NewsSeptember 12, 2005 1:06 AM ET8,247 views

Robotic Empire signs two bands

Official press release (Robotic Empire): CAPSULE Miami, Florida commands a lot of respect in the heart of Robotic Empire with several of its offspring joining our roster over the years (Tyranny of Shaw, Torche and now Shitstorm as well). We are proud to welcome its young sons known only as Capsule. This trio plays furious and interesting tunes of blistering proportions, combining everything from super thick riffs with frantic blasts to mellow melodic guitars that meander into jazzy interludes or suddenly collapse into thunderous maelstroms. These comrades have served time in both Tunes For Bears and Tyranny of Shaw, but the new sounds they've created are unlike anything we've heard before. It is *almost* reminiscent to a few heavy screamo bands of the past in the technical/off-kilterness of Jerome's Dream or Love Lost But Not Forgotten, but taking it WAY up a notch without piercing vocals, instead opting for an innovative unison-sung triple-vocal assault that is somehow both quite grabbing and simultaneously haunting. We are absolutely thrilled to be working with Capsule as their demo has more or less completely blown us away, and will be releasing a full-length CD with them early next year. In the meantime, we highly encourage you to check them out as a demo MP3 can be found here. ULTRA DOLPHINS Having known these dudes for many, many years now (ten for one member!), we couldn't really be much happier to be working with our longtime pals, the Ultra Dolphins! Another power-trio to add to the fold, these Philly/NY/Richmond dudes are an absolute clobberhouse that somehow channels an incredible amount of styles to create a very passionate, noisy and unforgiving blend of post-hardcore, punk, indie, rock and way more. We're talking Jesus Lizard, Fugazi, Led Zeppelin, Frodus, Shellac, Hella, Snack Truck (with whom they share members) and just plain ol' pummeling rock in general. The live energy this band exhumes is completely uncontrollable and we are beyond stoked to have them on board! Ultra Dolphins are joining the label with a bang in the form of TWO full-length releases right off the bat! Coming out early next year, one disc will be a collection of their Self-Titled EPs that have been wondrously remastered at Silver Sonya (the place Dischord remastered the bulk of their catalog). The other will be a brand new full-length recorded by Laferrera (Gregor Samsa, Stop It!!) and promises to be an absolute scorcher. In the meantime, you can hear two (unmastered) MP3s from the EPs right here.


Post Comment

paradigm 9/11/2005 10:08:42 PM


mikecole 9/11/2005 10:10:08 PM

the ultra dolphins are a lot of fun

deadlyrhythm 9/11/2005 10:11:18 PM

ultra dolphins are awesome.

xJessex 9/11/2005 10:27:05 PM

this capsule band is good. the vocals arent as original as they describe, but still cool

xJessex 9/11/2005 10:37:11 PM

ultra dolphins are pretty damn cool as well

Randy305 9/11/2005 10:45:20 PM

cant wait to see Capsule play with El Minotaur on 9/17, shits gonna be fun!

fnffishcore 9/11/2005 10:57:33 PM

I just might be enjoying this Capsule stuff more than Tyranny of Shaw...

whitelambpowergoat 9/11/2005 11:16:23 PM

awesome bands, ultra dolphins have always been one of my favs

Randy305 9/11/2005 11:26:43 PM

Tyranny Of Shaw comeback show 9/25 @THe Alley, cant wait!! (what wishes cant mend and adore miridia reunions! whoooo!!)

Randy305 9/11/2005 11:27:12 PM

^^^benefit for those in new orleans

fedism 9/12/2005 12:05:08 AM

ultra fckin dolphins

solideogloria 9/12/2005 12:06:18 AM

I need to get back in the scene. what the hell is capsule? and who's in it? Not ricky, right?

hotaction 9/12/2005 2:52:23 AM

ultra dolphins are fcking great. saw them in dc like a year ago

emoxfag 9/12/2005 4:33:52 AM

whats a clobberhouse?

stingsweed 9/12/2005 5:44:08 AM

that wasn't an official press release, cause it didn't have the []. man you guys are so fcking dumb.

HumanSteamroller 9/12/2005 5:56:59 AM

For the dude who commented on the lack of "[ ]" you do know what they are don't you? You are so dumb you should fcking gas yourself, prickhead.

Randy305 9/12/2005 7:29:35 AM

CAPSULE is eric from Tyranny/Tunes For Bears, Colin of Tunes For Bears/Dead Lions and Shane of Jesse Washington/Devices

keepthechange 9/12/2005 1:16:48 PM

Error Diagnostic Information

perilsofreasoning 9/12/2005 3:48:27 PM

ultra dolphins=fun guys. can't wait for them to tour

stingsweed 9/12/2005 3:59:40 PM

pfffft, whatever shitroller...i'll be watching you.

fedism 9/12/2005 8:18:15 PM

stingsweed why dont you shut the fck up youlittle gay

stingsweed 9/13/2005 4:10:00 AM

ooooh why don't you eat my nUtz.

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