Recently a video surfaced of Alpha Wolf frontman Lochie Keogh calling out venue merch cuts. Lochie was on stage when he went into a short speech about buying merch from the bands, no matter which band the fans purchased merch from.
Lochie then goes on to take a stab at the venue the band was playing, stating (mostly from frustration it seemed) to not spend money at the bar but to buy merch instead since the venue was taking upwards of 20% as a merch cut from all the bands as is.
You can see the clip below. What are your feelings on venues taking merch cuts?
Post CommentI hear what he is saying. But if I'm at a show, no matter what I'm buying some drinks
2nd dude from the right is definitely quadruple boosted. 100% beta cuck status right there.
Longineu "LP" Parsons here. I know what you're thinking. You want to go after my music. You want to blast away at me. Go ahead, mother lovers. See if you can top what I like. Real music shouldn't need gadgets or special effects to be enjoyed. When one of those machines creates a sound that can somehow match this magical majesty, then give me a call. Until then, don't label what you listen to as "music." It's not music. It's garbage.
Leftists are creeps. ^ this CHUD doesn't realize that without leftists he'd still be dressed like a Mormon Missionary and listening to gospel hymns.
While yes it is a shitty tactic at larger and commercially driven venues, it is nothing new. This has been going on for decades and will never change. I guess these newbie band never educated themselves on how the industry works. (Google: Steve Albini being a band breakdown and Youtube: The Death Clause by Slightly Sociable)
Even Cave In knows that this phenomenon is not news. N00bz
Sounds like they need to hustle harder. Get on your grind.
What about those greedy f*cks at the print shop that charge bands for the shirts, ink, and shipping?!
Fudge your numbers, and dip out before they count you out like the big boiz do
Preaching to the choir for every band who's ever toured for the past 60 years. First time on the road lil fella?
Only merch I am buying is f*cking earplugs so I dont have to hear this shitty band.
Preaching to the choir for every band who's ever toured for the past 60 years. First time on the road lil fella? This, entirely. Also, I have no idea who this band is nor who they're out with and all that, but guessing these aren't huge venues? And maybe this retard is aware venues were closed for a minute because of this whole... thing that happened? And that small venues barely f*cking make money to begin with? So sure, tell people to not buy drinks and buy merch, and when there's nowhere for your mouth breathing ass to play in that town in a year, you can blame it on corporate greed or whatever.
These dudes are probably so inexperienced and naive that they report their actual merch sales to the venue every night lol — fake numbers buddy, welcome to touring!
Damn, Carrot Top is in a band now? Looks like he's also a SoundCloud crapper too by the shitty way he's dressed, what a poser.
looks like a tranny whale shared that twitter video. cringe. no one wants your crappy merch
bumpass venues treating underground bands like Metallica and taking merch cuts is pretty fcking retarded. that said, if you know this going in don't sign the agreement ya dweeb.
Does anyone wanna tell them alpha wolves aren't a thing?
I toured for a while and hated playing at venues that took a cut of our Merch. We were barely getting paid from the venue to begin with and our profit on our Merch was already slim. This is great.
Sounds like you got a bad contract and a bad booking agent.
Why do we have to hear so much about this stupid band? There has to be a good new band with something going on, find them please.
You've gotta crawl, before you can walk-knuckle draggers.
"I toured for a while and hated playing at venues that took a cut of our Merch. We were barely getting paid from the venue to begin with and our profit on our Merch was already slim. This is great." This is cute. So sad for your weeklong run that didn't go well. You can carrot top's son should meet up and discuss better options for being unknowns expecting huge payouts
Who the hell is gonna make it through an Alpha Wolf concert without beer?
Alternative….Go play in your dads garage and get all those ppl to come.
the name "Alpha Wolf" is misleading when the guy is whining about Merch Cuts. Nothing ALPHA, 'BOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!! runs off with the Hellfest refunds after taking it up with the arena it was to be held in, Hello Y2K is that you coming back around again?
how do the venues know what your cash sales were? serious question here
The singer should've done 30 minutes of his classic material where he pulls all kinds of objects out of a treasure chest. It would've killed! Then passed around the empty chest for donations.
no ones asking the REAL question here..... How did the venue spend the $13.68 merch cut? We need more transparency in the scene.
I thought the lead singer was a chick from the photo. But also, venues taking merch cuts at all is BS.
"bumpass venues treating underground bands like Metallica and taking merch cuts is pretty fcking retarded. that said, if you know this going in don't sign the agreement ya dweeb." Another guy who doesn't know how things work.
If I am at an Alpha Wolf show best believe I need booze to sit through that garbage.
More bands should steal televisions, microwaves fridges from venues and sell them in the next city
These guys are pussies. Also they're already getting paid too much. These venues deserve the cut since they booked them
this is just socialism, pay your fair share Alpha Wolf
gay carrot top should sell crucial merch out of the van after the show.
anonymous 17 hours ago "bumpass venues treating underground bands like Metallica and taking merch cuts is pretty fcking retarded. that said, if you know this going in don't sign the agreement ya dweeb." Another guy who doesn't know how things work. ...Not my OP above but I used to book shows. It's a way for venues to pick-up spare change profits for doing nothing. I think a lot of bands 'know how it works' but that still doesn't make it awesome. The venue could choose to NOT use this practice and just make their money off door/bar/food sales. Alpha Wolf has every right to speak-up, because they aren't Metallica and this isn't a stadium tour.
Yeah, seriously, how does a venue know how much merch was sold?
anyone who uses the word chud or cuck is a moron. you're all just guzzling propaganda from your sides corporate sponsors you god damn fools
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Good for them. Someone has to stand up to these venues.