Hi this is Kare Bear, now5 days later I realize it was unacceptable to beat a 150lb kid over pit beef but here's an internet apology
Real stand up guy. Maybe you should have stopped your friend from jumping on his head.
But then again maybe you 2 fat pussies couldn't stop stomping on his head because you thought cheeseburgers were going to come out. I wonder how out of breath you 2 fat lard asses weree
Hi this is Kare Bear, now5 days later I realize it was unacceptable to beat a 150lb kid over pit beef but here's an internet apology Real stand up guy. Maybe you should have stopped your friend from jumping on his head. But then again maybe you 2 fat pussies couldn't stop stomping on his head because you thought cheeseburgers were going to come out. I wonder how out of breath you 2 fat lard asses weree