Only talked to Tom a few times but he was always a really cool and friendly kid. No one deserves to be in this spot, hope HC and SS actually get what's coming to them moreso than just some kids saying they won't support their bands anymore. Hardcore nowadays is all about knowing the right people and jerking off to SOA. People take this corny shit way too seriously and then this is the result. Really hope more bands drop from B2SJ...big respect to Lifeless, realest band in hardcore right now
Only talked to Tom a few times but he was always a really cool and friendly kid. No one deserves to be in this spot, hope HC and SS actually get what's coming to them moreso than just some kids saying they won't support their bands anymore. Hardcore nowadays is all about knowing the right people and jerking off to SOA. People take this corny shit way too seriously and then this is the result. Really hope more bands drop from B2SJ...big respect to Lifeless, realest band in hardcore right now