NewsMarch 26, 2014 3:21 PM ET4,760 views

Pelican, Tombs, Nothing tour dates

Pelican has announced a handful of North American tour dates, set to take place this spring. Tombs and Nothing will appear on select dates, with the schedule detailed below. dates w/ Nothing 5/16 Minneapolis, MN @ Triple Rock Social Club 5/17 Champaign, IL @ The Highdive 5/18 Madison, WI @ Majestic Live dates w/ Tombs 6/12 San Diego, CA @ The Casbah 6/13 Los Angeles, CA @ El Rey 6/15 San Francisco, CA @ Slim's 6/17 Portland, OR @ Branx 6/18 Vancouver, BC @ Rickshaw Theatre 6/19 Seattle, WA @ Neumo's


Post Comment

anonymous 3/26/2014 12:44:55 PM

The new Pelican album is flawless.

thetowerofrome 3/26/2014 2:51:11 PM

Wow.... I am so fcking upset right now. How the fck is this even a tour... it's like 10 shows god damnit. Play az you jerks. Tombs and nothing should just go on a full tour without those hasbeens

anonymous 3/26/2014 2:52:58 PM

If flawless = so boring it puts you to sleep. Hell, they were "flawless" last time I saw them. Mono too. This band is a fcking snoozefest.

anonymous 3/26/2014 3:31:29 PM

I will be signing How to be a rockstar and live with your parents, by Ken Susi. Come by all Mass. Dates. Thanks bros! Metal! -- Kenny Susi

anonymous 3/26/2014 3:50:55 PM

"Pelican is boring".. says the kid who listens to Emmure.

anonymous 3/26/2014 4:10:35 PM

"Play az you jerks." So they can play to 50 people?? You're lucky anyone hits that shit state on tour. It's the fcking worst. Actually, it's not as bad as New Mex, which you'd pretty much have to go through to hit AZ so skipping both is really the way to go.

anonymous 3/27/2014 12:47:57 PM

"Pelican is boring" says me. again. 30 years old having never heard Emmure and saying Pelican is fcking boring.

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