LDB Fest 2023 lineup is here, Knocked Loose & Terror to headline
Details have been revealed for the 2023 installment of LDB Fest. Next year's fest is scheduled to take place on Friday, March 17 and Saturday, March 18 at the Triple Crown Pavilion outside of Louisville, KY with Knocked Loose and Terror to headline.
The following artists are slated to perform:
Age Of Panic
Drug Church
Dying Wish
Foreign Hands
Fuming Mouth
Gates To Hell
Hold My Own
Knocked Loose
Last Wishes
Mouth for War
Mutually Assured Destruction
No Pressure
One Step Closer
Pain of Truth
Raw Brigade
Two Witnesses
Upon Stone
Vomit Forth
World of Pleasure
The Portal in Louisville will host a pre-show on Thursday, March 16 featuring:
A Mourning Star
Last Wishes
Pain Of Truth
Stand Still
Post CommentTurnstile should be on this. And then the fest would be Mastodon level.
Hate to tell ya but that venue isn't even in the city of Louisville. It would be worth going if it were at Expo Five. At least there's titty bars.
Needs a Keith Buckley spoken word poetry performance.
terror is only album away from cracking that next tier of venues above VFW halls
How mHany DHicks dHid kHarma SuHck To GHet oHn tHis?
If No Pressure and Regulate are gonna play this just let Expire do a reunion show and let Zach Dear get some credit for the fest he built.
the only thing I want knocked loose is the residual shit deep inside my asshole, and I invite rick_tocchet to do the honors
Big surprise. It's been the same lineup for the past 5 years.
Imagine living in Kentucky. The highest point of cultural relevance KY has ever had had is opening up a Piggly Wiggly.
ADL and SPLC here, why is everyone roman saluting in the pic??
Matt Anderson here: Why isn't one of my super hard ass bands on here? I need to sell some merch to pay for hair implants and my steroids but hey guys I am still straight edge.
If No Pressure and Regulate are gonna play this just let Expire do a reunion show and let Zach Dear get some credit for the fest he built. ^Real talk^
enough with pain of truth already Agreed. How much mileage are they trying to squeeze out of an album that's almost 3 years old now. Cool, we all know the words to the song "the test" now record something new.
no i mean enough because theyre bad LOl I gotcha; yeah I mean the hype has def fizzled out.
I am actually blown away by how much garbage bands like Koyo get booked given how shitty and obnoxious they and their "fans" (friends that want quick clout) are
I've interviewed half these bands on my podcast. Also, my sweat smells like vinegar and I have a cat named Metallicat. Bo Lueders Harms Way / Hardlore
Last time I went to shows none of these bands existed except terror so yeah this is gay
Tayxsue, here reminding you to support women in hardcore. Buy my premium content!!!
anonymous 6 hours ago How mHany DHicks dHid kHarma SuHck To GHet oHn tHis? ^^^
Brian J Pilla formerly of No Victory. Can you set up my guitar?
Anchit from the suburbs of Chicago here. I dick ride everyone and everything including Joe Hardcore and NYHC. Check out my 1000th band.l with nearly all the same members as my other bands. We're TRUE hardcore.
Brad Urban from Indiana is stoked to make an appearance at this shit heap…and to hang around then young ass chicks like the ones he hits up on IG when they've already got a dude and want nothing to do that ol boy.
Yo that Kharma band is corny and played out. "f*ck 12" lol
cocked loose are for posers. replace them on everything with Emmure
Counterparts must be too busy prepping for Europe otherwise they'd be headlining.
I remember a few years back when people would clown you for liking Terror. Now all the new jacks cockride Vogel and the gang like they haven't put the same record out the last 15 years
It is funny how a fest who was like against what Zach dear "did" is letting regulate,dying wish and no pressure played. The irony is good. Also yes knocked loose is always playing it now because ldb likes milking their friends for money.
'Brad Urban from Indiana is stoked to make an appearance at this shit heap…and to hang around then young ass chicks like the ones he hits up on IG when they've already got a dude and want nothing to do that ol boy.' LOL what an unbelievably niche comment. A+
so happy they offered tickets on a payment plan so i can afford it!
Speaking of younger broads, I'm guessing AJ TA FACEWRECK plans to be in attendance.
" anonymous 7 hours ago Yo that Kharma band is corny and played out. "f*ck 12" lol Nobody credible from the Chicago Hardcore scene actually gives a shit about Khama.
Chaos Fest The Heist (before it became The Rumble and had way better bands) Robot Mosh Fest VS This They/Them Fest.
Kids who live off their Mommy and Daddy and pretend to be "goth" and "alternative" are stoked.
Terror's fan base has been mad cringy for years. . From everyone that jumped on the band wagon after they got signed to Trustkill, to this current day bullshit. Lowest of The Low or get the f*ck out.
this line up is ass the kids that go to this are ass kentucky as a whole is pure ass the jaba the hut chicks there ready to call rape on dudes that wont touch their fopa will be in large numbers
anonymous 1 hour ago this line up is ass the kids that go to this are ass kentucky as a whole is pure ass the jaba the hut chicks there ready to call rape on dudes that wont touch their fopa will be in large numbers ^^^
These motherf*ckers gonna offer free Covid vaccinations and take donations for Ukraine???
Vee are marching, und see streets at night Boots and braces, vee are ready to fight
^^ who's this clown? you looking for Ian Stuart? He's dead. He followed his leader, Adolf.
Gay Matt Anderson here (Muggy's life coach/race relations professor) We know we weren't invited but me n the boiz r coming up to play anyway. Who wants to split their set w/ us. Also need 3-4 diqriders to learn the songs on the spot. Also, anyone have a pit bull we can borrow for a band pic 2morrow? Not you muggy! Get back in your kennel! My chihuahua at home didn't make the cut. Either way we got a half song ep coming out soon to crush all you weaklings. Just cause my parents have a big house and love me doesn't me idk tha struggle u cowards. The struggle of people mistaking my legs 4 toothpicks or tellin me my eyes are too close 2gether. time 2 stand in front of the mirror and pretend I'm Jorge check it out " whoaoowhoa life uh sinnn yeahhh whoooa" okay I'm ready. Later you gays I have a Diq 4 Me meeting this attend you posers
idk any of these bands lol not willing to check out hahahah
crazy that these kids actually believe Sunami (a band that blew up from Twitter) are some type of modern messiah hc band. give this shit a rest already.
Proof you killed a cop should be required for entry to all Knocked Loose shows
I'm surprised the try hard fat wiggers in Gridiron aren't on this. We all know how much hardcore kids love jocking bands who act like they arent from a rich white suburb.
^Kids are too busy "defunding 12" to know anything about that.
Stay at home dad Reinhard Heydrich earned $8800000000 at home in Prague
'm surprised the try hard fat wiggers in Gridiron aren't on this. We all know how much hardcore kids love jocking bands who act like they arent from a rich white suburb Fat Bill is too busy posting food critic videos of garbage ass fast food.
"Speaking of younger broads, I'm guessing AJ TA FACEWRECK plans to be in attendance." Story?
Real talk f*ck Matt Anderson and Brian Pilla. f*ckin loser DORKS
Actually loling at a payment plan for a hardcore fest. Pack it the f*ck in
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KL over terror is an inability to read the room (vfw main hall)