Post CommentWAIT... So Mike Milford is so vain that he got into a power position at Artery and used it to sign his old band that no one cared about!??! Hahaha. There's a reason Ash never reformed Reflux or Robert Kampf never reformed Despair. What a joke!
would kill to know what kind of advance milf gave himself... hahahahaha
really, 4 posts and no 600 miles or kittie jokes? fck you.
Mike Milford smells. And he signed his own band.
I loved this band. Didn't like the last lineup as muh who rushed out the final album like 6 months after the previous album. I wonder what the lineup is this time. Looking forward to this regardless!
And when I heard the news.... I choked inside her
At my job all we do is spell check documents all day. Everyone seems to loaf around drinking coffee and laughing and surfing the internet.. Meanwhile, we are given $101,000 salary. try this web-site,,,,,>>>>>> ZAKJOB.COM
3rd post: Your a retard. Mike FORMED Artery. I should know; he's my friend.
Superb clean vocal, screamo kinda sucks though. I prefer high pitched screamo.
This is the most generic thing I've ever heard. Heres some guitar Tab: 0-000-0-000-000-00000-00-0 0000-0000-0 0-000-0-000-000-00000-00-0 0000-0000-0
Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend Mike is my friend
If Mike is your friend, he's been lying to you. Artery, both the talent firm and the label, were formed by Eric Rushing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wi ki/Artery_Recordings
10th post: it's actually "you're" if you're intending it to mean "you are". Also, Mike Milford did not FORM Artery. Eric Rushing did. Wonder how much of an advance he gave himself hahaha. Watch this flop.
Pretty sure they had an emo goth drummer who offered to suck my dck in a Tallahassee bathroom after a show.
Wow you guys great freaking job! the screams are insane and the cleans are phenominal! you've made a new fan outta this guy really good! i don't like the drum sound tho /:
Wikipedia? I could call Mike right now and ask him if I really felt like it. He's my Spokane contact. I know I trust him more than 'wikipedia' Either way he has a pretty major band signed to a huge label, and the only band u have is the one ur same sex partner gave you for your finger.
^^^ THIS dude right here. Funniest dude on LG in a minute. Really cool that you have a Spokane contact. Washington can be pretty treacherous to handle on your own. Artery is not a huge label. Their biggest album has sold 50K copies. Scars of Tomorrow are not a huge band. Mike Milford did not found Artery. Check out their own site then to see who the founder is. http://arteryrecordings.co m/about/
that dude is going to be so bummed that mike milford didn't found artery. no one knows why, but he will be. lol. lame band, lame label. don't you get a salary milf? you had to cut yourself an extra check?
lol @ lambgoat arguing over mike milford in 2014. eric rushing founded artery and gave milf a job. end of story. mark it down, this record will flop - and flop hard.
first of all, eric rushing founded artery, not mike milford. second of all, it doesn't matter if he founded it or he is the label manager, it's still mega funny that he signed his own band.
who cares? this band sucks and so does this label. give people back their money from ADM
I'm not going to Wikipedia or Artery just to see what they say about who founded it. It's their word against his. I did see some jackass said he got his sucked by a goth drummer, u mean Justin? http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=Lg7hzdli4oo I highly doubt it queer he'd knock you out at the bathroom if you even tried peeking around the divider at his dck.
Although I did hear Ryan from Agony Scene was joining them for awhile, I guess he could have did it ??
Not too bad. Vocals remind me a bit of old Poison the Well.
..."mark it down, this record will flop - and flop hard" Most records "flop" nowadays.
Also my friend Mike Milford (he's my Spokane contact, I call him milf) says even though he doesn't enjoy their politics, he sure does enjoy Chic-Fil-A's spicy chicken sandwiches still.
MILF is my Spokane contact, get at me if you want to get some shows or shit. He founded Artery.
About 98% of you LG commenters should seriously consider killing yourselves. It takes up much less bandwidth, not to mention it's great for the environment. Think about it.
I would drive 600 miles to suicide bomb a kittie/scars of tomorrow show.
Curious, does anyone have a good Spokane contact??
"Oh cool Scars of Tomorrow have reformed!" - said no one
no one cared then...no one cares now. how about OC headliners that drew 60 people back in 2007? can't wait to relive those. maybe mike should concentrate on repaying in dying arms' tour merch debt instead of rehashing this garbage.
I would drive 600 miles and I would drive 600 more Just to be the man who drove 600 miles to mosh to Scars of Tomorrow
where were the legions of fans calling for this bands reformation? cuz, i cant find em...
One of the few early 2000's metalcore bands that absolutely nobody wanted to come back
I would drive 600 miles and I would drive 600 more Just to be the man who drove 600 miles to mosh to Scars of Tomorrow shit, dawg, you're pretty good at Lambgoat. Haha
I actually like Chad J. Fjerstad and will stop pretending to make posts that claim I am him. Thanks.
In dying who? Hopefully they van flip on their way to a kittie show 600 miles from somewhere and lose more merch
I'm going to throw hot dogs at milford when they play vengence, i hear he loves dick shaped objects being thrown at him
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Sounds like 2007. Coincidentally, this will fill the void left by As I Lay Dying.