BlogSeptember 14, 2012 2:40 PM ET

We Came As Romans guitarist: "I don't get this Kickstarter trend"

We Came As Romans guitarist Joshua Moore took to Twitter today to express his thoughts on Kickstarter. He's not really a fan.

"When my band was broke and wanted to record an EP, I went and got a job and put almost all of the money I earned towards it. Everyone in the band did. Then we gave it away for free. I'm not trying to bash anyone, but I don't get this Kickstarter trend. Making sacrifices and having NO money was part of trying get somewhere in the industry. My tour friends and I have all been there before. Sorry for the rant. But I just don't get it. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else, and I'm not trying to speak for anyone else... But at least I know we never took the easy route, and did a majority of it with empty pockets but full of pride in what we were doing. No I'm not subtweeting any band. If I had an issue with a specific band or person, I wouldn't put that on Twitter. It's just the idea of it."

What do you think?


Post Comment
xfathersgunx 9/14/2012 12:42:40 PM

We came as romans. We licked our c-m up off the floor as romans. Then we passed it back and forth in our mouths as the romans were said to have done. All this and more we did as the romans.

misinformationage 9/14/2012 12:45:30 PM

Kickstarter is a fantastic way to harness support, both monetary & otherwise, from fans/generous people. Those asking for money HAVE to provide some sort of compensation to the contributors. To insinuate that anyone that doesn't get a second job isn't making sacrifices is silly. Effort, passion & dedication take many forms and if you can hustle with a website to bring your project to fruition then fck yes for being a savvy business person that gets shit done (and "rewards" those who helped)

anonymous 9/14/2012 12:58:45 PM

his pocket = his parents pockets

anonymous 9/14/2012 1:11:38 PM

This guy is seriously such a fcking little bitch. Have you seen their tour videos? Oh wait probably not. You are pathetic. Check me out im going to cry to the world that my band didn't get a handout like others did. Nice clue you fcking tool.

anonymous 9/14/2012 3:16:18 PM

everyone in michigan has fcked all of your girlfriends, shut up you whiny little bitch. You've almost been kicked out of the band so many times because you are a gay

anonymous 9/14/2012 7:18:44 PM

This guy is constantly trying to remind us that he's totally, absolutely, undeniably, without question NOT talking about Confide...

anonymous 9/14/2012 7:45:23 PM

He and his band did take the easy route. They write shit music that's been done to death. fck THIS gay

Adolf_Bernanke 9/14/2012 8:53:51 PM

he is letting the scum post on this article so he expects a shitstorm so dont disappoint

truthstar 9/15/2012 7:27:26 AM

Kickstarter is for that sub genre of music I like to call, "mainstream punk". It's ridiculous that bands think that they need thousands of dollars to record and put something out, seriously. Recording isn't expensive nor is putting something out on a CD or even record, make your money to do more by touring, it's the only true way anyone is going to give a fck about your band and be prepared to do a lot of touring too.

anonymous 9/15/2012 11:13:29 AM

I'm kinda behind In the times, but what is kickstarter?

anonymous 9/15/2012 12:43:55 PM

the people that people are commenting on this is stupid, like his opinion is important

anonymous 9/15/2012 9:43:37 PM

Personally, I agree with his opinion regardless of who he is and what band he's from. I remember putting out my first demo in 2006, recording an album in 2007 and so on - the money came straight from me working sometimes two jobs to fund one hobby which in the end, while leaving me with some great memories, left me just as broke as I came in. I don't think Kickstarter is learning from my mistakes, just abusing stupid people.

anonymous 9/17/2012 10:57:23 AM

if your band wasn't so terrible i might take what you have to say into consideration. maybe you should start a kickstarter to get some dudes to write better songs for you.

anonymous 9/19/2012 10:41:44 AM

what the fck is kickstarter?!

anonymous 9/23/2012 5:21:38 PM

Amanda Palmer is an established artist that used Kickstarter to fund her new album without a major label. I think this is a great way to take power back from the monolithic corporations that have control of mainstream music right now.