Post Commentr dEeZ GuIz sTeElInGz dEr nAyM FrUm mAi bAnNeD ?? DiS Iz dEiGhViD GhUn DaT fckEr eVaN LoOkZ LyK MaY FrEnD JiMmEy hEz kNoT In kInG HeZ A OyL ChAyNgRe wYtH Me. hEaR At jIfFz hEz bElOe mE I MaYk 9.70 PuRr wHoR hE MaKs 9.25 DaIvUd gUuN UnDrE BrAkE RuMe tAbEl c/o jIfFz fLiCk mI D 123
This is the most innovative thing I've heard in a while without any doubt. Sounds so fresh.
^ An idiot with a permanently open gob. Put the tongue back in your mouth. Put some clothes on and go get an education.
Yo Lambgoat it's Drew Paul again, here to say I love Pantera and I LOVE King Nine! While you're here don't forget to check out my band METHOD out of Des Moines Iowa! Featuring Sam BOOOOZZZINNN!!!!! on drums!!
What's up this is Sam BOOOOZZZINNNN here to say Drew pail sucks and this new king nine be hittin like a mf BACKWOOD
Possibly the most boring, uninteresting, talentless, pile of crap I've heard in a while .......... but since it's on Closed Casket I guess I'll say that I like it so that all my cool points and tough tokens don't run out on me. I keep coming back to this website in hopes that I'm going to discover something even halfway musical....... but to no avail, I have failed again.
Verses just sound funny, it's like he's a step behind the instruments and not bothering to catch up. Now I need to figure out what's for lunch today
Hey everyone this is Jake Henry and I just had to stop by to say I love Pantera (Drew Paul does not listen to Pantera he is a poser) that's why I'm stoked on this new Album which shares a name with one of my favorite Pantera songs! But Although Drew Paul may not listen to Pantera, I'm stoked to be filling in on bass for his band METHOD this December at Snow and Flurry! Can't wait to play alongside BOOOOOZZZZIIINNNNN!!!!!
Please print cool hoodies for fat frumpies like me to hide under all fall winter spring. Ugh summer sucks
i'm confused. dead end path put this album out 4 years ago
LOL @ Dan Seely quoting Max Katy from Cape Fear. Laziest band in hardcore. First album in four years - they might as well be broken up. Last played NYC last November. No record release shows in NYC, LI, or NJ. No plans to tour and no five shows is not a "tour." Hang it up.
Someone photoshop a dick in place of that mic LOL.
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