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Premonitions Of War

6/11/2020 Premonitions Of War guitarist arrested with $1.9 million in cash
10/27/2019 Walls Of Jericho drummer arrested with 650 lbs of marijuana
6/16/2015 Don't Call It A Fest 2015 lineup finalized
4/22/2014 Premonitions of War members among brawl arrests
11/8/2013 Premonitions of War news and notes
3/25/2010 Premonitions Of War tour dates
5/19/2007 Premonitions Of War returns
3/23/2007 Through The Eyes Of The Dead reveals new singer
4/4/2005 Premonitions Of War drop off tour
3/9/2005 POW, Despised Icon, Ion Dissonance tour (CAN)
12/28/2004 Premonitions Of War lose another member
12/7/2004 Premonitions Of War find new drummer
12/5/2004 Walls Of Jericho, POW, Bury Your Dead dates
11/26/2004 Premonitions Of War look to replace drummer
10/7/2004 Premonitions Of War, Embrace Today dates
9/16/2004 POW, Embrace Today, Ion Dissonance tour
7/29/2004 Premonitions Of War, Misery Signals, etc. tour
7/4/2004 Burnt By The Sun, Premonitions Of War tour
4/28/2004 Premonitions Of War news and notes
2/1/2004 Morbid Angel, Premonitions Of War, etc. tour
12/29/2003 Morbid Angel, Premonitions Of War, etc. tour
12/21/2003 Premonitions Of War and Benumb split
12/15/2003 Breather Resist, POW, and BBTS tour dates
12/11/2003 Premonitions Of War, Embrace Today, BYD
11/30/2003 Premonitions Of War update
10/22/2003 Premonitions Of War, A Perfect Murder tour
9/16/2003 GUTG, Daughters, The Bled, etc. tour
9/15/2003 Premonitions Of War set to enter studio
7/30/2003 Premonitions Of War, The Red Chord split
7/11/2003 Premonitions Of War split info, tour dates
6/4/2003 The Red Chord, POW, BDM, etc. tour dates
5/20/2003 Victory Records signs Premonitions Of War
4/1/2003 Premonitions Of War news and notes
8/23/2002 Premonitions Of War news and notes
7/14/2002 Every Time I Die and P.O.W. split update
7/1/2002 Premonitions Of War finish new MCD
7/31/2001 Goodfellow inks Premonitions Of War

News Tidbits
6/19/2009 Premonitions of War will reportedly play a reunion show on September 4th at Frankie's Inner City in Toledo, OH.
10/7/2005 Premonitions Of War are currently writing a new album for Victory Records.
1/16/2005 Premonitions Of War, Ion Dissonance, and Despised Icon will be touring Canada from March 31st to April 21st.
3/16/2004 Premonitions Of War vocalist Brad Wharton has reportedly been replaced by Deadwater Drowning's Nate Johnson.

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