OhMyCar is Trind
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/1/2021 5:44:44 PM
It is now up to the accused, either one, to present absolute hard and tangible proof this isn't true.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/1/2021 5:55:30 PM
hmmm, hold on bull brb, i just got home and this was playing in my house. it's a nice song, i looked it up, u might like it?
OhMyCar 12/2/2021 5:06:16 AM
It is now up to the accused, either one, to present absolute hard and tangible proof this isn't true.
Watch as the schemer inverts western jurisprudence. love it!
butlerianjihad 12/2/2021 8:38:23 AM
I don't know if trind could do that unless he's trolling reddit kids fo...oh wait
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/2/2021 8:52:36 AM
y'all never fully accept the depths of which the depraved mind of this fool can endeavor. i mean, either that or ohmycar is a waterbear that somehow learned to use the internet. it's THE only answer.