Post CommentGood. Wish they would get the "Lost In Kowloon" era vocalist back though.
SO fckING HEAVY. Lost.. was such a heavy album. Pretty crazy victory put it out. Last time I saw them was in 03' or 04' at Cricket club in NJ.
I was on board until they announced the producer for the album. Gross.
Nate has to be a part of this. Hes probably the one who recruited Pat from FFAA.
and will is ex-FFAA so obv Nate is involved
will isnt ex ffaa, will is still a member of the band.
news I can't hate on, waited many years for something like this
will putney writes a shitty album for 20k. album flops. band members die.
I was giving up. Never heard of POW till I saw this post. These guys are fcking awesome! Real deal shit right here.
These dudes were ok when they were active 10 years ago, and I'm stoked for them to be back, yea that's how bad it is now.
Actual relevant and good news. Excited to hear the new material.
SO fckING HEAVY. Lost..<---what album are you typing about? left in kowloon? was such a heavy album. Pretty crazy victory put it out. Last time I saw them was in 03' or 04' at Cricket club in NJ.
anonymous4 days ago Is Nate a part of this?! I would assume so, since every couple years when they reunite in Toledo he is in it.
Finally, good metalcore is starting to revive itself.
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Is Nate a part of this?!