NewsMarch 17, 2022 12:20 PM ET6,142 views

Darkest Hour announce 'Deliver Us' anniversary tour dates with Zao, Bloodlet, Toxic Holocaust

Darkest Hour will perform their 2007 album 'Deliver Us' in its entirety each night.

Darkest Hour tour

Darkest Hour have announced a summer tour to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their Deliver Us album, which they will be performing in its entirety.

The U.S. shows will take place in late June and July and feature support stints from Toxic Holocaust, Zao, and Bloodlet. The schedule is listed below.

dates w/ Toxic Holocaust
6/30 San Francisco, CA @ Bottom Of The Hill
7/1 San Diego, CA @ Brick By Brick
7/2 Mesa, AZ @ Nile Theater
7/3 Los Angeles, CA @ 1720
7/5 Denver, CO @ Marquis Theater

dates w/ Zao, Bloodlet
7/7 St. Paul, MN @ Turf Club w/ Cobra Czar (no Bloodlet)
7/8 Chicago, IL @ Reggies
7/9 Detroit, MI @ The Sanctuary
7/10 Pittsburgh, PA @ Crafthouse
7/12 Worcester, MA @ Palladium
7/13 Mechanicsburg, PA @ Lovedraft's
7/14 Brooklyn, NY @ St. Vitus
7/16 Washington, DC @ Black Cat

Search for tours coming to your city here.


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anonymous 3/17/2022 9:26:01 AM

thanks for skipping the bay area Zao, much appreciated 😒

anonymous 3/17/2022 9:31:33 AM

Terror should be on this

anonymous 3/17/2022 9:34:09 AM

Toxic Holocaust is definitely better than Zao and Bloodlet combined. West Coast wins...again.

anonymous 3/17/2022 9:38:20 AM

Skarhead is better than all of these bands

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:02:45 AM

totally disagree. I'd much prefer ZAO and Bloodlet to Toxic Holocaust (not that I don't dig TH)

evil_hero 3/17/2022 10:05:03 AM

what no billings date

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:22:30 AM

Fight me at Reggie's Chicago. I'll be there to see how bad Bloodlet sucks now, leave for Zao, and then come back to fight during Darkest Hour.

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:25:29 AM

Too pure too die should be on this

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:26:26 AM


anonymous 3/17/2022 10:26:49 AM

Terror should be on this >> STFU you psycho. LOL @ Saint Vitus Bar - shit's 200-225 capacity tops - hang it up 1997 & 2007 are over. Cuz people wanna hear later Darkest Hour. A tour which beats the Cruel Hand /Death Before Dishonor tour for the crown of most unnecessary "Why?" tour 😂

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:27:31 AM

Hell yeah being in your 50's and touring 200-400 cap venues to make almost no money for a band that isn't even active.

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:38:25 AM

would bet 1000 dollars and a signed Mutoid Man guitar pick that the missing date in between Vitus and Black Cat is a second Vitus show

anonymous 3/17/2022 10:39:41 AM

Marty from Zao here. We specifically avoided Cincinnati, OH.

anonymous 3/17/2022 11:02:34 AM

hey Marty, shut up. you are a support act you went where Darkest Hour told you to go

anonymous 3/17/2022 11:04:55 AM

anonymous 36 minutes ago Terror should be on this >> STFU you psycho. LOL @ Saint Vitus Bar - shit's 200-225 capacity tops - hang it up 1997 & 2007 are over. Cuz people wanna hear later Darkest Hour. A tour which beats the Cruel Hand /Death Before Dishonor tour for the crown of most unnecessary "Why?" tour 😂 Look at you pretending to be 2 people and talking to yourself as usual.

anonymous 3/17/2022 11:33:07 AM

Too Pure to die should totes mcgoats be on this

anonymous 3/17/2022 11:39:47 AM

The guy that posts about Vogel stan being the same person that also complains about the Vogel stan is also the guy that posts complaining about them being the same person

anonymous 3/17/2022 11:49:17 AM

Kudos to the booking agent that has the bands driving on a holiday from Los Angeles to Colorado to make a show. Clearly someone doesn't give a f*ck about gas prices lol

anonymous 3/17/2022 12:09:58 PM

The guy that posts about Vogel stan being the same person that also complains about the Vogel stan is also the guy that posts complaining about them being the same person This is very meta and confusing, but also 100% correct.

anonymous 3/17/2022 12:14:23 PM

Scott Vogel is not viewed as an adult in a room of men his age. Curse the generation of loser disciples he has

anonymous 3/17/2022 12:41:07 PM

^Scott to the Vogel here. That'll be $50 for mentioning my name. You can Venmo me or just hand it over at a VFW Hall of your choice.

anonymous 3/17/2022 1:05:43 PM

Blinding, brilliant light, alludes to the illusion of serenity!

anonymous 3/17/2022 1:11:58 PM

STFU you psycho. LOL @ Saint Vitus Bar - shit's 200-225 capacity tops - hang it up 1997 & 2007 are over. Cuz people wanna hear later Darkest Hour. A tour which beats the Cruel Hand /Death Before Dishonor tour for the crown of most unnecessary "Why?" tour 😂 Look at you pretending to be 2 people and talking to yourself as usual. >>> Nah that's you, Sean Hargensen.

anonymous 3/17/2022 1:21:48 PM

^^^ I see you're on the post a made up name stage of your multiple posters tour of Lambgoat comments. The Gmails were a nice touch. Wackjob.

anonymous 3/17/2022 1:23:43 PM

The guy that posts about Vogel stan being the same person that also complains about the Vogel stan is also the guy that posts complaining about them being the same person This is very meta and confusing, but also 100% correct. >>> All of em are you bro. You're so obvious.

anonymous 3/17/2022 1:27:01 PM

Kudos to the booking agent that has the bands driving on a holiday from Los Angeles to Colorado to make a show. Clearly someone doesn't give a f*ck about gas prices lol >>> Clearly you're the nut who went on about Rotting Out flying to the East Coast. Cuz you're the Vogel guy. And the Turnstile guy. And the guy who bashes them. And the guy who bashes the bashers.

lake_flaccid 3/17/2022 2:58:00 PM


lake_flaccid 3/17/2022 3:02:43 PM

Lol wait no Zao or Bloodlet in California, I hate myself

anonymous 3/17/2022 5:42:39 PM

The Chicago show will be watered down with 1-3 shit ass openers that have nothing to do with this style of music. #chicagohardcore

anonymous 3/17/2022 8:20:46 PM

darkest hour, zao and bloodlet. that's a back. anyone disagreeing here haha nice try

anonymous 3/17/2022 9:57:33 PM

$28 to see Darkest Hour, Zao, and Bloodlet in Chicago. Suck a d*ck.

anonymous 3/18/2022 5:36:09 AM

" Hell yeah being in your 50's and touring 200-400 cap venues to make almost no money for a band that isn't even active." I'm not sure what this means. Who gives a shit how many people are there?! Do you think they play this shit for the money? I think you forgot (or never knew in the first place) why people do anything creative. You're an idiot.

anonymous 3/18/2022 5:37:01 AM

Washed up bands with overpriced shows are stoked

anonymous 3/18/2022 6:57:46 AM

Dudes named Andrew Palmer are pissed

anonymous 3/18/2022 12:29:08 PM

who is even in DH anymore that played on this album besides Mike Schleuterbomb?

anonymous 3/18/2022 1:03:19 PM

Bloodlet rules.

anonymous 3/18/2022 2:20:47 PM

If Zao and Bloodlet started two days earlier in Denver, I would be going. And leaving before Darkest Hour.

anonymous 3/18/2022 4:48:08 PM

Todd Jones here. I will be one of me.

lake_flaccid 3/19/2022 1:33:20 PM

John Henry is still the frontman for Darkest Hour dingus

lake_flaccid 3/19/2022 1:36:00 PM

Also their most recent record was their highest charting

anonymous 3/20/2022 12:41:03 AM

Darkest hour still does good business…last couple of times I've seen them headline they have been drawing more kids then 20 years ago…

anonymous 3/25/2022 10:46:48 AM

Darkest hour still does good business…last couple of times I've seen them headline they have been drawing more kids then("thAn",NOT "then") 20 years ago… Deliver Us from the hand(s) of a sadist Nation.

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