Post CommentI, The Greedier. Music isn't a business, dumbfck, it's art. jerks like you turn it into a business.
LOL now there's an "Under" the Skylines? this is just too cute
So the singer of this shitty band is going to give other bands career advice. Sounds like a plan, good luck with that!
This guy managing you is like being managed by an ape.. Should be called Monkey Management.
"and watch them either fail or grow." --------> fail watching fail
Whose genius idea was this? Honestly, this band has never made good music or been a commercial success. I understand how guys like Adam D. and Tim Lambesis have taken young bands under their wing but those guys actually SUCCEEDED in the business. Please, kids, don't let some moron like this from a mediocre band promise to launch your career.
maybe you should learn how to write a proper press release first, idiot.
" Its something many people never get the chance to experience." i get the chance to see bands fail all the time. and it is glorious.
I, the now-justified unemployed mother's bastufft dweller
When did commas become the thing? Who let this happen?
plan on making this company grow into a dominant future music industry titan. Keep your eyes peeled for us because WE WILL be making an impact on this music industry, Theirs no doubt in my mind… Its just a matter of time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
get some airbags, this shit is gonna crash and burn in 5-4-3......
This guy managing you is like being managed by an ape.. Should be called Monkey Management. fcking hilarious
This man has been trying to make it for years and knows what it take to do so after countless year of hard work. Dont be jealous because hes living his dream and you have nothing to do with your life besides bash other people dedication. I bet atleast half of the commenting on this shit works retail or at fast food joints so eff off. Hes providing a helping hand to bands. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met and cares about other people as well
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its spelled PHASES. dumbass.