Post CommentIn other news, the human torch was denied a bank loan.
Truely an aweful band. However, I really don't think the singer of Bound In Blood has any right to comment on their shittyness as BIB ties Final Burden for shittiest Socal band.
gaygoat, that is some funny but true shit. talking shit on a fellow local band that was way better than u guys ever were
It's funny how there are just as many SHITTY bands as SHITTY labels so it evens itself out in the world of SHITTY music!
hahah took this gay band long enough, these d00ders would of made up their own record company just to claim that they were signed.. hahah keep touring with scars of tomorrow you fcks!!
^^ stupid fcking wasted up band groupie right here
yea these guys suck. maybe a better recording will do them more justice. and better songs.
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