Eddie Hermida's vocals replaced on Suicide Silence track
Post CommentAfter standing in front at their an intimate evening with stop in billings with my 8 year old Dominic, he said, man, that guy is a really good singer. Great move.?
Capcom president Ching Chong Charlie today said "we find Eddi's actions disgusting, going after such old women"
TMZ:Hey Chris,we got a story for you other then Cardi B or Lil Wayne
Guitarist Mark Hymen here : DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 420
Hermida did nothing wrong. Cucked game devs and even more cucked beta white knight fans kvetching over NOTHING. Grow a fcking penis and look at the history of rock and roll and thots. JESUS you pussies.
Loved the Heylmun comment Anyways RIP Eddie Hermida.
^^ terrible journalism majors that are hardcore nerds often take jobs writing for garbage gaming sites. Its one of the lowest tiers of paid writing and full of recent college grads, gaming journalism is honestly extremely leftist and off putting. and this is coming from a liberal
^^ >seems to understand leftism is cancer >says he is a liberal
Just kick him out of the band already...this is embarrassing.
">seems to understand leftism is cancer >says he is a liberal" There's a difference between a Leftist and a liberal, retard. Just like there's a difference between a Conservative and a member of trhe alt-right. Sorry, would "sister-fcker, Jesus-freak, nation of yes-men fckboys pretending to want less government" be more comfortable for you? Pointing out that "hypocrisy" of the liberal commenter probably expended your allotted amount of independent thought.
Michael Barr has the worst voice in the business. He watches youtube videos on how to pig squeal, sad
Mike Scorsese here of the notorious, infamous, legendary and seminal DMS squad. I can say that Eddie will be extorted Elgin James style whenever the cat is in Florida.
>people are actually defending Suicide Silence and especially Eddie on here because he fulfilled the incel fantasy of scoring underaged scene pssy Reminder that you reply to pictures of lolis with "SNNNNNIIIIIFFFFFFFF I SMELL CUNNY" unironically
should've replaced Mitch with Ricky Hoover in the first place
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read the first five words and then stopped.