Longineu "LP" Parsons here. I know what you're thinking. You want to go after my music. You want to blast away at me. Go ahead, mother lovers. See if you can top what I like. Real music shouldn't need gadgets or special effects to be enjoyed. When one of those machines creates a sound that can somehow match this magical majesty, then give me a call. Until then, don't label what you listen to as "music." It's not music. It's garbage.
Longineu "LP" Parsons here. I know what you're thinking. You want to go after my music. You want to blast away at me. Go ahead, mother lovers. See if you can top what I like. Real music shouldn't need gadgets or special effects to be enjoyed. When one of those machines creates a sound that can somehow match this magical majesty, then give me a call. Until then, don't label what you listen to as "music." It's not music. It's garbage.