Year Of The Knife vocalist Madi Watkins takes first steps after accident, may head home soon

Year Of The Knife vocalist Madi Watkins has been steadily making progress in her recovery since the band's severe van accident. Madi, who was initially placed in a medically induced coma after the accident, gained the ability to communicate through a speaking valve placed in her trach after waking from the coma.
Since then, she has been actively participating in physical therapy sessions twice a day focused on her rehabilitation. Recently, Madi achieved a significant milestone by taking her first steps under the guidance of her husband and bandmate, Brandon Watkins.
Brandon shared:
The Watkins family also shared a longer form update to the band's GoFundMe page, outlining the next steps in Madi's journey home.
Madi is working really hard two times a day in occupational, speech and physical Therapy. She's already had surgeries to fix her broken jaw, facial fractures, both femurs, pelvis and ankle. She has fractured and broken just about every bone in her body. She is working hard in PT. She is still not able to sit up or stand on her own. We have been working on standing her on her right leg only. She can't put any weight on her left leg at all because of the broken femur, pelvis, ankle and fractured tibia. This has been a challenge. She also has to be lifted out of bed in a sling to get her in a chair. She had her wires and bar removed from her mouth on August 24 and then her trach removed on the 25th. Enabling her to eat soft foods for the first time since the accident on June 28th. Hopefully her stomach peg tube will come out next.
The most troubling and challenging of her injuries is the trauma to her brain. Right now on the Rancho Los Amigos scale she is a Cognitive (persons thinking and memory skills) Level V - Confused, Inappropriate Non Agitated: Maximal Assistance. You can read more about the cognitive levels here
Madi is silly most of the time but also gets upset and cries. In her condition she still worries about everyone else. She is the sweetest, kindest, strongest and most amazing person.
Madi may be released sometime soon. Though this is comforting to know, it also brings a lot of uncertainties. Getting her home will be difficult. As of now we have no idea if she will be able to walk or sit up on her own. She has braces on both legs and is still in a C collar. She is not able to do even the little things that we take for granted. When we do get her home she will be in a chair. The house will need updates to make it more accessible for her. They still do not have a car.
Aaron and Andy are both walking on crutches and doing okay.
Brandon is learning a lot about what he will need to do to help Madi once they do get home.
The funds raised continue to help the family with the costs involved. Every dollar donated makes a huge difference and we are so unbelievably grateful. Much love and thanks to you all.
Contributions to their GoFundMe campaign are encouraged and will make a difference in easing the financial burden faced by Year Of The Knife and the Watkins family. We wish Madi and the Watkins family the best on their journey back home from Salt Lake City.
Post CommentWhere is the "checkmate 😤" incel who hates the idea of first-world (socialised) healthcare?
Can finally communicate! Gives middle fingers. Trash human.
^ high praise coming from the biggest trash human ever
lol at the old web master still checking in.
"Where is the "checkmate 😤" incel who hates the idea of first-world (socialised) healthcare?" Waiting for dumbasses like you to be triggered by their bullshit. He didn't even have to post and got you. Go take a nap, toddler. Good news, otherwise, for someone who didn't blame falling out of the shower on an "exploding door"
the brother who was driving, following too closely, speeding and texting needs to be arraigned and pay back every dollar on that fundraiser.
^some sort of report has to exist. Where is the journalism on this site
^ lmao dude can't even proofread, you expect RePOrTS??
It only took 20 hours to correct the Emma Booster/Boster mistake for the third time.
Good news about the walking, but disappointing to read that about her head.
This is not a serious website. It's pay-to-play stuff. For sheetrock, by sheetrock.
Ridiculous how fast she is being rushed out of the hospital with that many injuries and still in that condition. My sister in law was in the hospital for a couple of weeks in Japan, just for giving birth, to ensure the mom and baby are ok. Not in America - here is your bill and kicked out when insurance companies dictate so the next basket of money can be "treated"
Gotta give it to her. That's one tough bitch. Full recovery soon in her future. Awesome.
Everyone in the Callous Daoboys is doing fine btw.
Live how shes flipping everyone off she can go f herself
Deleting comments is f*cking stupid. Close the comments if you don't want criticism.
Also, former webmaster put his family on Nanny From Hell or some bullshit retarded show and published all his children, wife, house, etc. So he could get 2 seconds of reality fame. What a f*cking useless, self congratulating c*nt
^ shut the f*ck up, dork 3 posts in a row? lol cry more
yeah. I have never heard her band, but I have spent a lot of time on the road. Things get dicey on the highway. I am genuinely glad she is recovering from the accident. The photos of the wreckage were pretty gnarly. :)
Inkongudunk 20 minutes ago Also, former webmaster put his family on Nanny From Hell or some bullshit retarded show and published all his children, wife, house, etc. So he could get 2 seconds of reality fame. What a f*cking useless, self congratulating c*nt Link?
To the two idiots posting about Japan - just stop now and don't embarrass yourself any further. I have been living in Japan for 20 years - still here right now. Neither of you know what you're talking about. Ssshhh. Checkmate.
I would like to hear from the other band members of YOTK to make sure all of their medical bills were fully paid for, as this GoFundMe was billed as "for all band members", not just Madi. Seems this family expects people to just keep donating forever. You got your $250k, time for everyone to put on your Big Boy Pants and go get multiple jobs, bank loans, and max out those credit cards. The days of playing in a dead-end band are over.
"anonymous 1 hour ago... .....Japan also has zero diversity so they don't need a thousand social/welfare programs to bring low IQ types to their level. When you bring in a low impulse control, high time preference population you cant have nice things (like their healthcare)." ------ On Lambgoat, a post about a US Hardcore singer's recovery after a catastrophic car crash in SLC turns into pontificating EUGENIC racist blather about Japan and it's socialized healthcare. This site is where bottom feeders go to shit.
The healthcare system in Japan is better than nothing at all, but by no means is great or excellent. Those claiming otherwise have never lived here long term and are the same jerkoffs who also claim Japan has "no litter, no crime, and all the people are well mannered." Typical weeaboo fantasy goo-herders.
Aw, some anon is crying because I posted. Eat asspussy, idiot
^ Hey look, it's a talking bottom feeder shit 💩
I sure do live in Japan, dweeb. Ask this poor man's webbie to verify my IP address.
Don't let this take away from the fact that the first comment NAILED IT.
Trach replacement and brain damage.. this band is done. Hopefully she recovers to the point of personal independence. This is actually bad news imo though, because now the extent of her injuries are known. Sounds like it's a miracle she didn't die on impact.
Ridiculous how fast she is being rushed out of the hospital with that many injuries and still in that condition. My sister in law was in the hospital for a couple of weeks in Japan, just for giving birth, to ensure the mom and baby are ok. Not in America - here is your bill and kicked out when insurance companies dictate so the next basket of money can be "treated" ^ Comparing a homogenous, nationalist country, where there is no wellfare and zero immigrants on wellfare, of 125 million to a "diverse" liberal country of 332 million where multiple millions of africans, indians, and middle easterners are all on wellfare is exactly the logic of a liberal. "Muh educathun!!"
>>On Lambgoat, a post about a US Hardcore singer's recovery after a catastrophic car crash in SLC turns into pontificating EUGENIC racist blather about Japan and it's socialized healthcare. I noticed you didn't say he's wrong, just used scare words...
could've been worse. could've been an "exploding" shower door.
Cover your own medical expenses by getting a legitimate job challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
.. wait, do some of you post a comment and then return to argue?? Holy f*ck get a life. Post some ironic shit and forget about it immediately.
oh look someone has zero clue how healthcare actually works. finish those shingles breaks over.
Inkongudunk 12 hours ago Aw, some anon is crying because I posted. Eat asspussy, idiot suck my penis Richard
Inkongudunk 14 hours ago Also, former webmaster put his family on Nanny From Hell or some bullshit retarded show and published all his children, wife, house, etc. So he could get 2 seconds of reality fame. What a f*cking useless, self congratulating c*nt ^ sad part is new webmaster is even more useless and pathetic. He's the only person webmaster could get to buy the site
Japan doesn't have a good healthcare system. There is only ONE (1) person here who actually lives in Japan and has 20 years of experience dealing with it. ME. Not someone who knows someone who had 1 experience with it or some douche on their weeaboo vacation.
oh look someone has zero clue how healthcare actually works. finish those shingles breaks over. ^^^^^ loser
Germany doesn't have a good healthcare system. There is only ONE (1) person here who actually lives in Germany and has 20 years of experience dealing with it. ME. Not someone who knows someone who had 1 experience with it or some douche on their dummkopf vacation.
Finland doesn't have a good healthcare system. There is only ONE (1) person here who actually lives in Finland and has 20 years of experience dealing with it. ME. Not someone who knows someone who had 1 experience with it or some douche on their idiootti vacation.
Saudi Arabia doesn't have a good healthcare system. There is only ONE (1) person here who actually lives in Saudi Arabia and has 20 years of experience dealing with it. ME. Not someone who knows someone who had 1 experience with it or some douche on their مَهْبول vacation.
anonymous 9 hours ago Trach replacement and brain damage.. this band is done. Hopefully she recovers to the point of personal independence. This is actually bad news imo though, because now the extent of her injuries are known. Sounds like it's a miracle she didn't die on impact. She was youngish and healthy, probably the only reason she survived. Hopeful that her brain condition improves--I know the first 6 months are critical for stroke victims and imagine it's probably a similar situation here.
"Muh educathun!!" hear is yer Diploma... now "get the F*ck off of the Stage" four colon cancer.(____()____).
Yeah so who's liable? Why is everyone hiding it?
"Yeah so who's liable? Why is everyone hiding it?" It either goes one way or the other so this shouldn't be that hard to figure out
"Japan doesn't have a good healthcare system. There is only ONE (1) person here who actually lives in Japan and has 20 years of experience dealing with it. ME. Not someone who knows someone who had 1 experience with it or some douche on their weeaboo vacation." okay, sailor moon, calm down.
Maybe Brady from Turnstile could front them?
American dudebros who think paying a 10,000% corporate mark up on healthcare is good because "freedom" are the world's punchline, keep it up
it's more than likely whoever was driving the vans fault this happened , like someone said definitely sounds like a texting and driving and probably not noticing stopped traffic cuz they're on the phone
^ Sock puppet healthcare debates are fascinating. All due respect to this person, who's basically just a kid. She's endured a lot and has a shitty future ahead of her now because what happens to ppl with handicapped bodies, chronic pain, and brain damage in society is harsh af. Hope the fam bags on on the hospital bills and sets it all aside to see her through once the world forgets about YOTK, 'cause it will. f*ck a corporate for-profit industry that's supposed to be about saving and improving human lives. Cost only exists "cause we're willing to pay it.
everyone in da comments are gay. Yotk are forever
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