OhMyCar is Trind
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/2/2021 10:02:19 AM
its a stock picture of a waterbear because bird brain didn't know what a waterbear was until he googled it.
Barbara 12/2/2021 10:06:50 AM
I don't think scraping the decades worth of Cheeto dust from his lungs should really garner any sympathy. should have died on the table.
Barbara 12/2/2021 10:07:30 AM
imagine having a scrape with death and the first thing you do is come to a dead message board to make the shittiest jokes and 'f*ck with people'. pathetic
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/2/2021 10:09:56 AM
what if OhMyCar is a scorned one night stand of evil_heros?
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/2/2021 10:10:13 AM
I still say Trind, which is solely based on that statements insult value.
_d0thack_ 12/2/2021 10:15:37 AM
I'm not giving the guy credit but he types much better English. It isn't him no matter how retarded they equally are.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/2/2021 10:17:14 AM
It's Trind until it posts a picture or explains which run off user it is, or if it is something else. Until then it is a Trind.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/2/2021 10:19:15 AM
What if it's Kyle Rittenhouse? Do you think Portslob would start simping for it?