NewsJuly 8, 2019 11:22 PM ET2,810 views

Kayo Dot to release new album in September

Avant-garde/post-rock band Kayo Dot will release a new album late this summer. Produced by Randall Dunn (Wolves In The Throne Room, Myrkur), the album is titled Blasphemy and will be available on September 6 through Prophecy Productions via LP, CD digipak, 2xCD book edition, and limited boxset. Blasphemy track listing: 1. Ocean Cumulonimbus 2. The Something Opal 3. Lost Souls on Lonesome's Way 4. Vanishing Act in Blinding Gray 5. Turbine, Hook, and Haul 6. Midnight Mystic Rise and Fall 7. An Eye for a Lie 8. Blasphemy: A Prophecy


Post Comment

anonymous 7/8/2019 11:19:06 PM

We got the dude from eyehategod getting stabbed, a holocaust denier singer, darkest hour dude having a heart attack all on the front page. Ocean c-mulonimbus, bro.

anonymous 7/9/2019 12:42:41 AM

We got the dude from eyehategod getting stabbed, a holocaust denier singer, darkest hour dude having a heart attack all on the front page. Ocean c-mulonimbus, bro. ^fahuk off u noob hippie. You dont anything about good taste of music.

anonymous 7/9/2019 12:46:55 AM

***You dont know anything about music**** 1.This blog is pointless anyway 2.Zao sucks 3.The Acacia Strain>Emmure

anonymous 7/9/2019 1:18:50 AM

Guys obsessed with Asian girls are stoked for this.

anonymous 7/9/2019 6:18:59 AM

"You Listen to Kayo Dot" AC

anonymous 7/9/2019 8:37:22 AM


anonymous 7/9/2019 1:09:14 PM

Toby Driver is one of a few true musical geniuses, but, like alot of those NYC art hipster types,dude has full-on TDS.

anonymous 7/9/2019 8:37:48 PM

"Guys obsessed with Asian girls are stoked for this." - Most accurate post I've ever seen.

anonymous 7/11/2019 7:04:20 AM

Kayo Dot: love the music. people like the smell of their own farts

anonymous 7/18/2019 1:48:25 PM

holy shit, their website parties like it's 1999

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