Post CommentI.have severe Crohns disease had two feet of my intestine cut out when I was 15 and no one gives a site. What I'm trying to say is who fcking cares. Haha
I have a friend who has Crohn's disease and he makes up to $2,000 a week working from home.
Consequences of inhaling all the white man's air from those gargantuan nostrils.
A smile creeps as one more Whole Foods-hipster sinks into the grave.
What a complete bunch of jerks on this site. Im surprised Webby posted something that had multi-syllable words in it as its way above 90% of this audience of losers.
I was about to feel sympathy for someone in a serious medial situation but then he had to post that dumbass hashtag crap and now I give zero fcks what happens to this twitter/tumblr pound symbol girl.
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no more gluten? Yeah that will cure Crohns. Shut the fck up you dumbass.
you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it. you're killing it.
i have had crown's for eight years. sorry buddy, but if your doctor thinks you have crohn's disease and is telling you that it may never flare up again if you just watch what you eat and "take it easy"... he is a fcking LIAR
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