somebody took the snare drum from St. Anger and put it on 'Master of Puppets'
Everybody knows how shitty the snare drum sounds on the Metallica album, St. Anger. It's the stuff of legends. This week a brazen YouTube user took said snare tone and put it on the Metallica classic "Master of Puppets." The result is as amusing as it is disturbing. Behold, "Master of Puppets (St. Anger version)."
[thanks, Metalsucks]
[thanks, Metalsucks]
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5/27/2015 5:44:15 PM
Dumb. Not that actual snare... probably a machine, or someone playing along? May explain that double snare effect.
5/28/2015 4:49:54 AM
Bruh, its just a sampled snare from St. Anger overlayed over the whole track. Of course there are two snares.
5/28/2015 5:09:44 AM
I remember it sounding a lot more annoying than this. This is slightly bearable
5/28/2015 5:56:22 AM
similar snare tone, but it lacks that annoying empty paint can sound/ring to it
5/28/2015 7:43:42 AM
OMG! Make it stop!!!! The horror! The horror!!! It was bad enough in st. Anger! Please for the love of all that holy in the metal world someone stop this! And destroy Lars' snare. Please, we all want him gone and replaced, but they treat him like family so we can at least destroy that snare...
LOL first LOL