Post Comment"Never understood why people like Obituary." -Someone with no idea of what metal was like when Obituary put out their first record. "Most generic band ever." -Someone who's only heard bands inspired by Obituary to reinforce their generic argument.
obituary has nothing on tim lambesis. also, bring this to billings or no care
"Never understood why people like Obituary." -Someone with no idea of what metal was like when Obituary put out their first record. "Most generic band ever." -Someone who's only heard bands inspired by Obituary to reinforce their generic argument. END OF THREAD! i did hear the new Tomb Mold is really good though.
Saw Obituary in Jerome. The Tardy brothers are cool as fck. John kept saying "Sexual Chocolate!!!" for some reason after every song, like some inside/band joke?.. Like in a normal voice, not too sageish. Awesome stuff man but like I noticed Donald holds his right stick the wrong way to make snare hits/rimshots more powerful, but who cares? That actually bothered me more than it should...
^Lad, you're a little too invested in these people's lives; you sound like a stalker.
"Most generic band ever." -Someone who's only heard bands inspired by Obituary to reinforce their generic argument. -someone who can't read. clearly states most generic metal band you can find in the first post. not most generic band ever.
"Never understood why people like Obituary." -Someone with no idea of what metal was like when Obituary put out their first record. "Most generic band ever." -Someone who's only heard bands inspired by Obituary to reinforce their generic argument. -21 year old who knows nothing of Obituary except that they are old school and is trying to sound cool defending them because of it lmao
Doesn't have cemetEry spin kick gravity blasts so no care... :smug face -deathcore jon
if you guys like extreme metal like this you should check out this band five finger death punch they are cool
OB-GYN0 masect0my tour invading a ster0id clinic nearest y0u -Man t-ts 0UT!( (o) )( (o) )
Never understood why people like Obituary. it's about the most generic metal you can find and crappy vocals. Also, first.