Post CommentBorn of Osiris and Belay My Last are sick. what kind of fcking tour is this. its like 4 states.
why aren't the warriors headlining this
hahah first SS headlines over WOJ and now ABRB are. And why the hell would Warriors headline this?! ABRB draw so many fcking kids
this tour is so shitty i dont even know what to say about it. and how the hell does as blood runs black headline tour. its disgusting.
theres like a balding 40 year old mexican in as blood runs black... HAHAHAHAHA
Belay My Last is really cool, though i do think that the tour can do without WOJ and Warriors, because the bill just doesn't seem right
How is that piece of shit band playing over woj and the warriors.
the faceless ripoff band aka born of osiris, fcking suck so much ass....i'm glad this tour is staying WAY the fck away from chicago. gays. all of them. get AIDS.
lol... are they really headlining this?
i'm glad i'm not a gay so I don't get excited for this shit.
fryin_cojax 10/12/2007 8:28:42 PM "the faceless ripoff band aka born of osiris" that would be valid if born of osiris hadn't wrote 80% of their material before the faceless was even a band
born of osiris fcking sucks, nice drum machine gays.
lol at born of osiris ripping off the faceless
marching_band_rules 10/12/2007 5:10:25 PM why aren't the warriors headlining this / / / / // BECAUSE THE WARRIORS SUCK.
born of osirus sounds nothing like the faceless you idiots.
Walls is the only band worth a damn on this! It's sad to see them have to open for this CRAP after all the years they've been around.
"marching_band_rules 10/12/2007 5:10:25 PM why aren't the warriors headlining this" because they fcking suck. the true question is why are as blood runs black headlining this, especially over WOJ.
this tour is fcking sick! well except the warriors, they seriously suck shit. oh and to the people who post that all the bands suck on this tour, what the fck? if you're not going why say something?
born of osiris fcking rules good tour, come to PA
walls of jericho should never play before this band
just like you shouldn't be booking bands^
^ Just like you have a dck in your mouth. Tour sucks other than WOJ.
are you retarded...? boo doesnt use a drum machine, youre obviously thinking of abrb...
Hey, Warriors! Come to the fcking east coast god damnit!
ABRB, please get a new name. There used to be a kick ass band from upstate NY called Blood Runs Black back in the late 90's. I haven't heard ABRB, but I bet they suck.
that san jose show has a potential to be the worse on the whole tour. fck the fools who run san jose skate. they better put that whole show on the rink and not throw us in a corner or something gay
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first post. might go to see teh warriorszzzzzzz!