriad of arrest or the coming assassinations by real gs? i bet the former but expect the latter. fake ass gs.

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:06:17 PM

it's funny how people talk about fueling egos, when really commenting on this is doing just that. you're all fools.

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:08:43 PM

New Jersey tough guys! React! Three questions for all of you wigger dorks: 1. Where is your current location? 2. How much did you donate? 3. Have you found a good therapist yet?

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:36:49 PM

Everyone remember that band fatality?

SN00PY 8/2/2015 12:37:01 PM

We are bringing guns to shows from now on yo

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:39:25 PM

A few things, if you read the statement released you'd know that he wasn't jumped. Second, everyone wants to talk shit now because Karebear "let it happen" but where were his friends and other people who "witnessed it happen" they could have been the difference but why weren't they? They were obviously standing there watching it happen but they just stood by and let it get out of hand without so much as a word or a push? Hmm....

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:48:37 PM

^^^ Great detective work. I'm sure this is all some big conspiracy.........fcking gay.

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:50:11 PM

Rumors are it goes beyond TIHC… there was a show in Albany a month back that Sub Scum, Heavy Chains and Incendiary played at. Supposedly a lot of shit talking amongst those bands and hate for Tom. Ian was heated at TIHC and on drugs and Karebare egged him on to jump him. The rest of the details we should leave up to the investigation.

anonymous 8/2/2015 12:57:41 PM

You better believe it… the tall dorky guitar player Incendiary's Facebook pictures, fck… half of them have Karebare in them. Then anyone remember TIHC 2014? Within the first minute of Incendiary's set, guess who comes on stage with them? Shit runs deep.. tch?v=j3LwWTV431U

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:22:48 PM

Not sticking up for dckbag Ian at all but he doesn't even do drugs and has been straight edge for the longest time... I'm sure karebear thought the shot was funny and egged Ian on and being the impressionable human and dck rider of cool hardcore kids ian is, he beat Tom to a pulp to seem like a cool hard ass dude... I see right through these guys and their mentality. Straight retards

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:25:46 PM

Your mom and little bro should be so proud of you Ian..... And karebear you look like Roseanne with facial hair. I hope you die

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:32:58 PM

Rumor has it that there will be atleast 50 Blood gang members from all over the tri-state area at Back2School jam to start a riot.

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:36:28 PM

Sorry… Don't know what the fck happen. Karebare was on Xanax, weed and drunk as fck egging Ian on over a few months long beef. Supposedly thats why the bassist of Incendiary was brought up over the discussion outside the Albany show they all did together.

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:37:39 PM

^ I heard the same thing, I also was told by someone at my job that they were hired to go there and fck up a lot of these bands.

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:46:02 PM

That dude in Incendiary had the audacity to fcking come here and claim his innocence and tell us to add him on Facebook? shameless plug. I don't care about your sisters fcking wedding. She probably will be divorced in a year. Good to have an alibi from knowing this was going on when you were in that conversation with Karebare, Ian and crew.

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:47:10 PM

Was anybody at that Albany show? Can anyone verify this? Honestly, with the way Backtrack and Incendiary have been acting in their responses I would consider this even before hearing an official story.

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:49:45 PM

Tranny alien and egg headed cohort are fcked. Ugly ass sons of bitches.

anonymous 8/2/2015 1:50:41 PM

KareBare was supposedly bragging about bitch slapping Tom the other night at a gig… laughing and acting like a tough guy

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:02:56 PM

^^^^^ sounds about right, not surprising either

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:04:43 PM

I wonder how tuff the dog pound gays will be around wutang mobb deep and the actual hood people they role with.

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:12:42 PM

This stuff has def been happening for awhile now, obviously not as extreme, but nonetheless. I used to frequent shows often but hardly do because of the tough guy machismo that surrounds shows now. I know countless friends that have moved on from the scene because of sosf and similar things… fck DOG POUND NATION AND ALL THE BANDS ASSOCIATED

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:14:44 PM

"KareBare was supposedly bragging about bitch slapping Tom the other night at a gig… laughing and acting like a tough guy" I was there and it was disgusting… couldn't believe how shameless he was over the incident. His band members seemed indifferent with no comments. I wouldn't support Suburban Scum even if they got a new singer.

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:20:28 PM

Any band who promotes that we donate money, and then stays on the B2SJ or allows Heavy Chains/SS to share the stage with them, is no longer a band I have interest in supporting. There is an opportunity for bands to do right here in addition to all the support that has been shown to the victim by us.

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:52:05 PM

from a second story window is stoked

anonymous 8/2/2015 2:56:29 PM

fck these bands making phoney "statements" who are pals w these guys! Only making them to save their own asses. They all knew. Joe HC, DPN, etc... None sd shit prior to public outrage. Props to anyone who truly spoke out and stood up!!!

anonymous 8/2/2015 3:17:44 PM

While were on the topic of karebear let's bring up how he beatd Shelby Doty

anonymous 8/2/2015 3:18:16 PM

^ uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

anonymous 8/2/2015 3:23:06 PM

^^^^^ talk more of karebear beat

anonymous 8/2/2015 3:33:57 PM

Run your mouth MySpace page is stoked.

anonymous 8/2/2015 3:38:12 PM

Heavy Chains would get jumped at every date if they remained on this.

anonymous 8/2/2015 4:17:27 PM

12 hours ago these guys were all so tough. Joe HC was even building time machines, Karebear was running his mouth, bedard playing with himself, Chris B9 putting gel in his hair, Ian getting butt fcked by his own gun. Now everyone is running, canceling, lying. Way to stand united, friends. A website brought you down on Sunday.

anonymous 8/2/2015 4:22:59 PM

This Vitalo's dad's Citibank credit card rep. We have spent considerable money propping up this shit so please make Tom's coma dissapper so we can recoup. Being rich is cool, bankrupt not. LIHC. NJHC. suburban scum. Money over moving out of mom's basement. HC 2015. Xxx

anonymous 8/2/2015 4:59:20 PM

I love how all these tough guys deleted all their social media… haha so innocent

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:05:37 PM

This thread has more views than every other main page headline combined and more comments than i have seen since Lambesis meltdown. Funny part is probably more exposure than suburban scum and heavy chains ever had… even their pals in incendiary and dog pound crews

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:06:56 PM

F@gs Stand United until some shit goes down and then it's every wigger for himself. #pussies

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:28:44 PM

The responses from the dudes in Incendiary on this thread are a joke… you guys don't care about Tom. You care about your friend in Suburban Scum because you get royalties for singing on his fcking record and vice versa… bands like you make me sick when all you care about is your merch sales and trendy image. A kid is in a fcking coma and your jerk band is too busy saying 'I was at my slutty sisters wedding'. Noone gives a fck.

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:30:35 PM

Was at that Albany gig a month back… there was an elitist circle of Sub Scum and Incendiary cats talking with people… Ian Heavy Chains was amongst them. Who knows what was going on… Karebare has been running his mouth around circles telling people 'something is going down at TIHC'.

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:31:26 PM

Frankie here… My throat is all clear… I want to join Suburban Scum. Karebare is taking my spot for most hated guy in hardcore, this cannot happen.

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:38:43 PM

Reba is giving $5 favors to raise money fro Tom at BTSJ

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:41:06 PM

Yo that drummer boy in Code Orange flipped on that NM date when Reba was making out with the dude from Kissing Candice

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:47:51 PM

Would not support any of the bands associated in this click until they make official heartfelt statements. I am looking at you Incendiary, Backtrack and Dog Pound Nation. You all are not hardcore, your trendy image motherfckers… like Kardashians of hardcore

anonymous 8/2/2015 5:50:12 PM

Kardashians of hardcore…. LOL ROFL hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaahahahahahahahah

anonymous 8/2/2015 6:40:12 PM

NJHC lockin out merch, xxx, gold chains and Jordan retro 3's. Being called a jock and wearing sports merch and not knowing a single player.

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:20:23 PM

of course B-roll formally of death before dishonor is defending joe hardcore on the b9. Sorry you couldn't get into FSU bud

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:21:30 PM

jesse gold chains is stoked

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:40:52 PM

james vitalo and the kardashians of hardcore…. is he going to be the catilyn jenner?

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:48:16 PM

BOYCOT ALL THESE fckING BANDS HEAVY CHAINS SUBURBAN SCUM BACKTRACK TRAPPED UNDER ICE CODE ORANGE BANE INCENDIARY ... ALL THOSE MOTHERfckERS IN THEIR CLIQUES. It's this type of shit that kills hardcore every few years... These cliques, crews, bullshit politics. this is why bands like Expire, Rival mob, coke bust, nails etc. don't fck with these cliques and just do their own thing. They don't fck with their politics bullshit cliques

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:51:48 PM

yo fck incendiary

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:51:59 PM

heavy chains in jail

anonymous 8/2/2015 7:58:59 PM

Joe hardcore is going to be the new Kris mission when this is all said and done. Dude should have been pushed out of the scene years ago. More bands and kids need to step up to this bullshit and push away toxic people only in it for the money and to cause problems.

anonymous 8/2/2015 8:06:00 PM

Reba fcked me and two other guys in the downstairs of the Braddock Elks Lodge… shit was dope! This was before her new found fame. Girl was a sex addict, no need for roofies dumbs.

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:11:33 PM

Karebear-(908) 420-1590

anonymous 8/2/2015 9:20:21 PM


anonymous 8/2/2015 11:10:20 PM

Holy shit that's actually his number

anonymous 8/3/2015 2:42:29 AM

But what's his MySpace?

anonymous 8/3/2015 4:01:04 AM

But what does sunshine bear have to say about all of this...?

anonymous 8/3/2015 5:18:43 AM

"Yo that drummer boy in Code Orange flipped on that NM date when Reba was making out with the dude from Kissing Candice" Haha if that is true that is amazing… kind of believe. Was anyone there when she hooked up with that dude in Madball?

anonymous 8/3/2015 6:51:13 AM

incendiary sucks, they play 3 shows a year. no thanks.

anonymous 8/3/2015 7:03:42 AM

incendiary are hobby hardcore dudes... like someone else said they all are from LI living in Williamsburg/greenpoint/ri dgewood thinking their NYC now... they are fcking hipsters with desk jobs

anonymous 8/3/2015 7:09:20 AM

I hope every girl in the Missed Connections at Hardcore page gets beatd!

anonymous 8/3/2015 7:12:46 AM

I still fck with Heavy Chains and Suburban Scum. You guys are all winey little his pet bitches, go cry and make out with each other somewhere else, fcking poser ass pssys

anonymous 8/3/2015 7:22:20 AM

All this talk about Joe Hardcore on here, dude still never owned up to what down down with Nasty in Detroit with FSU. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about what happened with Tom before it went down and he just doesn't care but hey I don't really care either, fck him

anonymous 8/3/2015 7:41:21 AM

Your all whack ass hardcore kids. Little pssy fcks. Take a step back in time and try and bring that shit to CT or NY or Western Mass in the 90's. Both of them shitty two chord bands would of been crawling home. This is sad shit. Get well bro. And after your better find them little pussies and their shitty hardcore bands and return the favor. And if any of you want to bring it to me. Come and find me in New Haven. Right in front of the Tune Inn. Bitches.

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:36:29 AM

Everybody is a tough guy on the Internet haha

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:38:50 AM

Incendiary sucks... they practice and leave their van at 44 seabro avenue Amityville ny

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:47:03 AM

BOYCOT ALL THESE fckING BANDS HEAVY CHAINS SUBURBAN SCUM BACKTRACK TRAPPED UNDER ICE CODE ORANGE BANE INCENDIARY ... ALL THOSE MOTHERfckERS IN THEIR CLIQUES. It's this type of shit that kills hardcore every few years... These cliques, crews, bullshit politics. this is why bands like Expire, Rival mob, coke bust, nails etc. don't fck with these cliques and just do their own thing. They don't fck with their politics bullshit cliques

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:47:22 AM

I am sick of NJHC/LIHC bullshit

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:52:41 AM

Crosschecks singers a little bitch but this is real unfortunate. Hope for a speedy recovery is in order. And to there singer stop being such a whiney bitch all the time.

anonymous 8/3/2015 9:30:26 AM

Fed issue now, watch out. This is like Boston Beatdown 11 years ago as bad if not worse.

anonymous 8/3/2015 9:33:01 AM

It's funny so many metal heads are talking shit on a whole music scene they don't like when metal and death metal shows openly let nazis to their scene while for decades hardcore/punk kids have been running out boneheads with pleasure. also didn't lamb of randy almost get a murder charge for throwing a dude off stage? All extreme music you can find something to enjoy live or recorded, atleast to me. Also if you wanna talk shit, please your address, especially glock guy, pssy!

anonymous 8/3/2015 9:36:49 AM

So in other words you want me to bring my tools cause you trying to get dismantled

anonymous 8/3/2015 9:36:52 AM

No metal dudes boycotted randy when he killed on of their fans!

anonymous 8/3/2015 9:47:31 AM

the reason this has not been in major news and no arrest is, yes it is now in the hands of the feds.

anonymous 8/3/2015 10:16:51 AM

why cant we all listen to Into Another and get our love on?

anonymous 8/3/2015 10:49:20 AM

Chris Barnes approves. And there is no case being brought in by the Feds you fcking kooks! This happened at a place where punching and kicking people is legal! It's called a mosh pit, turd burglars! Dying fetus/madball/youth defense league tour 2016

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:07:59 AM

This has gotten out of control. Everyone should just keep their comments to themselves and wait for the true story to come to the surface. The following bands that are being targeted had nothing to do with the man that is currently in the hospital. Everyone sits here and attacks those who "supposedly " had their hand in it because someone said they did it.

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:18:59 AM

So glad most of you aren't totally exploiting someone's serious injuries to talk shit and make false accusations about bands you don't like. oh wait......

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:20:03 AM

Just read about this on reddit. Anybody know any more info about this or have a video of the forced apology? d

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:20:37 AM

Where's your proof? Because Karebear sang on their record. Because Karebear is in photos with them. Means nothing when you are from the same town/state. Doesn't make you a ride or die. Everyone truly hopes for a fast and full recovery to Tom and to truly understand what happened so those INDIVIDUALS can be brought to justice.

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:23:54 AM

^^^ kill yourself gay. Subscum and heavy chains gay singers did this. All the other bands brought up are dog pound gays who only care for money. They all tried to cover this up fck them all. They are the problem

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:38:10 AM

That's seems to be the most perfect solution for all the people who say anything against what you say "kill yourself gay" grow the fck up. You know nothing about nothing. Only what you read and what you claim to hear WHICH starts from nothing. You sit here an follow a crowd and on top of that sit here and judge those that you have looked up to and listened to. You don't know how those guys feel for making false statements. So yeah.. Kill yourself gay.

anonymous 8/3/2015 11:56:07 AM

^^^INCENDIARY back guys... trying to defend themselves. Did you start donating proceeds from your gay visor to Toms funding?

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:05:49 PM

Reddit link doesn't work. Someone wanna send me another one?

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:07:28 PM

Bunch of ugly bastards, yeesh. Z

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:15:45 PM

Lol at you all so concerned for "Tom". You're all fcking pathetic. Jumping all over a tradgedy to hate on bands you dont like. You're the worst-exploiting Someone's pain for your own selfish forum. Hey this guy knows this guy so these guys must be guilty too! Hey this guy didn't say hi to me once at a show so fck him too! Oh but it's for Tom right? Poor kids deserves better than your sorry townie asses.

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:26:13 PM

"Reddit link doesn't work. Someone wanna send me another one?" Delete the space at the end of the URL. You can't post links here.

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:28:55 PM

"People you look up to" hagagagahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha you mean Martha Stewart and Hitler? Than maybe. Get well soon tom.

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:29:21 PM

^^^ Incendiary back again, did they realize we raised $23,000 for Tom? How much did their homosexual ironic 90s visor fetch? are they donating those sales to Tom?

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:31:31 PM

Yo Incendiary latte sippin hipsters is Karebear coming on stage to guest like usual during your set at BTSJ?

anonymous 8/3/2015 12:45:47 PM

Pretty sure Incendiary was involved with 9/11 too. The name says it all.

anonymous 8/3/2015 1:46:42 PM

Hey there. Frankie from Emmure here im actually plowing Reebus from Code Orange and Aaron from bane as we speak. Code Gang Bang lives on!!!!

anonymous 8/3/2015 1:46:59 PM

Hey Aaron from Bane here, just wanted to tell everyone that I'm currently plowing Rebus from Code Orange as I type this. Spread the news while I spread her ass. Quote this post and I'll punch her in the nose.

anonymous 8/3/2015 1:47:52 PM

George Bush fcked Rebus

anonymous 8/3/2015 1:49:32 PM

This really bums me out. I went to the fest for the first time and was really impressed there were no barricades and I didn't see a single fight. Way to ruin it jerks.

anonymous 8/3/2015 3:27:51 PM

Incendiary having to come and point out they weren't there over and over is a fine example of how band responds when wrongly accused of something. Not the deafening silence that the guilty parties are treating us to.

anonymous 8/3/2015 3:54:59 PM

"Delete the space at the end of the URL. You can't post links here." Good looks. Thanks!

anonymous 8/3/2015 7:27:53 PM

Shitload of Internet warriors.

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:49:16 PM

something hardcore actually happened in hardcore

anonymous 8/3/2015 8:57:22 PM

never heard of crosscheck, heavy chains, or suburban scum. sound like made up band names. good job lambgoat, making up some hardcore soap opera again.

anonymous 8/3/2015 9:10:29 PM

I'm a cop your all under servalence

anonymous 8/3/2015 10:31:28 PM

fck this shit, listen to INTENT

anonymous 8/4/2015 2:53:00 AM

Didn't crosscheck have a kid beat up in FL over Internet name calling about 3 weeks ago?

anonymous 8/4/2015 4:15:20 AM

Seems like everyone believes what they read on the Internet.

anonymous 8/4/2015 5:59:30 AM

fck you ^^^^^

anonymous 8/4/2015 7:39:01 AM

What a fat ugly dork tch?v=I-uIxG_W8VE

anonymous 8/4/2015 8:31:50 AM

Incendiary here... still sippin on lattes in WBURG

anonymous 8/4/2015 9:05:07 AM

What's going on f@gs karebear here, decided to change my name to lots o' luck bear so the cops that moniter this page don't know. But you guys are queefs. Me and Ian are gonna buttfux eachother in the subscum van if yous wanna meet us.

anonymous 8/4/2015 9:06:17 AM

fck East coast hardcore. Shits week. There's a saying about where I'm from. Don't fck around in the Wild West. Last time shit like this happens in Tucson, AK's popped off. Whatcha know about hardcore pssys. Good luck with your shitty band dreams.

anonymous 8/4/2015 11:34:04 AM

^Tuscon? Really? Only thing popping off there are your balls in the mouth of some boarder jumper. Wild West please.

anonymous 8/4/2015 11:59:25 AM

By now everyone has heard of what happened to my friend Tom on August 26th. Many people have come to me asking Joe's opinion on the situation and asking why Joe and This Is Hardcore have not made a public statement about what happened. And since I suffer from the same psychological syndroms (like c-level attentionwhorism) like Joe does, I will explain why you have seen nothing from either of those sources.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:02:15 PM

I heard Reba would let Justin Ogden suck farts out of her ass on tour.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:02:16 PM

Even if Tom and his family have no desire to pursue civil liability on Joe, The Voltage Lounge, R5 Productions, or This Is Hardcore, Tom's insurance could still come after them. No, fck that, I´m lying, Toms family haven´t said anything about not pursueing Joe, that was made up by me. They got the right to pursue Joe and should do that, because Tom´s insurance will not cover 100% of the costs.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:03:45 PM

And because of that, I should shut the fck up, but I can´t , so I make a public statements regardless of the fact that he was probably involved in what happened. Before you run your mouth talking about how you think Joe feels about this situation, I will run mine. Joe has called me everyday, sometimes twice a day, since Tom has been in the hospital to ask how Tom was doing and when he could come home.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:04:45 PM

Joe has donated money and over 100 This Is Hardcore books to help support Tom's recovery fund. He asks me every day if there is anything he can do further to contribute to Tom's Benefit show that I (I repeat : I!!) am putting on at the end of the month. He has done everything in his power that he is able to do at this point in time to help and somehow get out of the fckin mess.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:05:42 PM

Joe was on stage at This Is Hardcore watching a band inside of the Electric Factory when Tom was attacked by 2 persons that obviously had access to the backstage while anyone else all over sudden disappeared. Someone ran to get Joe and he immediately sped over to The Voltage Lounge to assess the situation. When Joe got into VF, Tom was laying on the floor with his eyes rolling back in his head and blood running down his face.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:06:32 PM

Joe HC who is also a certified gynecologist, cardiologist and proctologist rushed over to Tom and held him, checking his vitals as well as his retinas and reaction to sound. When Joe found Tom totally unresponsive and likely in a stage two to three concussion, he ran to tell the police officer that just arrived on the scene that an EMT was needed immediately and to get help right away.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:07:56 PM

Many of you have only seen Joe's tough side, but Joe has a child Tom's age he used to beat the shit out of himself and seeing Tom in the state that his own child also was in was horrifying to Joe and he would have never wanted anything like that to happen anywhere near his fest or in a distance of maybe 2-3 miles.

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:10:21 PM

Joe probably knew about the violence that took place that night and several other occasions before that. Joe does not support violence at any of his shows (if so only backstage), and we all know Joe is and always was the first person to go down into the pit and start a fight or injure persons (remember last year?).

anonymous 8/4/2015 12:12:05 PM

Joe McKay busts his ass all year long to try to make his name great and memorable for everyone in the hardcore community.That is how Joe and This Is Hardcore feel about the situation, end of story.

anonymous 8/4/2015 3:21:41 PM

Who's Reba? Mcentire?

anonymous 8/4/2015 3:24:47 PM

Dpn and infendiary are a bunch of fairies, Long Island is basically Nj so it makes sense these guys are all in the same circle. Real nyers wouldn't give them the time of day, that's why they chill in Williamsburg with all the transplants lmaoo JOKESSS

anonymous 8/4/2015 3:44:43 PM

Same sort of shit happened in Tulsa a few weeks ago involving DMS from Tucson (LOL). Bricktop and friends cornered some kid in his hotel room and beat him unconscious for wearing an offensive weapon shirt. fck dms. fck bricktop. fck fake skinheads and pussies that rat pack someone.

anonymous 8/4/2015 5:02:51 PM

Ian's Facebook page is still up. He just changed his name. arkluckasavage

anonymous 8/4/2015 5:07:37 PM

I wonder how many hot dumb impressionable "hardcore chicks" slept with these 2 fat fcks.

anonymous 8/4/2015 6:39:38 PM


anonymous 8/4/2015 7:57:32 PM

Karebear is an actual rapist so probably a lot, but Ian on the other hand is a virgin 100%

anonymous 8/4/2015 8:53:01 PM

Hail Ian Stuart Karebear! 14/88

anonymous 8/4/2015 9:06:30 PM

People shitting on backtrack and incendiary because their statements weren't elaborate enough / because they were friends with suburban scum and heavy chains are so fcking stupid. It's not like they knew those two fat fcks were going to do what they did. I can't believe their name is even being said anymore in this thread. You're all virgins that probably don't go to shows and pleasure to your sisters nudes. Hope the best for tom.

anonymous 8/4/2015 9:21:33 PM

Too many sageas with inferiority complex's gotta over run their mouth online just to get a reaction out of each other to raise their self worth. Heal up now player!

anonymous 8/4/2015 11:59:52 PM

I take it there is not alot of gay hardcore bands...

anonymous 8/5/2015 12:39:27 AM

I wish the sinkhole in Brooklyn would swallow those gays in Incendiary. Just like the way Gummybear and Ian will be swallowing Bubba's c-m in prison.

anonymous 8/5/2015 4:40:56 AM

Feel better Tom. Sorry you have this many shitty people "supporting" you (aka hating on rando bands they don't like in your name), you are prob a super nice guy that deserves much more.

anonymous 8/5/2015 5:57:01 AM

One sageas with inferiority complex's running his mouth online 24/7 to raise hisself worth will be pursued very soon and still talks shit indirectly. Heal up now player!

anonymous 8/5/2015 6:47:24 AM

i hope 'karebear' and that fat jug head fck ian both get criminally charged and locked up where they have to deal with real tough guys in jail. karebear will be crying like a little bitch when someone beats his fat ass down in the block and none of his njhc f@aggots are there to help him. its a real shame because the other guys in subscum are pretty cool. but there wanna be try hard singer really dug them all into a hole this time. fat samurai looking bitch

anonymous 8/5/2015 7:01:34 AM

karma is a reallllll bitch. i hope both fat fck queerbear and fat fck ian adams mothers get beatd by a big sage with aids as there pssy dads have to watch. i hope karedouche has to watch his father get ass beatd by a fat sage with aids as well

anonymous 8/5/2015 11:51:48 AM

I'm here for the gangbang

anonymous 8/5/2015 10:08:40 PM

Jake Entrekin is stoked

anonymous 8/6/2015 1:06:40 AM

I wonder how cats in Arizona feel about this whole situation, suberban scum was jocked here for a minute.

anonymous 8/6/2015 7:59:58 AM

hate to break it to you dms dick riders. dms is nothing but a glorified graffiti crew with a drug problem.

anonymous 8/6/2015 10:07:52 AM

GUTTER CHRIST here. Just wanted to say anyone that wishes jail time on anyone is a fcking pssy. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna sit here and continue being 40 years old and try to have sex with girls that just turned 18. All I do is smoke weed and have no life but sell shitty merch with SKULLS on them. Defend sub scum. Jerzee til I die .

SN00PY 8/6/2015 11:55:27 AM

This thread should be renamed Suburban Scumbag beaten half to death by suburban scums so a whole scumbag scene can hold itself together by doing pretentiously 'benevolent' things for less fortunate people that are victims of the scene itself. fcking retards.

SN00PY 8/6/2015 11:57:31 AM

What do you think is going to happen when their shitbag scene's established upon the foundation of advocating pit violence, individual egos and crew beef? And then they go on to establish moral objections and condemn people when shit like this inevitably happens to a scene as whole. Perfect sense hypocrites. Glad this is a fed issue now. Grimey ass Ian and Karebear should get Buddha's autograph for me.

SN00PY 8/6/2015 11:59:43 AM

#justicefortom is the stupidest fcking Facebook trend ever. I'd donate one penny only for laughs but I'm too fcking lazy. If Tom died from his injuries then we'll probably have two culprits convicted and never see the light of the day. Blessed!!

anonymous 8/6/2015 1:33:48 PM

To everyone wondering if Sub Scum got jumped in Mass the answer is no. Because last year the exact same thing happened in the MVHC scene. Kid beat into a coma and dragged under a car to be left for dead and no one blinkeD an eye. Which Involved members of an affiliated band who played with sub scum at that show in MA. I remembering seeing a b9 post about it. The difference it was quickly swept under the rug and the venue got shut down.

anonymous 8/7/2015 7:25:14 AM

Is Tom getting better?

anonymous 8/8/2015 11:24:11 AM

Crucial Yooth is dee only reel hawdcoah band. fck the pussis that don wanna mosh like a gorilla. get pit get hit live yo. TOIUHWERJNVNVRFSEONERNGNVI UBRAEIUBAERIGB creww 4 life xxxXXXXOOOooooooXXooo kiss me im gay. flexin not textin yo

anonymous 8/9/2015 8:09:26 AM

Stupid dudes ruining lives and their own for crews/scene notoriety that amounts to nothing. Enjoy the jail time and a criminal record that will prohibit you from having a decent job. Those old men you're impressing are living non tax jobs which they will regret if they even reach retirement age. Nobody is going to care about your mosh pit thug antics around real gangsters in prison. Bye Felicia.

anonymous 8/10/2015 4:28:45 PM

"two bands, neither of which will be mentioned because we are sensationalist parasites who smell a story but are scared to actually do journalism"

captcha_arnold 8/12/2015 8:00:35 AM

GUTTER CHRIST here. Just wanted to say anyone that wishes jail time on anyone is a fcking pssy. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna sit here and continue being 40 years old and try to have sex with girls that just turned 18. All I do is smoke weed and have no life but sell shitty merch with SKULLS on them. Defend sub scum. Jerzee til I die . Poconos here, pssy. fck you and your friends. They deserve to go to state for doing it. Off yourself.

anonymous 8/13/2015 8:30:54 AM

Comeback Kid here... I don't need a crew. To validate myself.

anonymous 8/13/2015 10:58:36 AM

crew bullshit made hardcore suck. dropped the IQ from well above average to well below. good thing if you know where to look hardcore is still hardcore-punk and not crew metal-core beatdown idiocy.

anonymous 9/12/2015 5:27:31 PM

At back to school jam. No beef everyone is here

anonymous 9/13/2015 4:36:33 PM

Wonder how much B2SJ money went to tom out of the TENS AND TENS of THOUSANDS the show made? Wonder if booking agents ended up getting more $$ than good old Tom?

anonymous 7/27/2023 9:37:02 PM

Brandon st Jeanos r*ped my gf

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