BlogMay 11, 2015 2:30 PM ET

watch a naked guy tear up the mosh pit

This past weekend, Philadelphia band Varials held an EP release show in Willow Grove, PA. Not only were there boogie board attacks, but some guy took off all of his clothes and proceeded to play mosh pit agitator. Hopefully, this is not the start of a new trend. Video below. (update 1: YouTube removed the video after 40,000 views, so we've attempted to use Facebook) (update 2: Facebook has done the same after 10,000 views) (update 3: we've made some adjustments to the video and re-uploaded to YouTube)

By the way, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we will continue to add shitty videos like the one below.

UPDATE: Our video was featured on nationally syndicated television show RightThisMinute a few days ago. You can watch the clip below:


Post Comment
anonymous 5/11/2015 11:41:16 AM

Wow! How gay!

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:41:45 AM

naked dude is just punching people. that is not moshing

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:44:51 AM

i'm so proud to say i witnessed this in person

vagisilcreem 5/11/2015 11:46:03 AM

I hope this is a start of a new trend.

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:48:00 AM

Think this is becoming a trend Saw everytime I die at the Asbury lanes and a dude jumped on stage butt naked and stage dived

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:50:17 AM

this is ruins my faith in humanity

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:51:23 AM

That's Pennsylvania badassery

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:54:18 AM

don't be pussies, read the article "mosh pit agitator" sageA AIN'T MOSHIN

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:55:21 AM

Show was fcking lit I love all the 308 crew - Jake Nichol

anonymous 5/11/2015 11:55:57 AM

Gay boy east coast ish lol

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:16:16 PM

Y'all callin him gay are pussies he the one that's man enough to show all the hunnies his dick and whip ass while flexin

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:16:39 PM

I hope this is a start of a new trend

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:18:25 PM

nice butt

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:23:46 PM

I don't think there's enough flyers jerseys...

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:23:56 PM

Annoying dudes from the area are stoked on the 3 millimeter peter which no girls care about and extra cool mosh. Shit bands shit kids. You are now also a pedophile.

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:24:29 PM

This guy is a sav. Gay? Even if he was, he's still a fcking sav

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:30:53 PM

#308 "clique" thinks they made it in life because they made to the blog section in lambgoat. No real value to life, band will be managed by Jeff Mesage and open up for gift giver on weekends and will think they made it again. -Jared Pirelli

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:35:38 PM

Straight killin

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:45:36 PM

Jared thinks he made it because he beatd a girl and doesn't show up to shows anymore

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:46:37 PM


anonymous 5/11/2015 12:47:04 PM

Jared thinks he made it because he beatd a girl and doesn't show up to shows anymore

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:47:42 PM

Goat in the pit and the dude who pissed in his own mouth was cooler.

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:48:26 PM

Shut up jared ^ youre a rapist and you bear women. Your opinion is invalid and you deserve to be shot.

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:49:43 PM

Wow look at all the people who hate fun

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:50:19 PM

Open at my palace now that fame no presale - Croc Rock Tom

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:54:01 PM

pretty sure that dude isn't jared, considering he spelled his last name wrong...

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:56:05 PM

Trust me guys...he's not gay lol

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:56:33 PM

I'd be that angry too if my dick was that small

anonymous 5/11/2015 12:59:37 PM

What is this mans name for fcks sake. I moshed naked & I am proud of him haha

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:05:40 PM

This is nothing new.

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:08:58 PM

What in the actual fck did I just watch???

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:10:48 PM

Pretty straight sage of him to just straight deck fcking people in the face for no reason. That not moshing, thats not "hardcore dancing", thats just being a fcking jerk for no reason. Naked part was cool tho! Also, was that a dude smashing people over the head with a table or chair?

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:11:56 PM

Too many flyers jerseys Go Blackhawks

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:13:50 PM


anonymous 5/11/2015 1:16:54 PM

All of you saying "how gay" 1) I hope your children end up being gay since it's being used as an insult from you. 2) you're just jealous you don't have the balls to flop your flaccid dick around in a super hot venue. How are you going to call someone's dick small if you've never seen that buhl with Atleast a chub? Chill out haters.

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:18:47 PM

IS IT A TABLE!? IS IT A CHAIR?! Nope it's just some boogie board SAVAGRY.

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:29:46 PM

i totally would have sucked him off in the middle of the floor while giving him a reach around, then when he was done blowing his load all over my face, i would run around wiping my shitstink finger under everyones noses. i would then shower and masturbate to thought of this video while putting soap in my peehole.

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:36:14 PM

Come to the 308 and get your skull cracked by naked duck and a boogie board.

horseheadxbookends 5/11/2015 1:37:37 PM

philly white trash

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:39:31 PM

Hard mosh and naked people happen all the time at shows, in PA no less. Why is this hype? Pop music

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:45:38 PM

Jared Pilieri is not stoked

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:46:25 PM

Varroa is not stoked.

anonymous 5/11/2015 1:59:54 PM

This is so fcking tight. East coast hardcore is fcking king.

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:03:52 PM

How many ducks does it take to crowd kill naked?

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:05:29 PM

Some dude already did this for the Holy Molar dvd. The vocalist called him out for being a try hard hipster. That was eight years ago.

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:09:03 PM

One duck

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:09:14 PM

anonymous posted 5 minutes ago This is so fcking tight. East coast hardcore is fcking king. "hardcore" lol riiiiiiiiight...

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:09:14 PM

Nothing says underground like official NHL merch in droves.

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:19:36 PM

oooooooh killem

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:30:53 PM

Trophies were handed out in the end of the show lmao I love my friends

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:36:52 PM

There is literally nothing bad ass about this kid and his small ass dick. Annoying ass gays such as himself are the reason people get in fights and eventually get local venues shut down. All this kid wants is attention, probably didn't get enough growing up...instead of actually listening to what these bands have to offer. We are all entitled to our opinion so I don't give a fck about the negative shit that's most likely going to tread after I post this.

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:42:33 PM

Naked moshing had been going on for a couple years in the Detroit scene. just never caught on video haha

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:45:27 PM

No one cares about your recycled wanna be demolisher band, 2007 is stoked, dudes who fck other dudes are stoked

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:50:18 PM

Im from pa and when a life once lost was just a local band playing polanka park there was a guy that was at every show that moshed naked, cant be the same dude as that was like 13 years ago and that dudes probably close to 40 now

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:50:51 PM

if you live in Pennsylvania I'm going to assume you're enough of a gay to enjoy this.

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:53:04 PM

"this is ruins my faith in humanity" you ruin my "faith" in humanity with your horrible grammar

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:53:53 PM

So all that separates this from being an assault/sex crime is the fact that shitty hard music was playing loudly while it happened? Got it.

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:59:47 PM

Wait...this music is still around? What year is it?

anonymous 5/11/2015 2:59:52 PM

I fcking hate "bro-core" bands. There is nothing hard about this. A bunch of swag gays tryin to impress underage girls.

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:01:40 PM

Bet those dudes in the flyer jerseys can't even name five players. Dude who got naked is the reason why some people don't go to shows. That's not moshing, that's being an jerk. fck all of those guys.

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:02:35 PM

You guys must be new. This is definitely not the first time a naked dude has danced at a show. Seen this shit a million times. Newbies.

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:09:09 PM

So guys are calling him gay; yet talking about his peen??? hypocritical. Show looked great, and this is hilarious. Love, Naimo. fck being anon.

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:09:47 PM

I think it would have been even funnier if he had a big fcking dong swinging at his knees.

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:16:30 PM

Never been to a show where a dude got naked. Lol @ everyone saying this happens all the time. You guys must live in homo cities. Do you suck each other off after the show is finished?

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:48:48 PM

Hate mosh is dumb and if you crowd kill on anyone who's not someone you know is cool with it, you're a part of the problem. Keep being negative and putting bullshit into your heads and you're going nowhere fast. Negativity isn't cool, and bro-hardcore is uncreative. Brought to you by the guy that's too old for shows anymore.

anonymous 5/11/2015 3:51:21 PM


anonymous 5/11/2015 4:05:10 PM

10/10 would reccommend

anonymous 5/11/2015 4:38:17 PM

Too much wtf in one video

buzzsaw 5/11/2015 4:38:25 PM

I got naked moshed hard at CDC/dysphoria shows in Lansdale a decade ago. Step it up bitch bois. Let's see some hard rear on the floor

anonymous 5/11/2015 4:45:35 PM

Nice vans

anonymous 5/11/2015 4:47:15 PM

a band named varials and yet none of them skate, posers.

anonymous 5/11/2015 5:01:40 PM

Nothing new about this. This happened at CBGB's all the time back in the day. There used to be a guy with "Naked Army" written in marker on his chest. Saw this happen at a Zao show down south.

X_C 5/11/2015 5:06:17 PM

this is pretty dumb, but not as dumb as the retarded sages coming on here talking about crews. suburban gays,

anonymous 5/11/2015 5:27:08 PM

anonymous posted 2 hours ago I fcking hate "bro-core" bands. There is nothing hard about this. A bunch of swag gays tryin to impress underage girls. -nah he got caught and kicked out awhile ago. So your like 20% right..

anonymous 5/11/2015 5:29:45 PM

I heard Doug, skeeter, roger, pork chop bebe, chalkie and mr bone where at the show

anonymous 5/11/2015 5:38:13 PM

Wow whoever said they were there is a fcking gay what kind of a gay as show is this? People just punching each other? So hardcore should just stop making music and jerk each other off instead I hope I never have the unfortunate possibility of any people at this show or band set foot in my town

anonymous 5/11/2015 5:45:25 PM

If this skinny fat fck came near me, not only would I stomp him the fck out, I'd also have him arrested. This country is fcked.

anonymous 5/11/2015 5:49:34 PM

What an jerk! Wants to show off, he ain't big though. Froot! Do not let this become a thing.

anonymous 5/11/2015 6:30:56 PM

Lol, this is some unusual stuff. Ive seen a naked guy mosh before. Call the cops and get fcked up. hardcore has taken a weird turn. I can understand this at a bulldoze show but not a hardcore show. The naked stuff is just hilarious though.

anonymous 5/11/2015 6:39:13 PM

Gainesville fest 2000 featured nude moshers and when curl up and die played at hellfest 2001 there was some too. this isn't anything new or clever. pretty gay though.

anonymous 5/11/2015 6:43:59 PM

this band sucks that dude sucks and all of this shit sucks i hate white people and shitty ass hardcore like this, wish those idiots would just go back to christian metalcore or some shit fck all of them those dumbass jock pussies

anonymous 5/11/2015 7:00:32 PM

when I did a tour with arsonists gets all the girls, they told people to get naked every night and people would be moshing bare nude. not the first rodeo.

anonymous 5/11/2015 7:19:01 PM

fckin sage hate moshers.

anonymous 5/11/2015 7:36:37 PM

Ugh I can tell I'm growing out of this scene.. shit just seems so lame now. Like...why. I don't get it. fck I'm getting old, that sucks.

anonymous 5/11/2015 7:48:13 PM

The most rediculous thing from that video was the Flyers jersey.

anonymous 5/11/2015 7:51:33 PM

Gayest part of that whole video were all the Flyers jerseys.

anonymous 5/11/2015 7:57:00 PM

It shouldn't be an option to be anon on the Internet. I know I am right now because I don't feel like making an account but come to one of our shows in PA and see how hard you get your ass beat for gay bashing in the first place. There's nothing homoerotic about being naked. Seriously. Stop being so uncomfortable with your sexuality old fcks. If the music is too loud just get the fck out. It's simple. He did this because his friends asked him to. For a music video. Come see us.

anonymous 5/11/2015 8:47:07 PM

my name is jared pilates and the black lives dont matter

anonymous 5/11/2015 9:47:57 PM

Well shit, his friends told him to? Why didnt you say so earlier? This makes it seem way less ridiculous and juvenile seeing as how his friends asked him to! Oh, and your music isn't too heavy or too loud, it sucks too damn much. I would tell you to try harder, but you're clearly already an established try hard. So how about this, get talent.

truthstar 5/11/2015 9:49:18 PM

One time i crowd surfed at a Limp Wrist show only to be joined by two dude butt naked with their junk in my face. fckING LOVE THE MOSH. :)

anonymous 5/11/2015 10:09:40 PM

When I hear or see ducky I always think of duck duck splooge. Haha Good times.

anonymous 5/12/2015 12:06:50 AM

This Guy is my fcking hero. Haha

anonymous 5/12/2015 12:11:31 AM

And it seems like people need to get a sense of humor, Jesus Christ you're all whiny fcking babies.

anonymous 5/12/2015 3:42:20 AM

gay music for gay people with naked gay hero. ???????

anonymous 5/12/2015 3:58:27 AM

I guess if someone stabs you with a knife / shoots you with a gun / beats your girlfriend / etc., while inside a mosh pit, then it's a-ok because you shouldn't be in the pit if you can't handle it? Good to know, morons.

anonymous 5/12/2015 4:45:04 AM

Why is that dude punching people? Pretty lame. Give them a few years and they will all feel like giant idiots. Doesn't look like a good time.

mEATyD 5/12/2015 4:49:22 AM

At least you didn't have to witness naked two-step. Nude mosh isn't new.

anonymous 5/12/2015 6:41:40 AM

1. Naked moshing is not new. 2. Punching people is not moshing it is you being an jerk 3. You won't hate mosh/punch people if 20 of your friends where not at the show to have your back 4.One day someone will punch you back harder then you can punch them. 5. Noting about this video is hardcore just a bunch of dicks being dicks. 6. Tell me your names and we can meet face to face and I will tell you what I really think about you cool dance moves.

anonymous 5/12/2015 6:46:48 AM

gg allin did this years ago. try shitting and eating it then come back ya gayg0t.

anonymous 5/12/2015 6:47:51 AM

baby dick, take a bomb to philly. place is an eye sore.

anonymous 5/12/2015 7:28:10 AM

i was there! crowd killing is lame, just two step and leave people the fck alone.

anonymous 5/12/2015 8:03:58 AM

If you don't like that kind of heavy music, of course you're not gonna like Varials. As for this dudes dick, and hate moshing, do you see anyone in the video mad over it? No. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. You all Wanna get big dicks over, "Oh naked moshing isn't new. That's not moshing. Gay. Gay. Gay." You're all just funny when you whine. Shows you're incapable of having any fun at all. From NY to PA, much love. Let the haters hate, and we will windmill our c-cks for them.

anonymous 5/12/2015 8:14:24 AM

well it's either shitty hippie crap or that guy has to be adored for totally letting it go ie expressing himself without any regards for judgement which is true punk. ok, i bet it's hippie crap

anonymous 5/12/2015 8:49:40 AM

> Noting about this video is hardcore TRUE

anonymous 5/12/2015 9:35:58 AM

Naked is always better than a Flyers jersey!

anonymous 5/12/2015 10:21:01 AM

Claude Giroux touches men's butts.

anonymous 5/12/2015 11:24:20 AM

these comments are hilarious. haha. love you ducky!

anonymous 5/12/2015 1:00:56 PM

who cares if he's naked, that's not moshing. This would have bee a funny video if he was doing kickflips and floorpunches. running around punching people is just stupid, and when I say that it's not funny, I don't mean "that's mean.." I mean it's not funny as in "adam sandler movies in this decade are not funny."

anonymous 5/12/2015 2:00:27 PM

I remember my first beer!

anonymous 5/12/2015 2:30:07 PM

I don't care if he is naked youre gonna get knocked out if you're just punching people

anonymous 5/12/2015 3:45:37 PM

Idiots like that are the reason I don't go to hardcore shows anymore. It just ruins the experience. I want to go to a show to have fun and support a good band not get punched or slapped in the face with someone's dick.

anonymous 5/12/2015 4:19:38 PM

So everyone is a hockey fan now in hardcore?

anonymous 5/12/2015 4:27:54 PM

This is insane. This is not what hardcore is about. Furthermore, what the hell prompts you to get naked at a show? This is public indecency and is technically a crime. There is nothing cool with this, and unfortunately I am sure there were underage girls at the show. And if you think about it, you're kinda like the Kardashians. You have no talent but get a lot of attention for showing the goods.

Sn00py 5/12/2015 4:38:01 PM

It's 2015 and honestly if you don't practice these types of moves at shows then you are a fcking pssy. Stay home and listen to your records, pussies.

anonymous 5/12/2015 5:23:20 PM

I thank God each and every day that I gave up on "hardcore" so many years ago. You kids are so fcking lame.

anonymous 5/12/2015 7:41:54 PM

Yeah if being a pssy and staying home means not getting repeatedly punched in the face while trying to watch a show, and have to watch tools act tough by hitting people (some of whom are probably underage and not looking to get beat down) then, fine. I have no problem with moshing or dancing as I have done my share of both when I was younger and didn't have to go to work the next day feeling like shit but this is just meathead violence.

anonymous 5/12/2015 7:47:14 PM

And don't even act like you would be doing this shit if thirty of your douche friends weren't around ready to pounce and gang beat anyone who had a problem with getting hit in the face intentionally for no reason other than to look tough.

anonymous 5/13/2015 10:41:22 AM

Where are his pubes

anonymous 5/13/2015 10:43:40 AM

The proper etiquette would be to sck his dck

anonymous 5/14/2015 1:57:41 AM

This video because at least 500 times funnier once they added the white circle in a hurried attempt to cover his ass and schlong (or lack thereof).

anonymous 5/14/2015 10:57:50 PM

did anyone else not see the fat dude smashing a chair on people before the naked dude? lol sweet ass show!

anonymous 5/16/2015 1:23:03 PM

Hardcore music: more gay than disco

anonymous 5/16/2015 2:20:57 PM

Someone beat this kid's ass and video it

anonymous 5/16/2015 4:50:54 PM

fcking stupid white trash trying to be cool! Fail!

estep 5/16/2015 5:28:34 PM


anonymous 5/17/2015 1:29:10 AM

On broken wings is proud.

anonymous 5/17/2015 8:40:41 AM

white cis male privilege to the max. yay patriarchy.

anonymous 5/18/2015 6:14:36 AM

How has nobody commented on that guy bashing the crowd with a chair? Hardcore has been circling the drain, and this video is definitive proof of that. This only confirms my decisions to skip shows and avoid being relentlessly beaten by fat bro's with nothing to prove other than what XXL band tee they are wearing of a band no one has ever heard of to increase their, "street cred." Please keep flailing flaccid dicks out of hardcore, both the reproductive organ and the kids.

SN00PY 5/20/2015 12:07:07 AM

Anyone who thinks this is out of the ordinary obviously has never been to a show in their whole entire life

anonymous 5/20/2015 7:01:09 AM

Thanks Varials for finally giving me that extra push to never want to go to a show ever again. Watching or having to worry about some naked dude walking around punching people is literally the worst thing I've seen in 15 years. Especially when the band is legitimately stoked on it. Congratulations dorks.

anonymous 5/20/2015 9:15:44 AM

if i was there i would have kicked this dude in the balls and stomped on him

anonymous 5/22/2015 6:34:30 PM

As one of the only girls there I have to report that it was unpressive...sooooo small no wonders he's so mad with that tiny ween

Urcrewislamefaggot 5/23/2015 9:10:52 AM

That band sounds like nu metal garbage, why are there a bunch of pseudo tough guy flyers fans acting like HC kids at a gay metal show? If anyone pulled this shit in mass they'd have their head split in two. URCREWISLAMEgay! fck outta here... For fans of emmure ass havin sageas!

anonymous 8/8/2016 3:44:49 PM

Jared Pilieri is a multiple account rapist AND has a small dick.