Gay Matt Anderson here (Muggy's life coach/race relations professor) We know we weren't invited but me n the boiz r coming up to play anyway. Who wants to split their set w/ us. Also need 3-4 diqriders to learn the songs on the spot. Also, anyone have a pit bull we can borrow for a band pic 2morrow? Not you muggy! Get back in your kennel! My chihuahua at home didn't make the cut. Either way we got a half song ep coming out soon to crush all you weaklings. Just cause my parents have a big house and love me doesn't me idk tha struggle u cowards. The struggle of people mistaking my legs 4 toothpicks or tellin me my eyes are too close 2gether. time 2 stand in front of the mirror and pretend I'm Jorge check it out " whoaoowhoa life uh sinnn yeahhh whoooa" okay I'm ready. Later you gays I have a Diq 4 Me meeting this attend you posers
Gay Matt Anderson here (Muggy's life coach/race relations professor) We know we weren't invited but me n the boiz r coming up to play anyway. Who wants to split their set w/ us. Also need 3-4 diqriders to learn the songs on the spot. Also, anyone have a pit bull we can borrow for a band pic 2morrow? Not you muggy! Get back in your kennel! My chihuahua at home didn't make the cut. Either way we got a half song ep coming out soon to crush all you weaklings. Just cause my parents have a big house and love me doesn't me idk tha struggle u cowards. The struggle of people mistaking my legs 4 toothpicks or tellin me my eyes are too close 2gether. time 2 stand in front of the mirror and pretend I'm Jorge check it out " whoaoowhoa life uh sinnn yeahhh whoooa" okay I'm ready. Later you gays I have a Diq 4 Me meeting this attend you posers