Even if Tom and his family have no desire to pursue civil liability on Joe, The Voltage Lounge, R5 Productions, or This Is Hardcore, Tom's insurance could still come after them. No, fck that, I´m lying, Toms family haven´t said anything about not pursueing Joe, that was made up by me. They got the right to pursue Joe and should do that, because Tom´s insurance will not cover 100% of the costs.
Even if Tom and his family have no desire to pursue civil liability on Joe, The Voltage Lounge, R5 Productions, or This Is Hardcore, Tom's insurance could still come after them. No, fck that, I´m lying, Toms family haven´t said anything about not pursueing Joe, that was made up by me. They got the right to pursue Joe and should do that, because Tom´s insurance will not cover 100% of the costs.