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Webby deletes bad comments about trannies in hardcore bands

OhMyCar 9/23/2021 3:20:47 AM
But can't get his act together to eliminate actual forum spam

BULLHEAD 9/23/2021 4:18:46 AM
Do you guys still think it's cool to say mean things on the internet?

gamecube 9/23/2021 4:32:36 AM
"trannies". nothing but class from "ohmycar". I'm sure your mother is disappointed.

_d0thack_ 9/23/2021 5:06:28 AM

easyhateoven 9/23/2021 5:08:49 AM
i think tranny was a category on sublime directory. when did it become a slur?

BULLHEAD 9/23/2021 5:29:48 AM
I thought it was a car thing

AnalButt 9/23/2021 5:44:41 AM
Damn. Forgot about sublime directory. RIP

OhMyCar 9/23/2021 5:54:59 AM
BULLHEAD 1 hour ago Do you guys still think it's cool to say mean things on the internet? everyone used "tranny" pre-Bruce Jenner's publicity stunt. congrats on accepting the government/mass media mind virus, I guess.

easyhateoven 9/23/2021 6:01:33 AM
AnalButt 16 minutes ago Damn. Forgot about sublime directory. RIP i know, i jerked off so much to that site

Portslob 9/23/2021 6:05:54 AM
I seriously plead ignorance.. what are we supposed to call trannies now?

easyhateoven 9/23/2021 6:08:09 AM
yeah i was yelled at in a business meeting for busting out tranny once. wtf is this world coming to

AnalButt 9/23/2021 6:08:27 AM
Mentally ill

Barbara 9/23/2021 6:31:04 AM
Board is really really f*cking bad lately.

carveyournamein 9/23/2021 6:34:29 AM

AnalButt 9/23/2021 6:35:21 AM
Because you haven't been posting, Barb