Post Commentwhoa whoa WHOA. Dead to fcking Fall is going to be there? I might need to put aside my homophobia for a day and show up to this one. But I would never, ever condone the acts performed by the violent and disgusting FSU crew. They are vile individuals and they do very dirty things behind closed door.
Looks 21+ unfortunately. I only support all-ages shows. Otherwise you're just preaching to the choir. A drunk choir that won't remember a second of your performance. People who like poisoning their body are stoked. Real musicians are not stoked.
what a boring lineup. I'm gonna fcking snooze
I ....can't tell if this is real or not because of how dumb this person sounds??? Of course it's all ages - it's a fest starting at 12pm? "Looks 21+ unfortunately. I only support all-ages shows. Otherwise you're just preaching to the choir. A drunk choir that won't remember a second of your performance. People who like poisoning their body are stoked. Real musicians are not stoked."
I've been to this venue multiple times and it is not "21+"
guy above sounds fcked but it's a tap house? can that be all ages?
The sonic abortion that is TPTD returns. As if 2017 couldn't get shittier.
Joe Ellis looks like an albino teenage mutant ninja turtle
Jordan Peterson is the best mid level band guitarist ever! JORDOOOOOOOO!!!!!
"Looks 21+ unfortunately. I only support all-ages shows. Otherwise you're just preaching to the choir. A drunk choir that won't remember a second of your performance. People who like poisoning their body are stoked. Real musicians are not stoked." Total homo.
I thought the purpose of booking a show or fest was to put together something people would actually come to??
Read "2018" as "2010" and it made perfect sense, at first.
Is that the place that used to be the Picador?
??????? slot is if hope dies and the calico system, respectively
Stu Ross will sleep walk and pee on all of you.
With Dead Hands Rising! That's the real news.
all these bands are complete sh*t. This is possibly one of the worst fest lineups I've ever seen. Call me when SEVEN ANGELS SEVEN PLAGUES RETURNS
Is that the place that used to be the Picador? No it's not. Just up the street though.
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Real talk yo. CYC throwing Tough Love fest in Chi-Raq. The Rumble can sck a dck, this is our city. CYC on top. fck FSU. fck BTL. We coming for everyone. You see my family growing like wild fire. We got prospects in Milwaukee, so they next. Alex Hergan gonna suck my dck till I die. So is that fatty Tito. They my hoes. Y'all can't touch CYC. I'm gonna nut all over Alex's girlfriends nappy-ass hair. 325. III II IV. My daddy is a cop. - Bryan