NewsJanuary 27, 2022 4:01 PM ET17,447 views

'Death metal round table' made Chris Barnes (Six Feet Under, ex-Cannibal Corpse) 'physically ill'

death metal round table

Former Cannibal Corpse and current Six Feet Under vocalist Chris Barnes took to Twitter earlier today to express contempt for 'A Death Metal Round Table' video discussion recently streamed by Knotfest.

The session featured George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher (Barnes' replacement in Cannibal Corpse), Trevor Strnad (The Black Dahlia Murder), Chase Mason (Gatecreeper), and Alex Jones (Undeath) having a wide-ranging conversation.

Barnes said of the video, "I just watched a 'death metal' podcast on YouTube that was done about a week ago with the 'top' death metal vocalists... it made me physically ill. I despise what this genre has become."

His failure to provide additional context appears to have prompted Hatebreed frontman and podcaster Jamey Jasta to ask Barnes to "come on the podcast and discuss."

Barnes wasn't having it, concluding a little back-and-forth with Jasta via, "I'm just not a shill." You can check out their brief interaction below.

Jamey Jasta and Chris Barnes


Post Comment

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:15:09 PM

There is NO Death Metal round table without Mike Smith and Frank Mullen of Suffocation. Without them this is a manchild Zoom group. What toys has 'Dickgrinder' purchased lately?

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:18:29 PM

There is NO Death Metal round table without Mike Smith and Frank Mullen of Suffocation. Without them this is a manchild Zoom group. What toys has 'Dickgrinder' purchased lately? good one man

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:20:03 PM

He's never been a shill for used car companies...

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:20:23 PM

he has a point. every genre is now a lame facsimile and profit extraction is the central focus of everyone besides the attendees

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:23:09 PM

Barnes is obviously vaxxed and boosted. Therefore a schill for big pharma. FACTS.

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:24:42 PM

How about you google "shill", f*cktard

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:28:13 PM

when is graveyard classics 7 comin' out bro? stfu

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:28:19 PM

Barnes is a bitter loser who is probably even poorer than he looks.

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:30:19 PM

Dino here. Hey my phone was turned off. Does anyone mind if I use the comments to group message and organize for rehearsals?

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:31:27 PM

i always assumed Six Feet Under WAS making a joke of death metal. on purpose. you mean that shit wasn't supposed to be a parody?

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:36:53 PM

Chris Barnes is mad Cannibal Corpse is better without him than with him. Six Feet Under. "groove death". get the hell out of here with that homo shit

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:42:05 PM

Dude is salty other death metal bands are more successful than his, more at 11

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:46:11 PM

Saw Six Feet Under on Summer Slaughter in 2011 and Barnes couldn't sing it all. It was like he was gargling crickets or something. It was unbelievably bad. And that was 12 years ago. His band has gone to crap, they can't draw anything on the road in the U.S. and he's obviously bitter on top of that.

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:46:45 PM

Chris Barnes here, I am sorry, i should not have taken it out of these guys. I am really upset. Corpsegrinder is more popular than me, my band sucks. everyone laughed at our covers. i can't keep a band together. misery signals made fun of me. it really really sucks being me. Dino, can I be in your band?

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:49:37 PM

Interesting way of saying "my band is long washed up and can't get a gig outside of germany". He's just mad cuz he calls himself "the godfather of death metal" and nobody else does.

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:52:55 PM

I mean... Yeah lol

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:53:28 PM

" misery signals made fun of me " lol please elaborate

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:58:08 PM

Yes Chris I am still holding auditions for Fear Factory DC vocalists. Please send me some stills and a demo tape. Let me know you've received this. Regards -Dino

anonymous 1/27/2022 1:58:51 PM

Todd Jones here. I was going to keep this under the table, but the guys from Knotfeast hit me up to take part in this round table. I agreed, but only on the condition that instead of appearing via Zoom, I would "beam" into the discussion via the hidden nano-robotic network that the already-sentient AI developed by the Dimex Corporation has already installed into our everyday technocracy. The Knotfeast crew said that they had no idea what I was talking about, but I was given an IP address to beam into. When I neural-linked with the AI network, my blood-soaked wolf champion DNA started leaching into the AI's vast architecture. Homeboys on the chitty-chat didn't even realize it, but they were literally bathing in the distilled essence of pure hate that I injected into what will eventually become the true champion of all creation: an indestructible deity that eschews the impossible and KILLS DEATH ITSELF. The former undefeated GOAT has been latered for eternity. It will never be one of us.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:03:25 PM

Chase singer of Gatecreeper here. Barnes is just heated because I have more OnlyFans scene girls following me on Twitter than he does.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:08:03 PM

What else are we supposed to expect from the biggest hack in death metal history? He was decent for 5 or 6 years yet he has been the literal worst that the genre has to offer for the last 28 years. Let that sink in.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:13:01 PM

Ah man, I grew up with the Barnes-era Cannibal and early Six Feet and it's a shame that he's that bitter and cold. Sucks to suck and I'll listen to those records with fond memories of old.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:13:34 PM

Fred owner of Park Auto Mall. Watch as Chris Barnes From Six Feet Under Tells The World about his purchase at Park Auto Mall. It's important to note that Chris did this at no charge. Why? He's a hell of a nice guy, and very down to earth.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:16:17 PM

I'm sorry to say but, the world will probably be a better place once this dude dies. What a bitter, toxic arsehole

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:16:31 PM

why dont we ask what glen of deicide thinks. i'm sure he's on the same wave length as barnes is in the old man no like this.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:18:04 PM

"Snakes!" -Chris Barnes

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:18:54 PM not a shill but dude has a cameo... lol.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:22:11 PM

Jasta whooped his ass. Loser. But where's Frank Mullen or Sven from Aborted?

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:25:02 PM

Like two teenagers

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:33:52 PM

Hes right. Everybody and their mother has a music podcast. Check out Hoya Roc and danny diablos podcasts. Real groundbreaking stuff

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:43:51 PM

Dude has always been a crybaby bitch.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:45:16 PM

Barnes is a legit piece of garbage who thinks he should be selling out theaters and can't figure out what the problem is.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:47:11 PM

From his facebook page For tour booking contact: LOL and his cameo plugs are embarrassing

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:50:15 PM

Jamey Jasta here. Dave Mustaine did not speak to me once during that entire tour. I really could have used a poc for instagram.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:52:26 PM

Dude, Hoya's podcasts consists of talking about shows he/they (they being the guests) went to, being around back in the day and supporting the "movement". They're all the same.

anonymous 1/27/2022 2:54:29 PM

lol @ 'sven from aborted'

anonymous 1/27/2022 3:05:36 PM

Chris Barnes is a pussy.

anonymous 1/27/2022 3:09:05 PM

lol @ 'sven from aborted' ^^ well don't expect people to know his last name because Decaluwé is too Belgian sounding ;) other than that, if you can put in some guy from undeath and trevor strnad you can put in svencho as well logically.

anonymous 1/27/2022 3:09:55 PM

"I am not trying to jump on that bandwagon of podcasts and streams you guys got going", Chris said from Twitter.

anonymous 1/27/2022 3:10:57 PM

Not to mention gatecreeper. Could've at least asked Matti Kärki too, LG being dead.

anonymous 1/27/2022 3:14:21 PM

If those chicks who post "so over people's games, you think you know someone and they're talking behind your back" type chit on FB with no context were a Metal vocalist.

anonymous 1/27/2022 3:46:41 PM

Who's the fella with the cock brush in the bottom left of the screen?

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:01:55 PM

Regardless of Chris's salty attitude I think he has a point, though it's poorly expressed.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:04:47 PM

He has a point. The retard from Hatebreed and some nancyboy cuck rockers from Gatecreeper and Brown Deli Martyr are representative of anal butt rock supported by sissy xers. Be an adult and listen to Arghoslent. Cry about it.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:09:24 PM

^^ Go take your blood pressure meds

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:11:55 PM

Things are not going well when you get schooled by Jamey Jasta.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:13:27 PM

He has a point. The retard from Hatebreed and some nancyboy cuck rockers from Gatecreeper and Brown Deli Martyr are representative of anal butt rock supported by sissy xers. Be an adult and listen to Arghoslent. Cry about it. ^^^^^^ This liberal cares about what stranger like.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:15:12 PM

Hey Jamey you're the last person to lecture anyone about supporting new bands & a genre of music. When's the last time Hatebreed played a straight up hardcore show or put a HC band on a HB show? You currently have a poll on your Twitter asking people who should support Hatebreed on the 20th anniversary tour for Perserverance. You don't have ONE HARDCORE BAND among the four picks. Hatebreed is NOTHING without hardcore. Your four contestants should be INTEGRITY, SICK OF IT ALL, ALL OUT WAR & TERROR. INTEGRITY cuz you personally don't exist as a hardcore kid without them. SICK OF IT ALL cuz your now 28 year old hustle doesn't exist without them. ALL OUT WAR cuz they came up when you did & are your contemporaries besides that you took their drummer. TERROR cuz they formed the year Perserverance came out & are the last active band from that era left. I'll add ENTOMBED cuz you've been ripping them off musically since the first album you bitc ha ss motherf u c ker.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:19:30 PM

Chris is right Death Metal is for PC neck beard libcuck soys at this point not carnival workers and meth cooks. Everything has become a fashion statement for soys and nothing remains in any genuine uncalculated form

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:19:34 PM

^^^ Oh, and this is no defense of Chris Barnes - he can take a hike to.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:23:04 PM

Hatebreed is NOTHING without hardcore. Your four contestants should be INTEGRITY, SICK OF IT ALL, ALL OUT WAR & TERROR. INTEGRITY cuz you personally don't exist as a hardcore kid without them. SICK OF IT ALL cuz your now 28 year old hustle doesn't exist without them. ALL OUT WAR cuz they came up when you did & are your contemporaries besides that you took their drummer. TERROR cuz they formed the year Perserverance came out & are the last active band from that era left. I'll add ENTOMBED cuz you've been ripping them off musically since the first album you bitc ha ss motherf u c ker. ^^^^^^^^ This liberal thinks it's 1998.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:25:45 PM

Chris Barnes is just mad that he can't fill a 300 cap room anywhere in the US.

anonymous 1/27/2022 4:38:10 PM

This liberal thinks it's 1998. >>> Hey moron: SOIA formed in 86, Integ 89, AOW 91, Terror 02, Perserverance came out in 02. All four formed under Republican presidents. Get your year correctly you burnout.

anonymous 1/27/2022 5:02:52 PM

Sergeant Salsten and Sadomancer from Deathhammer here, every single person in these comments and mentioned in these comments are pussies. that is all. hasthagblackthrash

anonymous 1/27/2022 5:24:19 PM

Chris Barnes is just mad that he can't fill a 300 cap room anywhere in the US. 100% this. Only band here who doesn't draw more is Undeath, and that'll probably change in the next couple of years.

anonymous 1/27/2022 5:24:33 PM

Listen to Methwitch

anonymous 1/27/2022 5:32:15 PM

This liberal thinks it's 1998. >>> Hey moron: SOIA formed in 86, Integ 89, AOW 91, Terror 02, Perserverance came out in 02. All four formed under Republican presidents. Get your year correctly you burnout. ^^^^^^^ This liberal lives in the past.

anonymous 1/27/2022 5:39:04 PM

"Saw Six Feet Under on Summer Slaughter in 2011 and Barnes couldn't sing it all. It was like he was gargling crickets or something. It was unbelievably bad. And that was 12 years ago. His band has gone to crap, they can't draw anything on the road in the U.S. and he's obviously bitter on top of that." One of the years I went and I honestly thought it was a joke. Everyone there was trying hard not to laugh. I was embarrassed for them

anonymous 1/27/2022 6:19:54 PM

No one has cared about Chris Barnes since like 2004

anonymous 1/27/2022 6:20:47 PM

What do you think he does for money these days?

anonymous 1/27/2022 6:25:03 PM

He's just mad he wasn't invited to it

anonymous 1/27/2022 6:51:26 PM

Ken Susi here. My parents are out of town for the weekend so I have the whole place to myself. Who wants to invite me to their next round table and have a rager!

anonymous 1/27/2022 7:59:39 PM

Some real idiots here. Check this out. The first two CC records absolutely suck. Turn of the vocals and try to listen to them. Notice anything on tomb? Yeah they just out the vocals right up front in the mix. CC got better as a band over time… nobody gave a crap about them at first. They were a gimmick… the gimmick was Chris Barnes. The vocals. He was the draw… it wasn't the band. Nobody knew or heard anything like that before. It was by far the most brutal death metal vocal and he was the reason CC was successful in the early years. End of story. Musically early CC wasn't keeping up with Death, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Suffucation, Obituary… Don't give me this he sucks now BS. When they came out and we saw those covers everyone wanted to go see them… and everybody was trying to do impressions of how low you could get your Chris Barnes vocals… we've all done it. GTFU with this bogus he's a pussy… or what has he done lately. There is no CC without Barnes

anonymous 1/27/2022 8:05:31 PM

You also have to understand why his voice is shot… they were super primitive. They played those early shows living out of a f*cking van. Playing small shows sometimes with no monitors, straight into the house mixer, he wasn't using any effect. That's all Barnes. I heard him in the day. I f*cking dare you to try to even do that for 5 filing seconds and they would play for an hour and the consecutive days… yeah he's a real pussy….f*cking idiots. The guy doesn't have vocal chords

anonymous 1/27/2022 8:12:08 PM

I see Chris Barnes is posting here now

anonymous 1/27/2022 8:15:19 PM

50+ year old dude says "lol" change your tampon, crybaby

anonymous 1/27/2022 9:05:19 PM

Undeath aren't blowing up cuz kids don't care about death metal.

anonymous 1/27/2022 11:51:20 PM

Dude is just mad SFU sucks; always has always will. His vocals are trash and he's mad that CC has had longevity and continues to tour and draw crowds. Kids and vintage nerds who pay $400 for an OG TOTM shirt don't even listen to the early shit.

anonymous 1/28/2022 3:07:39 AM

dude ain't wrong roundtable be lame as hell what next death metal lemon party? and whats up with the rando? staypuft? so this guy jacks off to ghostbusters which means hes qualified to talk about death metal?

anonymous 1/28/2022 3:09:19 AM

Billy Milano here. Why wasn't SOD part of this podcast?

anonymous 1/28/2022 5:31:41 AM

lol did anyone actually watch it? what was discussed that got him so salty?

anonymous 1/28/2022 5:48:32 AM

God damn this guy is as stupid as he was over a decade ago. The bands aren't the f*cking shills, nor are they responsible for the state of the genre. It's labels, promoters, venues, the f*cking internet. These are the results and yes they are kind of awful. It's crazy, it's almost like it has something to do with our rapidly declining "produce nothing but extract profits out of thin air" economic system!

anonymous 1/28/2022 6:21:17 AM

What do you think he does for money these days? sells nickelbags to unsuspecting six feet under fans at the entrance of their concerts/shows-he is NOT making much off of those transactions either because you can tell just by looking at him, his herb is "Dirt weed." T.H.C.-(T)he (H)ippie (C)orpse.

anonymous 1/28/2022 6:34:10 AM

Man no one cares about comments on thing no one cares about, News at 11

anonymous 1/28/2022 6:40:47 AM

You also have to understand why his voice is shot…YES,he smokes entirely WAAAY too much WEED-that shit will f*ck your voice up. I live to see the day that Chris has a trache and a voice box trying to do his feeble old school cannipple Corpse vocals. they were super primitive. They played those early shows living out of a f*cking van. Playing small shows sometimes with no monitors, straight into the house mixer, he wasn't using any effect. That's all Barnes. I heard him in the day. I f*cking dare you to try to even do that for 5 filing seconds and they would play for an hour and the consecutive days… yeah he's a real pussy….f*cking idiots. <---The guy doesn't have vocal chords. Just a dirty "BONG" for a voicebox.^Chris Barnes coming to his own defense.

anonymous 1/28/2022 6:41:23 AM

I don't see what is so hilarious about "promoting"

anonymous 1/28/2022 6:55:55 AM

One of those artificial larynx machines would be a step up for SFU

anonymous 1/28/2022 7:07:26 AM


anonymous 1/28/2022 7:22:23 AM

Gatecreeper and that dude are visible only because of the mustache

anonymous 1/28/2022 7:40:53 AM

Chris is right Death Metal is for PC neck beard libcuck soys at this point not carnival workers and meth cooks. Everything has become a fashion statement for soys and nothing remains in any genuine uncalculated form I...i can't even tell who you're mad at in this.

anonymous 1/28/2022 7:51:46 AM

Emmure should be on this.

anonymous 1/28/2022 8:08:59 AM

"i'm not a shill" lmao the dude's entire twitter is promoting shitcoins

anonymous 1/28/2022 8:12:29 AM

Billy Milano wasn't part of the roundtable because he's not a death metal guy and SOD wasn't death metal.

anonymous 1/28/2022 9:09:33 AM

i didn't like this chris barnes guy until i read his twitter. him and Lord Marco have some great views on men's rights and the vax. Trump/Desantis 2024

anonymous 1/28/2022 9:14:42 AM

Will someone please tell me what the beef was with Misery Signals and Chris Barnes? That's the real news story from this

anonymous 1/28/2022 9:26:54 AM

GTFU with this bogus he's a pussy… or what has he done lately. There is no CC without Barnes By your own admission the band got better and much bigger without him, so no. And having played shows with him, he's an absolute pussy bitch

anonymous 1/28/2022 9:27:39 AM

^^^ Misery Signals and I think Premonitions of War were on tour with SFU and nobody was showing up. on the last few dates SFU took all the money and wouldn't pay the support bands. Then somebody threw a brick through the window of SFU's bus, then Barnes was calling the Misery Signals agent and saying that he was going to beat everyone's asses when they came to Tampa next time. Misery Signals basically kept calling Barnes a pussy in interviews and used a tape of his phone call threatening them as part of their live show for a while

anonymous 1/28/2022 9:31:20 AM

as far as no CC without Barnes, we have seen this to be the case, they have existed and done better without him. also I am sure Alex Webster (the real brains behind the whole thing) could have gotten anyone to burp over his music

anonymous 1/28/2022 10:27:33 AM

I still like SFU but I have to laugh at Barnes calling other people shills when his social media has become a neverending flood of him shilling his Cameo.

anonymous 1/28/2022 11:29:28 AM

How about jasta just shuts the f&&k up, mmmmkay.

anonymous 1/28/2022 11:47:37 AM

Gaymi Morgan from the Code Orange Kids here. Jasta took us out on tour years ago, shut up haters. Our MGR paid him a large amount of money to get us on the tour

anonymous 1/28/2022 11:48:07 AM

Wow so primitive. Honestly all this dude did was cup the mic and have the engineer blast his vocals louder than everything. The dude is a hack. Go sell some more corvettes and while your at it get a hair cut you look like a f*cking homeless guy

anonymous 1/28/2022 11:50:17 AM

Old CC = shitty riffs and shitty syncopated blast beats. No thanks

anonymous 1/28/2022 11:56:13 AM

Protect Chris Barnes at all costs

lake_flaccid 1/28/2022 11:56:26 AM

Chris Barnes is a stinky loser with a terrible band and a broken voice. The only notable thing he ever did was get replaced and fade into obscurity.

lake_flaccid 1/28/2022 12:01:22 PM

All this dude does is bitch and moan about how tr00 he is, hoping he can get some fat, 12 year old Slayer fan to listen to his music for the first time because no one else will

anonymous 1/28/2022 1:01:07 PM

Chris Barnes here. Sorry, for the negative comments. My dred locks are spun up too tight, so it is effecting my bitchiness.

anonymous 1/28/2022 1:16:51 PM

Chris Barnes here, by the time we get to Graveyard Classics vol 14 you will all have fallen in line.

anonymous 1/28/2022 6:30:18 PM

"then Barnes was calling the Misery Signals agent and saying that he was going to beat everyone's asses when they came to Tampa next time." I'd be far more afraid of his hair than anything else.

anonymous 1/28/2022 7:37:50 PM

Dying Fetus

anonymous 1/28/2022 8:07:15 PM

Joe Ptacek Was a real death metal vocalist. f*ck Bitch Barnes

anonymous 1/29/2022 6:29:52 PM

Misery signals tour with sfu was empty, went to the NJ. Preomonitons or war killed it

anonymous 1/30/2022 5:57:23 AM

The beef with Misery Signals and Barnes is because Zaraska had a temper tantrum and threw a piece of concrete through Barnes' tour bus window.

anonymous 1/30/2022 10:29:09 AM

I'm starting to see why Seth Putnam would antagonze the guy constantly. What an elitist f*ck.

anonymous 1/30/2022 3:01:20 PM

Chris Barnes is a pussy

anonymous 1/31/2022 6:06:11 AM

Chris Barnes fronted Cannible Corpse. Before podcasts even Existed And hes a free America free to not go on A show and be picked apart He has nothing to prove Its Chris Barnes And yeah things have changed

anonymous 1/31/2022 9:25:23 AM

hatebreed sux

anonymous 3/18/2022 10:21:11 AM

the interaction between the two front men is what happens when you try to run Death-metal with the ethics of "hardcore."

anonymous 5/12/2022 7:49:38 PM

f*ck that shithead. He makes me physicallh ill with his stupid asshole face with dreads

anonymous 5/13/2022 7:19:53 AM

the fact that Chris Barnes thinks his opinion is a validation of any merit what-so-ever, makes myself Physically Ill.Lay off of the dirt weed -"Barnes Burner."

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